MGTOW: Ideal Mindset For Home Business Success~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
“No Man is FREE who is not master of
The above quote is straight forward and
is part of
developing and maintaining a
Millionaire, Champion
or Success MINDSET. The meaning and
benefits are
clear because those who want to achieve
success in
business need to start with Cleaning
their own house.
Now, one of the great foundations in
development that assist those who want
success involves a movement called
Men Going Their Own Way. MGTOW, is
exponentially on a global basis because
it's a
philosophy of “self-ownership and
saying that only
you have the right to decide what your
goals in life
should be”. “ It is saying that, as
a man I will not
surrender my will to the social
expectations of women
and society, because both have become
hostile against
masculinity”. In deed, AVOID negative
energy in life.
So, a Millionaire, Champion of Success
Mindset is
essential to your future success in
business because
it starts 6-inches between your ears.
Want success
then, Thinking and Living it is
mandatory; otherwise,
you will be like 95% on home business
owners who
arrive safely in what I call the MLM
Cemetery where
failed marketers come to rest for
eternity....lovely place.
Well, not really because as Robert
DeNiro once said,
“The saddest thing in life is wasted
Talent”. Now,
many say the same thing about men to
tie the Old
NOOSE, I mean Knot, because he has in
most cases
given up on his dreams in pursuit of
Societal Normality....wife, house with
picket fence
and 1.8 CHILDREN...what more could any
man ask
for in life.
Now, the pleasantry are over let's look
at the benefit
of being and/or becoming a Business
and not an Economic Mercenary. Being
an entrepreneur
by definition is an Individual who goes
his own way and
unwilling to be subservient to
Corporate nor GOVT Masters.
Yes, this is what we call MGTOWS and
for good
reason because FREEDOM is priceless and
hard to
achieve when your Economic Survival is
by another Individual and/or business
One of the most effective ways to gain
Control of your Freedom is to know your
Magic Number.
So, as a MGTOW how about a Business
where you develop an Intimate-
Partnership with
customers/clients because you recognize
the benefits
of a WIN-WIN situation, while bypassing
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Marriage and
eventual, Divorce.
Now, “You, are your business and you
represent what
your business is all about” ;
therefore, Success or
Failure is all based on you and nobody
else. Makes
sense; therefore, investing in yourself
to become a
better businessman is critical to your
So, are you ready to increase your
VALUE and Skills
as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur
and generate
Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term
income for Yourself and not your
former partner?
If yes, then, I invite you to examine
our information and
eliminate any Self Limiting Beliefs
that are costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in
the MLM Cemetery.
Oh yes, since attorneys are involved
in Marriages
the following famous quote should
always be kept
in mind, "an attorney with a
briefcase can steal more
money than a hundred
men with guns and masks”.
A young man married is a man that's
(All's Well That Ends Well
is vitally important to have a very concrete
reason to build passive income or you won't
do it.
Are you ready?
60 days from now your life can be completely
Imagine how you'd feel to be able to spend
more time with your kids and less time at
Go here <--- span="">--->
Watch and take notes...
Don't wait, take a leap of faith and decide you
want something better.
You can do this!
Income Disclosure Talk soon.
reason to build passive income or you won't
do it.
Are you ready?
60 days from now your life can be completely
Imagine how you'd feel to be able to spend
more time with your kids and less time at
Go here <--- span="">--->
Watch and take notes...
Don't wait, take a leap of faith and decide you
want something better.
You can do this!
Income Disclosure Talk soon.
Vaurn James
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