Entrepreneurship: New Threat to Government Sponsored Indoctrination…I Mean, Education.

“Education must serve politics, must be combined with
productive labor”. “The primary concern
of education is not acquisition of knowledge, but the remodeling of behavior,
attitudes, emotion and thoughts” ...Theodore Chen in Communist China,
Sounds like something right out of the Manchurian Candidate
back in 1962 and you would be correct. Today’s
educational institutions are an extension of state control both in and out of
the classroom with increasing authority over children who are being programmed
to function like mindless automatons to eventually, replace the current
workforce, while working for the greater benefit of the state without question. Yes, Brave New World, Animal Farm and 1984 have
already arrived with increasing state authority over its most desired segment
of the population the young (children/adolescents/young adults). Indeed, children have become the property of
the state through Orwellian means (China and North Korea sound familiar). Let’s remember this expansion of government
power and control over the masses was aided by the 911 Attack (September 2001)
and since then, forfeiture of civil liberties and adherence to the Constitution/Bill
Rights have become marginalized in lieu of safety. What did Benjamin Franklin, once said, “he
who gives up a little freedom for security deserves neither”. Guess what, it doesn’t stop and government
wanting more control over your child’s personal life increases. Seems J.D Rockefeller, was right when he
said, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers”. Yes, the Borg is real and the assimilation process
starts in school; however, parental control and influence are gradually diminished
with little objection from them.
So, entrepreneurship is a threat to the status-quo but, how
you ask? Seems contradictory because
it’s Age of the Entrepreneur and governments are more than willing to invest
funds into new ideas to yield innovation and new technology to generate money,
jobs and tax revenue. Like any good
mercenary government plays both sides of a conflict, while exercising Free
Market Capitalism (accepting donations from corporations, while taxing everyone
else). Yes, it’s about cash, power and
control. Government recognizes that
entrepreneurs are renegades and better to join than fight them; however, the
masses can be controlled by manipulation via social welfare benefits, education,
grants (single mothers), media and legal changes (e.g., V.A.WA., women given greater
authority over children). Nothing like
good old divide and conquer tactics designed for safety reasons and also make
vulnerable sectors of the population to feel good about themselves. However, when you accept gifts from
government there’s cost you have to pay.
Now, let’s seek assistance from British author and public
speaker David Icke, who has written many articles, lectured and shared his
concern about schools functioning as “Programming Prisons” for your kids. Alright, what’s the connection between
entrepreneurship and children being programed (brainwashed) to serve the state? Well, Mr. Icke shared the answer is found in
neuroscience or more specially in our right and left brain hemispheres. The left-brain controls rational thought
(logic, structure, discipline, conformity), while the right-brain hemisphere
controls creativity (originality, uniqueness, emotions). Now, both hemispheres are dependent upon each
other and connected through the corpus callosum, which facilitates
interhemispheric communication between them.
Now, if you wanted to control a society of people what part of the brain
and segment of the population would you manipulate? You got it, left-brain and children. As Mr. Icke coined the phrase, Left-Brain
Prisoner is programmed through the educational system. The power elite recognized long ago they
could profit by getting people to “buy into the system” by encouraging society
to invest in higher education, home-ownership, joining social/political groups
and other structured organizations that reinforce ideals, ideologies and values
generally embraced by the greater society.
“The aim of public education isn’t to spread enlightenment at all, it is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same level, to breed a
standard citizenry to put down dissent and originality” (H. L., Mencken). In truth, the goal is to monetize and program
the public starting from cradle to grave in real time.
No doubt, you can see how entrepreneurs could cause
disruption for the power elite due to the fact, the traits/qualities of an
entrepreneur are primarily right-brain and contrary to the indoctrination
process found in almost all educational institutions. Don’t believe me, Texas Board of Education in their platform opposed Critical Thinking as
being disruptive threat to parental authority (they later modified their
platform). Additionally, they also,
voted against fact
checking of textbooks by university professors. Talk about maintaining authoritarian control
at all cost but, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Here’s an example where government (Court)
ruled in favor of Police
Departments can refuse to hire intelligent people.
It is no coincidence that school days are getting longer,
because the state is centered on reducing a child’s time to Free Think on
problem solving. Sadly, it’s about
conditioning children to self-regulate or produce a specific response or
reaction that suits the state. Entrepreneurship
is the diametrical opposite of today’s educational system because problem-solving
is a primary motivator of today’s social entrepreneurs. Creating products/services that bring value
to the free market, while solving problems for their target market. Free Thinkers who pursue innovation and new
technology are creative and critical in their thought process.
families have been sending their children to school and then, later university
because of their belief in education and more importantly, post-secondary
education teaches young people how to be financially self-sufficient. Unfortunately, higher education and its costs
continue to escalate beyond the reach of the middle-class and those on the lower
tier of the socioeconomic ladder. So,
what options do parents have to give their children a better quality of
life? Well, in a global economy that is
based on information/knowledge designed to make things more efficient and most
importantly, profitable for companies I suggest entrepreneurship/home business
as the solution to the problem.
Knowledge is P-O-W-E-R but, applied knowledge is P-R-O-F-I-T-A-B-L-E
because a Solution to a problem generates a high monetized value for those who
successfully provide an answer to a problem.