Kids Are Expensive.....Avoid
Fatherhood and Try Home Business Instead
he's been the leader, provider and
responsible for everything and everyone
in his
domicile; however, his RIGHTS have
diminished and
responsibilities increased,
while losing
his freedom if, he cannot afford
the expenses
due to signing the Legal Contract”
Elderfield James
So, the World's
Oldest Profession is Prostitution but,
did you know
Marriage and/or Parenthood are the
World's Oldest
Business? Yes, I know in past articles
I insisted SALES
was both the oldest profession and
business but, I was
clearly wrong because mummy
and daddy had to
enter into a partnership to create a
Business Entity
known as a Family that was facilitated
through a Legal
Contract called MARRIAGE or better
known as “Tying
the NOOSE”. Oh yes, in all marriages
there is a third
partner in this menage-a-trios the STATE.
So, do you realise
anyone who successfully confirmed
Marriage and/or
Parenthood became a Business Owner?
Yes, but, most men
don't view nor recognise that their
decision to “Tie
The Noose” and/or become “Daddy”
in the long-run
will cost them significant sums of their
current and future
(Yes, 401K) earning abilities/potential.
Now everyone has
heard of Alimony (Vaginamoney) and
because both a re billion dollar industries
controlled by GOVT ; however, do
you realise the
start up cost for one child as per the United
Staes Department of
Agriculture is approximately $250,000
Dollars (0-18 years
old). Yes, a quarter of a million dollars
from birth through
age 18-years old which doesn't include
college and other
expected miscellaneous expenses. So, is
it worth spending
$250,000 per kid... oh yes, most people
have more than one
child; therefore, let's increase the cost to
What could you do
with $250k-$500k dollars? What kind of
investments or
purchase of stocks you could make with such
a large sum of
money? Think about it long-term. Since, marriage
has a failure rate
of more than 50%, women initiating 70% of the
divorces and
child-custody is given to the mum 90% of the time.
Oh yes, a request
for an adjustment (increase ) is always granted
by the Family Court
Judge then, what is the benefit in becoming
a FATHER? Well,
the answer is SIMPLE....the same benefit in
being married and
that's another Institution where you have
to be an inmate
mentally before volunteering for this form of abuse.
So, the institution
of FATHERHOOD has become less attractive and
more expensive for
men for obvious reasons. Allow, me to
offer a better
solution for the replacement of Women and Children.
Home Business or
Business which is about relationship building.
Yes, you develop an
intimate relationship with a female and sire
children to form
that Corporation called a Family. Only, problem
with this unique
busibess venture there are hidden costs like
: Alimony For Life,
Child-Support w/College Years, Child-Support
w/Paternity Fraud
and miscellaneous Family Court fees....lovely!!
So, consider the
Cost-Benefit Analysis of being a traditional Daddy
versus entrepreneur
and what is the payoff ? Exactly, in a capitalist
society Cash is
King but, the more people you help in making cash for
thm then, you are
elevated to status of Emperor. Seems if, you develop a
relationship with
serious-minded entrepreneurs to create a WIN-WIN
for both then, your
benefits are more PROFITABLE and long-term.
You can get
everything in life you want if you will just help enough
other people get
what they want. Zig Ziglar
So, are you ready
to increase your VALUE and Skills
as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur
and generate
Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term
income for Yourself and not your
former partner?
If yes, then, I invite you to examine
our information and
eliminate any Self Limiting Beliefs
that are costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in
the MLM Cemetery.
Vaurn James