GOVT Wants
Taxpayers NOT Entrepreneurs....WHY?
“We are All are Taxpayers,
however, the masses
are mentally dependent on Govt,
while the
entrepreneur seeks and often
achieves financial
independence from Govt because
Freedom is
It's always important to recognise that
majority of
politicians/ lawmakers are attorneys
and this is
deliberate; therefore, one must ALWAYS
the immortal words of Vito Corleone,
from the
movie The Godfather, “Lawyers
can steal more
money with a briefcase than a
thousand men
with guns and masks."
So, politicians always herald the
benefits of Capitalism
and Free Market Economics; yet, no plan
to implement
Mandatory Entrepreneurship nor courses
on Free
Enterprise in Public School System to
help reduce current
and future unemployment challenges,
while increasing
job creation for those who are not as
ambitious. The
obvious question is WHY? Reduce
unnecessary social
social welfare spending, reduce crime
and generational
poverty so as to better the quality of
life for ALL.
SORRY, GOVT profits from Problems not
Sounds mad doesn't it but, there is
logic in the previous
statement; therefore, pay close
attention to rest of the
article so as to better understand the
Economic Mercenaries
and their allies who, maintain the
insane institution known
as GOVT and why entrepreneurship isn't
heavily funded.
Now, COPORATIONS are the main
supporters of today's
Bought & Paid for Congress (Google
Citizens United),
yes, campaign contributions but, most
people call it
Bribery. Anyway, the reason (s) are
Self Preservation is the main culprit
and money, tons
of it is the Aphrodisiac that sustains
the longevity of
corrupt govt. Darwinism or Economic
Darwinism is
about the following: Survival of
The Fittest. GOVT
like all entities looks out for
Number#1 due to the fact,
over time it becomes bureaucratic and
focused on its
own existence rather than serving it's
original function.
Like Frankenstein Monster designed to
serve it's
creator but, gradually gained POWER and
uncontrollable causing more DAMGAE
GOOD..........sound familiar.
Well, GOVT is society's MONSTER that
originally was
created for the welfare (forgive the
pun) of the people but,
evolved into this entity that is all
omnipotent; yet, incompetent
because of it's poor decision making
and legislative edicts to
govern and allegedly solve PROBLEMS
(Heaven Help Us).
Now, that the monster has run amok and
continues to destroy.
What can be done to STOP the tyranny?
Now, remember
there are many people who have an
investment in the Status-quo.
Well, SOLUTIONS that work are like an
Honest-Politician. Yes,
a contradiction in terms; however,
there exits a few but the Monster
will seek them out and remove them
permanently for obvious
reasons. It's about Power &
Control for GOVT and this is why
SOLUTIONS that work are sabotaged from
the beginning. Think
about it if, SOLUTIONS are implemented
that work then, what
do you need GOVT for in the first
Indeed, many societal problems that
have existed generationally;
however, reforms that would STOP or
significantly reduce problems
are NOT implemented because Special
Interest Groups use GOVT
to maintain their interests (political,
social, legal and/or Economic);
otherwise, certain people would have to
seek a Real Job or pay
appropriate taxes in relation to the
revenue they generate thanks
to generous GOVT tax breaks and/or
public-funded subsidies.
So, Government and Business are
partners but, Government
and Entrepreneurship are the antithesis
of each other despite,
the symbiotic relationship that exists
between the two
communities. Yes, sounds contradictory
but, entrepreneurship
is about Independence, Creativity and
Innovation when cultivating
a start up or existing business.
Government functions on the
status-quo and often resistant to
innovation and/or change
because of the Fear of loss of Power
and Control. Clearly,
those on the lower end of the SES
Ladder are taxpayers, who
are more easily controlled and will
fund future bureaucratic
inertia, while the entrepreneur is just
the opposite because he
will move his enterprise in a heartbeat
if, economic conditions
are not conducive to him. Needless to
say, future taxpayers with
little to no resources and desired
because they easily controlled.
Let's change the state of affairs with
a shift in MINDSET.
I invite you to review our information
Educational Reform in Business or more
entrepreneurship is available:
Talk to you soon,
Vaurn James
in generating between