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Sunday, September 26, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
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“You’re not the father”, the immortal words
of the King of Baby Mama Drama himself,
Maury Povich. Needless to say, he and the
parent company (Kingworld) who own the
rights to the Maury Povich Show continue
to generate significant ratings and collateral
revenue because the SHOW deals repetitively
with an old TABOO that is timeless between
MEN and WOMEN known as Infidelity.
Yes, INFIDELITY, that old virus that Infects
marriages globally and generates divorce rates
of 50% within the United States of America
and among other Industrialized Nations. Now,
the old scenario of the MAN being as faithful
as his options is well documented and manifested
in movies, news reports, TV sitcoms, personal ads,
blogs and every other form of MEDIA known to
MAN. Yes, females have often-times been depicted
as the VICTIM of an unfaithful philandering partner,
who failed to adhere to his marriage vows (“till death
do us part”…. clearly he couldn’t wait). Oh yes,
he also, failed to adhere to the 11th Commandment,
“Thou, shall not get caught. But, oh, how times have
Infidelity is no longer the exclusive domain of
MEN. Not on your life because WOMEN have
demanded equality and have exercised that right
as indicated by achieving remarkable statistics
generated through surveys and other research tools
that NOW reveals FEMALE infidelity near equals
that of men. In fact, many researchers believe that
women are more promiscuous than men because
society still retains the stereotypical image of the
women being nurturing and caring for the family.
Yes, JUNE CLEAVER is still hardwired (forgive
the pun) in much of society’s PSYCHE (no wonder
the little ladies can get away with being good in the
KITCHEN and a whore in the Bedroom……. Just
not with their husband/partner).
Clearly, fidelity is being practiced less and less among
married and unmarried couples today for various reasons.
However, an important issue emerged during the 1990s
and continues to have significant legal and societal
ramifications, which legislators still FAIL to effectively
address and resolve through law.
Can you guess what I am now referring to………..YES,
Paternity Fraud (No, this has never happened to me).
Paternity Fraud refers to a paternal discrepancy or a
non-paternity event, in which a mother names a man
to be the biological father of a child, particularly for
self-interest, when she knows or suspects that he is not
the biological father.[1
In many jurisdictions, there is limited opportunity to legally
challenge the assumption of paternity. For example, by
forbidding men to challenge paternity, especially in the
context of marriage, by limiting the amount of time
allowed to challenge paternity, or by allowing women to
make a claim of paternity without adequate chance for
rebuttal by the alleged father. In some jurisdictions, the
husband of the mother of a child is held to be the father,
regardless of biological relationship.
Obviously, you’re asking the question, “why does the law
limit a man’s ability to challenge Paternity…... the answer
Is very simple MONEY. Yeah, simple Dollars and Cents.
These females (single mothers) frequently, seek financial
support from governmental bodies in the form of welfare
benefits. Well, local government wants to recoup their
loss, when they payout benefits to these women and their
children. So, who is the father and where does he live?
Well, if the motheris uncertain who sired her child then,
the man with the Deepest Pockets or Whereabouts
Unknown frequently, becomes named DADDY.
Additionally, Daddy by Default Laws (legally named
the father of a child, who is not biologically related),
help foster the current problem of Paternity Fruad.
So, a SOLUTION to the problem of Paternity Fraud,
would be mandatory DNA testing for every live birth.
Makes sense right, but hold on…. there are those who
oppose DNA testing, but why and what’s their motivation?
Well, let’s identify the Special Interest Groups:
· Now (National Women’s Organization)
· Attorneys
· Child Support Enforcement
· State/Local Governments/Social Services
National Organization of Women the feminist
Organization played a significant role in the
Creation of No Fault Divorce in 1970. Now,
why would NOW oppose paternity fraud
legislation that biologically links a new born
with its father? Well, research has revealed that
various Blood Banks organizations have determined
statistically 25% - 30% of men named as a father in
fact, are not the biological father of their children.
Needless to say, the aforementioned statistics don’t
Enhance the credibility of an organization that demands
Equality for Women.
Attorneys, clearly have an incentive to oppose a
SOLUTION to paternity fraud, because no legal
intervention or very minimal is required when
science matches Papa and Junior biologically.
Oh yes, Mama will not profit from her infidelity.
Child Support Enforcement, is out of
Business when the right man is identified
as the biological father of a child.
State/Local Government/Social Services Agencies
receive matching funds from the federal government
when they can assign a father who owes child support
regardless if, he is biologically related to the child.
Now, DNA testing would clearly, reduce this Cash Cow.
It is truly ironic how DNA evidence can save a man’s
life On Death Row; yet, the same scientific evidence
is considered irrelevant after 1 or 2-years
(Expiration date to challenge Paternity). The courts
supposedly focus on “Determining the best interest of
the child”; however, the current legal system has failed
to achieve that goal……. Just ask the non-biological
male, who continues to pay child support for a child
that isn’t his.
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurnjames@hushmail.com
URL: http://www.SuccessRoute.biz
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Sunday, September 25, 2011
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