Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Politicians vs Online Scammers: Entrepreneurial Dilemma

Well, the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee have both concluded their respective conventions and formal nomination of their respective candidates for the next President & Vice-President of the United States of America. Yep, the teams of John McCain & Sarah Palin vs Barak Obama & Joe Biden are receiving 24/7 coverage on a global basis (incredible marketing machines). Now, “what the hell does any of this political stuff have to do with networkers and entrepreneurs? What do politicians and online scammers have in common that can impact those who seek financial independence during these challenging economic times?

Let’s start at the beginning so as to better understand the situation and learn from history
The American politician (local, regional or federal) is a salesman (frequently using deception), who always markets his/her political party affiliation and financial self-interest for ridiculously large profit (never any chump change, only big dollars). Now, politicians always promise, but under-deliver (frequently never deliver at all) on those campaign issues that they swore to fulfill when voted into office by their constituents.
A deal is always made with the public about making improvements for the greater society, but delivery of the goods is rarely a reality. Now, the online scammer is an animal of a similar nature, who also, makes promises to potential the public and assures them that they can generate consistent, predictable and long-term residual income by trusting in him and his newest widget that will generate instant riches (sound familiar?)

So, the politician and online scammer both sell themselves as experts in solving problems for the people, but their respective track recorders reveal zero benefit for those who believe and trust them. In essence, when the politician and online scammers speak do you believe either one? Your ears and eyes absorb their words and action, but your life experience warns you to avoid both (politicians & online scammer), because their words are similar and actions are identical (no results for your investment in them).

I have included 10 examples of conduct that illustrate how politicians and online scammers are basically the same.


Always in recruiting mode to generate more money to remain in office and/or seek higher office with more financial benefits
Networking with other like-minded people (lobbyists, CEO’s of Corp, etc)
Making promises to the public, but rarely fulfilling them
Use deceptive marketing/advertising tactics to target people for their personal gain (Phishing).
Prepared answers for tough questions that challenge their true motives
Using information brokers and public records to gain info about people and then contact them with a great pitch about their purpose.
Using emotional stimuli (pets, pregnant mom, etc) to recruit people for a particular cause close to their hearts
Using volunteers or paid members to contact the public and ask them questions about their personal life.
Submitting surveys and taking polls about current issues so as to see which way the political wind is blowing.
Watching and studying people so as to identify weaknesses or vulnerability for personal gain

Well, no need to provide 10 examples of criminal conduct exhibited by online scammers, because the previous examples are consistent.

Alright, now I have complained about the evil of both these pariahs, who make empty promises and deliver nothing to their victims my question to you is the following,” have you done your research on your business opportunity and your political candidate?”
If not then, time to take action and make an intelligent decision to benefit yourself.

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
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