Firstly, let me quote J. Paul Getty, with his immortal words,
“I would rather profit from 1% of the efforts of 100
people rather than 100% of my own efforts”. Obviously,
Getty knew something about wealth-generation, but more
importantly, he knew the importance of working with others,
because strength in numbers reduces risk, increases the
probability of success and generates greater profit for all.
People who posses a Millionaire Mindset or Prosperity-
Thinkers, recognize the importance of TEAM BUILDING,
which is for our purposes is a process of building a community
of like-minded individuals, who develop a relationship with
each other over time and work together to achieve a
common objective (hopefully, a WIN-WIN situation for all).
Now, if you’re one of those John Wayne types with the “go it
alone” attitude then, you definitely have secured your
reservation in the MLM Cemetery, which is the final resting
ground for all the broke DICKS (I mean, broke Richards).
Oh yes, the MLM Cemetery is supposedly, permeated with
“Emotional Vampires”. Now, Jerry “D Rhino” Clark,
described them as “people who are committed to living a
life that... oh ... for lack of a better word... "Sucks"... And
they don't want to be alone... Thus, they hunt down people,
like you and I, who seem to be joyful, positive, excited about
life, and full of energy... Once they find us, they stick their
"spiritual fangs" into our "spiritual veins" and proceed to suck
all of the life force out of us so we can be miserable like them”.
Yes, it sounds like marriage, but that’s another debate.
Any way, there’s a basic fundamental reason why working
alone in any business capacity or life in general is dangerous,
because MAN is a social animal, who requires the support of
others to maintain his existence and advance his heirs. The
Animal Kingdom epitomizes the importance of Networking
on a daily basis as indicated by the LION PRIDE working
as a collective to target an opportunity (Impala) for it’s
next meal. Hence, working together increases the probability
of success and ensures security for the promotion of future
generations. Yep, seems like that’s the same goal we
marketers have regarding our business opportunity.
So, the BORG, had it right when they spoke about the
collective and it’s focus on achieving a goal through
the efforts of many. Now, we humans must incorporate
our own unique individualism within our enterprise,
but also, must not lose sight of the importance of
working with other like-mined people, who desire to
generate consistent, predictable and long-term
residual income. In essence, we leverage our efforts
with others to achieve our individual goals.
So, how much money have you generated working alone
and how do you feel about the future of your enterprise
with your current method of operation? Again, animals,
who work alone in the wild tend to be more unsuccessful
and increase their chances of starvation compared to those,
working as TEAM.
Lastly, before departing Network Marketing is the Art &
Science of empowering, communicating and connecting
with others based upon their needs.
To learn more about our Global Community and Monitor
Network operated by LIVE people, who assist in closing
sales for our dealers click on the link below:
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Successful Marketers Always Embrace These Words: “It’s Time To Go To Skool”
Firstly, let me quote America’s foremost business
philosopher Jim Rohn, “your income is directly
related to your philosophy and not the economy”.
“Success is something you attract by the person
you become”. I’ll let you figure out what that
means because that’s your homework assignment.
So, your goal is to become a successful marketer and
learn how to generate consistent, predictable and
long-term residual income. In addition, but most
importantly, you want to create a WIN-WIN situation
for all parties who participate in your joint venture
projects. If, you thought your school days of reading,
writing, critical thinking and providing solutions to
people’s problems was over then, you’ve secured
your reservation in the MLM Cemetery. Yep, that’s
where all the broke DICKS (I mean, Richards) retire
with their Non Profit Agency. I hope that’s not YOU,
but hey, our industry has a 97% failure rate. So kiddies,
“It’s Time to Skool”.
Now, this curriculum called Wealth-Generation, requires it’s
students to invest in Personal Development so as to develop
the needed skills, knowledge, tenacity and self-discipline
required for all the obstacles that will be encountered in the
quest for Financial-Prosperity. Yes, this University of Life
and Skool of Hard Knocks, only rewards those, who provide
solutions to problems and not those who can memorize
information that is geared towards working a J.O.B for
80 hrs per/wk for 40-years (hopefully, you won’t be laid-off
just before you retire with full pension).
Now, the task of increasing your VALUE requires
internal changes that improve your ability to connect
with others and overcome limitations that in the past have
kept you mentally as an under-achiever. In essence, increasing
your VALUE is comparable to becoming a better student
of the game. Oh yes, the best students in this discipline are
rewarded handsomely for their ability to provide solutions to
problems. It’s imperative to remember, “we get paid by
bringing value to the market and not time working a job”.
Finally, how is your work ethic? If it isn’t action-
oriented then, you will make zero income because
constant learning is a GAURANTEED requirement
for personal success. “Want more then, you must become
more”. So, are you ready to learn and develop the
needed Millionaire Mindset or remain comfortable
with Lottery Mentality, which is addictive, but not
very profitable?
Alright, Skool is out, let’s see what you’ve learned.
Whatever Your Keyword
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
philosopher Jim Rohn, “your income is directly
related to your philosophy and not the economy”.
“Success is something you attract by the person
you become”. I’ll let you figure out what that
means because that’s your homework assignment.
So, your goal is to become a successful marketer and
learn how to generate consistent, predictable and
long-term residual income. In addition, but most
importantly, you want to create a WIN-WIN situation
for all parties who participate in your joint venture
projects. If, you thought your school days of reading,
writing, critical thinking and providing solutions to
people’s problems was over then, you’ve secured
your reservation in the MLM Cemetery. Yep, that’s
where all the broke DICKS (I mean, Richards) retire
with their Non Profit Agency. I hope that’s not YOU,
but hey, our industry has a 97% failure rate. So kiddies,
“It’s Time to Skool”.
Now, this curriculum called Wealth-Generation, requires it’s
students to invest in Personal Development so as to develop
the needed skills, knowledge, tenacity and self-discipline
required for all the obstacles that will be encountered in the
quest for Financial-Prosperity. Yes, this University of Life
and Skool of Hard Knocks, only rewards those, who provide
solutions to problems and not those who can memorize
information that is geared towards working a J.O.B for
80 hrs per/wk for 40-years (hopefully, you won’t be laid-off
just before you retire with full pension).
Now, the task of increasing your VALUE requires
internal changes that improve your ability to connect
with others and overcome limitations that in the past have
kept you mentally as an under-achiever. In essence, increasing
your VALUE is comparable to becoming a better student
of the game. Oh yes, the best students in this discipline are
rewarded handsomely for their ability to provide solutions to
problems. It’s imperative to remember, “we get paid by
bringing value to the market and not time working a job”.
Finally, how is your work ethic? If it isn’t action-
oriented then, you will make zero income because
constant learning is a GAURANTEED requirement
for personal success. “Want more then, you must become
more”. So, are you ready to learn and develop the
needed Millionaire Mindset or remain comfortable
with Lottery Mentality, which is addictive, but not
very profitable?
Alright, Skool is out, let’s see what you’ve learned.
Whatever Your Keyword
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
He’s Been Practicing Daily for 12 Hrs: Yep, That’s why He said, “What Recession?”
Michael Jordan, Lewis Hamilton, Tiger Woods or
any top professional makes things look so simple and
effortlessly, when they’re in action. In addition, they
generate incredible earnings be they active or inactive.
So, what’s their secret to their remarkable wealth
generating abilities? Simple, they do the thing
average people hate doing and it’s called practicing
or in the case of network marketing daily
Yes, the daily investment into one’s craft so as to
enhance his/her skills and abilities to exceed the
previous benchmark of success. Champions are
willing to do more than the average person because
they are obsessively motivated to achieve VICTORY.
Champions develop what’s commonly known as a
Champion Mindset or in the case of network marketing
a Millionaire Mindset.
So, as author Pat Mesiti once said, “having a millionaire
mindset means you play to win as opposed to simply
playing not to lose”. Needless to say, Jordan,
Hamilton and Woods hate to lose, but what about YOU?
What kind of mindset do you possess and are you willing
to work to achieve success or fail before you begin?
Well, are you ready to incorporate consistent training into
your regiment so as to develop the mindset of a champion and
generate consistent, predictable and long-term residual income?
If yes, then, please review of our information:
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
any top professional makes things look so simple and
effortlessly, when they’re in action. In addition, they
generate incredible earnings be they active or inactive.
So, what’s their secret to their remarkable wealth
generating abilities? Simple, they do the thing
average people hate doing and it’s called practicing
or in the case of network marketing daily
Yes, the daily investment into one’s craft so as to
enhance his/her skills and abilities to exceed the
previous benchmark of success. Champions are
willing to do more than the average person because
they are obsessively motivated to achieve VICTORY.
Champions develop what’s commonly known as a
Champion Mindset or in the case of network marketing
a Millionaire Mindset.
So, as author Pat Mesiti once said, “having a millionaire
mindset means you play to win as opposed to simply
playing not to lose”. Needless to say, Jordan,
Hamilton and Woods hate to lose, but what about YOU?
What kind of mindset do you possess and are you willing
to work to achieve success or fail before you begin?
Well, are you ready to incorporate consistent training into
your regiment so as to develop the mindset of a champion and
generate consistent, predictable and long-term residual income?
If yes, then, please review of our information:
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Sunday, May 10, 2009
It’s A Deadlier Virus Than Swine Flu: Are You and Your Business Infected By It?
Does this business opportunity cost any money? If,
a prospect has asked you this question then, he or she
definitely has contracted one of the deadliest viruses
known to Mankind. Yep, the Swine Flu is dangerous,
but “Lottery Mentality” is fatal, because it’s already at
Pandemic proportions and it attacks the most important
organ in the human body, which is the BRAIN.
Now, the human brain or mind functions like a
computer or to be precise a Central Processing Unit,
that intakes all information it’s fed and will process it.
Unfortunately, like all computers the BRAIN can be
infected by Viruses and cause the disruption of normal
processing of information and result in generation of
misinformation or complete shutdown, with no solution
to a problem.
Now, “Lottery Mentality” basically is a mindset that
functions like a dangerous virus that facilitates desire
or expectation of receiving UNEARNED SUCCESS.
In otherwords, “I expect large sums of money or instant
success without hardwork”. Hence, this kind of thinking
is contrary to Millionaire Mindset, which is a pattern of
thinking that focuses on achieving a solution to a problem
and not making excuses despite challenges or failure.
An unfortunate fact of Lottery Mentality is that research
has shown that State Lotteries tend to grow significantly
during recessions and people living at poverty income levels
make up between 50%-80% of lottery tickets purchased.
Needless to say, many appear to believe that the lottery is
their only option to achieve financial success.
Success of any kind is an internal process beginning with
the mental decision to achieve an objective in a step-by-step
process, which is contrary to the mindset of those infected by
Lottery Mentality. Obviously, luck isn’t the most reliable
Method of achieving consistent predictable and long-term
residual income, but that is the belief of many who subscribe
to the Lottery Mindset.
So, what’s the solution to this MENTAL ILLNESS?
Well, let’s begin with changing your pattern of thinking.
Remember the following quote, “you can only make or
retain money to the degree that your awareness or
consciousness allows you to retain”.
To receive further information about the true process of
eliminating Lottery Mentality and developing Prosperity
thinking, click on the following link:
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
a prospect has asked you this question then, he or she
definitely has contracted one of the deadliest viruses
known to Mankind. Yep, the Swine Flu is dangerous,
but “Lottery Mentality” is fatal, because it’s already at
Pandemic proportions and it attacks the most important
organ in the human body, which is the BRAIN.
Now, the human brain or mind functions like a
computer or to be precise a Central Processing Unit,
that intakes all information it’s fed and will process it.
Unfortunately, like all computers the BRAIN can be
infected by Viruses and cause the disruption of normal
processing of information and result in generation of
misinformation or complete shutdown, with no solution
to a problem.
Now, “Lottery Mentality” basically is a mindset that
functions like a dangerous virus that facilitates desire
or expectation of receiving UNEARNED SUCCESS.
In otherwords, “I expect large sums of money or instant
success without hardwork”. Hence, this kind of thinking
is contrary to Millionaire Mindset, which is a pattern of
thinking that focuses on achieving a solution to a problem
and not making excuses despite challenges or failure.
An unfortunate fact of Lottery Mentality is that research
has shown that State Lotteries tend to grow significantly
during recessions and people living at poverty income levels
make up between 50%-80% of lottery tickets purchased.
Needless to say, many appear to believe that the lottery is
their only option to achieve financial success.
Success of any kind is an internal process beginning with
the mental decision to achieve an objective in a step-by-step
process, which is contrary to the mindset of those infected by
Lottery Mentality. Obviously, luck isn’t the most reliable
Method of achieving consistent predictable and long-term
residual income, but that is the belief of many who subscribe
to the Lottery Mindset.
So, what’s the solution to this MENTAL ILLNESS?
Well, let’s begin with changing your pattern of thinking.
Remember the following quote, “you can only make or
retain money to the degree that your awareness or
consciousness allows you to retain”.
To receive further information about the true process of
eliminating Lottery Mentality and developing Prosperity
thinking, click on the following link:
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
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