Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mc Donalds: They Focus on The Mind & Not The Stomach

Mc Doanlds Restaurant, the global Fast Food business conglomerate that says, “Over a billion served” or several billion served by today’s standard is focused on satisfying the needs of their consumer’s mind ad not their stomach. In other words, McDonalds recognized that they are more profitable as a company by satisfying the needs of their consumer’s mind and not their physical hunger. Hold it, that sounds completely idiotic and contrary to what a global fast food restaurant chain is all about. Well, believe it or not Mc Donalds has it right, because they targeted the primary human organ that controls everything about an individual and that is the Mind (brain). Now, what does any of this have to do with generating consistent, predicate and long-term residual income from a home based business? Well, plenty as you read on this article.

Now, there is no question McDonalds has the largest market share on planet earth when it comes to fast food restaurants. How did they do it and how come they are able to hold on to the title? Well, let’s keep it simple, because it makes it easier for me to explain and have less to write. Let’s begin with Psychology 101 so as to understand basic human behavior and it’s role in helping to create a global business giant.

Psychological research has shown, repeated exposure to a stimuli over time will lead to familiarity with the stimuli and probable feelings of trust and comfortability of over time
providing the stimuli is appealing to the subject. So, the more exposure to something the more familiar you become with it. Hence, McDonalds consistently advertisies to the global masses in variety of ways (Internet, banners, signs, toys products) so as to reach the largest number of people so as to consume their product (service). Hey, you thought I would say food is the product, but you are wrong it is service. Now, Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s prided his business on providing a service to the masses in a quick and efficient manner. Why do you think purchasing a McDonalds franchise is so expensive ($1,000,000.00)? When you can provide a service that a large population desires then, generating income becomes a lot easier because the product is consistently exposed to the target market and more importantly, they are already familiar and trust it.
Now, do you recognize why McDonalds is the biggest fast food franchise globally?

Now, an important point to recognize is that the human brain (mind) has a greater hunger than any other organ because it requires constant nourishment to function effectively. If, you starve the brain then, it will cease to function (no blood to the brain, you get the picture). Ask yourself a question, what organ do you see with? The eyes right, wrong. You see with your brain. What organ do you hear with? The ears right, wrong. You hear with your brain. Now, what organ processes both forms of stimuli, yes, the Brain (mind).

Basically, to achieve success or prosperity the brainset or mindset must be altered so as to break through barriers that prevent success. Are you ready to change your mindset and extract those mind viruses that have kept you poor? If yes then, I invite you to explore our online community and support services geared to assisting serious-minded entrepreneurs such as yourself.

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
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