Vaurn James’s Newsletter
December 31, 2010
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
“Money isn’t everything, but it ranks up there with OXYGEN”.
Achieve success during inevitable down turns in the economy
by following 8 RULES of financial growth.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
This title is sure to startle people who follow the ups and downs of the economy with care and perception. "Economic disruption," they might say. "Whaaat? It is my distinct impression that things economic are improving, slowly but surely. Am I wrong?"
No, you're right. Things ARE improving, the signs are unmistakable:
Item: Online 2010 Christmas sales rose 15% this holiday season from October 31 to December 23. Online retailers took in $36.5 billion during this period, compared to $31.5 billion the same period a year ago. (Note: apparel sales lead the way with $7.3 billion in sales, up 25.7 percent from a year ago.)
Item: Weekly unemployment applications of around 425,00 signal modest job growth. Such applications peaked at 651,000 in March, 2009.
Item: Companies increased their orders for long- lasting manufactured products by the sharpest increase in eight months, the Department of Commerce reported before Christmas, 2010. Demand rose for computers, appliances, and heavy machinery... with overall expected 2011 growth at 3.5 percent to 4 percent, up from 2.8 percent in 2010. Andante ma non troppo.
The rich are out and about buying things meretricious de rigueur for the country club set.
As retailers to the rich can unhappily confirm, wealthy shoppers, with their penchant for acquiring gaudy and overpriced items the rest of the world gets by quite happily without, were in short supply during the recession. This Christmas season of 2010 was very different. Mere bagatelles such as luxury automobiles and eye-popping ice were snapped up with alacrity -- and no buyer's remorse.
Said Michael J. Silverstein, a senior partner at the Boston Consulting Group in Chicago. "Many households with incomes above $100,000 don't believe the sky is falling anymore. And when they don't believe the sky is falling anymore, they want things." Amen.
For instance, some national chains and independent merchants expect double-digit increases in jewelry sales for 2010, a dramatic turn-around from the painful 40 percent drops the hardest hit jewelers experienced since 2008.
So, if things are getting better bit-by-bit, why is this article about the next great economic disruption?
Because, quite frankly, the ease and abundance of good times are like a drug obliterating the painful lessons and memories of bad times... which all contributes to creating the next, inevitable bad times. Instead of losing the lessons of the still clear and painful past, we need to make every effort to remember them.... while preparing for the next great economic disruption for which we must be better prepared than the one from which we're emerging from now.
The great English romantic poet Lord Byron can assist us. One day his lordship received a message from his demanding inamorata Lady Caroline Lamb to "remember" her. Tired to death of her incessant impositions, he sent her this message of unmistakable clarity:
"Remember thee! remember thee! Till Lethe quench life's burning stream. Remorse and shame shall cling to thee, and haunt thee like a feverish dream!
Lord Byron indeed would remember and rearrange matters accordingly ... and so must we all. After all, we all know that such disruptions occur at predictable intervals for which we must be ready.
Here are the preparatory steps to follow starting TODAY!
1) Start a "rainy day" fund. Build this fund by regular monthly additions until it represents at least 6 months of total home expenses and not a cent less. Building this fund in good times takes exceptional determination, not least because in such times you want to "make up" for the things you went without during the recession. At all times, therefore, you must remind yourself that the next bad times are on the way... and that you are determined to be ready for them. Save then as if your life depends upon it... for it does.
2) Survey all expenses. If you think you did so during the bad times, think again. Now you know how many of these things you can comfortably do without. Root them out now... and put the savings in the "rainy day" account. Turning current expenses into income-producing capital is a crucial part of how you'll get comfortably through the next bad times.
3) Review the damage the bad times made. Did you, for instance, borrow against an IRA account or life insurance policy? If so, you must replace these funds by regular monthly payments, not least because such borrowings are likely to have tax and high interest payment implications. These need to be taken care of ASAP.
4) Start your trek ahead with a clear understanding, with a precise, realistic appraisal of where you are today. Many people at this point in the economic cycle are deeply depressed by what they have lost. This is a mistake. Instead of fretting over what is gone from your asset balance, instead review what you have and consider just how you will improve your net worth.
Still more recommendations
5) If you are self-employed, as many people reading this article are, always make the maximum allowable contributions into your retirement account. Treat these as payments, as you would any invoice. And always pay these retirement payments first, before other bills.
6) Make the maximum charitable donations that you can. Your charitable contributions should begin in January of the New Year... and not in December. You should set a dollar donation objective for the year (in conjunction, of course, with your accountant.) Start working towards it as the New Year dawns and not as it exits.
7) Remove yourself from what I call the "squandering classes." Review each and every expenditure... not just for yourself but for any children still at home and old enough to have jobs. All have a responsibility to think first, determine whether this expense is in fact warranted, and reduce or go without whenever possible.
8) "Batten down the hatches" for 1 month. As a test of your system and habits, live one month in the good times as if it were one month in the bad. Cut expenses accordingly and see how easy (or difficult) your life would be in recessionary times. Such a drill should yield many good ideas as well as clarity on your spending habits.
Death, taxes, bad economic times
When I was growing up people said there were 2 great inevitabilities of life: death and taxes. However, there is in fact at least 1 more: bad economic times. Count on it. They will recur in your life over and over again.
Will you be ready for them?
You certainly will be if you treat them as the certainties they are and prepare accordingly, along the lines of this article. Doing so, when they arrive you will have nothing to fear, and that places you amongst the very smartest and best prepared, the ones destined to ride out the next great economic storm in comfort and with quiet satisfaction.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Your lousy communication skills are hurting yourself and others. Here's what you need to do at once.
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
December 8, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate” — spoken by The Captain (Cool Hand Luke). Success of any kind requires effective communication between the parties who are trying to exchange ideas, knowledge or accomplish a goal. Want success in business then, effective communication is critical to your success; otherwise, you’re operating a Non-Profit Agency destined for the MLM Cemetery. Learn how start communicating effectively.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
It's time to call a spade a spade. We are members of the most communications savvy and personally wired generation ever. Even the tiniest mite has her cell phone with camera. Yet the truth is, the explosion of communications tools has produced less real communication than ever; you and your poor communications skills are one of the culprits. Listen up! After all, it's time your communication skills improved to the level of your communications tools.
The quality of communications is not strained...
You, being an educated soul, are no doubt familiar with Portia's famous speech:
The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
(The Merchant of Venice. Act 4, scene 1.)
Bold and even impious, I now advise you (while great Shakespeare rolls in his grave) to change the word "mercy" to "communications," thus:
The quality of communications is not strain'd... it is twice blessed..."
And so it is. Good communications are good for the recipient and for the sender too.
You know this... but you do not act accordingly. Which is why this (shall we say) motivating article is so necessary and why you should take every single word to heart and make radical adjustments in your lamentable behavior.
Poor communicators (with the probability strong that you are one of them) exhibit these traits:
Arrogance. The human animal is a selfish animal, conceived in selfishness and nurtured in the belief that the Great Me, the universe-centered I Am is the most important animal anywhere at any time. As a result, this animal well and truly believes that she is so important that others must feel grateful, even when the communication is not returned. Oh, my!
People (like you?) who do not communicate effectively are people who are telling others, clear as crystal, that they are superior to you; that their time is more valuable than yours... and that these lesser folk need wait (and happily so) and wait and wait some more until you condescend to respond.
Such people by their behavior and non responsiveness clearly indicate that you and your concerns are, by definition, of infinitely less consideration than theirs. And that you'd best be glad for the little you get, for it is infinitely more than you deserve.
Poor communicators are slothful.
Good communicators, effective communicators realize that the business of communicating is like a tennis match. The ball must always be in motion between the communicator and those he wishes to communicate with. When the ball stops moving, the communication stops with it. The person who has stopped the communicating process is , by definition, the lazy, inhibiting one.
All too often the communication stops and is not extended because of unadulterated sloth. It takes work to communicate... it takes work to conceive a message and deliver that message. It takes work to be prepared and move matters to their next stage. However the slothful communicator can and does think of a myriad of "reasons" why he can obliterate the communications process without remorse. Thus he goes blithely on with his affairs while others, fuming, apply language which is ever more blue as time passes and their legitimate reasons for communicating go without any response whatsoever. Oh, my!
A special cycle of hell
For the intractable, for the miscreants arrogant and slothful who will not change, an idea: for them: a special cycle of hell wherein they are asked such questions as "are you hungry?" or "are you feeling hot and uncomfortable?" These hungry and uncomfortable miscreants answer and answer and answer. But response comes there none, ever. Delicious.
Help for the socially challenged and shy johns and janes everywhere.
Yet is the world of the non communicators made up solely and exclusively of the arrogant and slothful? Certainly not. It is also, and in significant numbers, the preserve of the shy, the timid, the socially malaprop, and untutored.
For them a single word: study.
There is one thing and only one thing which sets us apart and elevated from animals of every kind and place... and that one thing is communicating. So, if you truly wish to learn, improve and foster rather than retard communications, here is what you must learn and do.
1) Learn empathy, that crucial ability to enter into the minds and hearts of the people you are to communicate with. What is it they are expecting from you? Deliver that, to the furthest extent possible, and you have the essential element of success.
2) Be prompt about responding. In an age of instant communications, there can be absolutely no reason for delayed or no response at all except your own failure to provide it. The means are at hand; use them "as quick as boiled asparagus." And that's very fast!
3) Be clear on where you can be reached. Assume the person you are communicating with does not have this vital intelligence. State it clearly, thoroughly... and reiterate to avoid any confusion whatsoever.
4) Be willing to try again if the person you are trying to reach (even if that person initiated the communication) fails to respond. Remember, empathy is the basis for successful communications.
5) Above all else, never stop improving your knowledge of communication and its techniques. In this golden age of communications, the overwhelming majority of loaves and fishes will go to the communicating elite... those who make it a point to master communications and steadily enhance their knowledge and expertise. Make that person you!
Give this article to the communicating challenged. They need it so.
Your last task for today is to give a copy of this article to every substandard and inadequate communicator you can. The task at hand, training communicators and enhancing their skills, is a lifetime affair. Start it now. There is so very much to do and so many who need the help.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books, as well as being an internationally recognized marketer. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurnjames@hushmail.com
URL: successroute.biz
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
December 8, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate” — spoken by The Captain (Cool Hand Luke). Success of any kind requires effective communication between the parties who are trying to exchange ideas, knowledge or accomplish a goal. Want success in business then, effective communication is critical to your success; otherwise, you’re operating a Non-Profit Agency destined for the MLM Cemetery. Learn how start communicating effectively.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
It's time to call a spade a spade. We are members of the most communications savvy and personally wired generation ever. Even the tiniest mite has her cell phone with camera. Yet the truth is, the explosion of communications tools has produced less real communication than ever; you and your poor communications skills are one of the culprits. Listen up! After all, it's time your communication skills improved to the level of your communications tools.
The quality of communications is not strained...
You, being an educated soul, are no doubt familiar with Portia's famous speech:
The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
(The Merchant of Venice. Act 4, scene 1.)
Bold and even impious, I now advise you (while great Shakespeare rolls in his grave) to change the word "mercy" to "communications," thus:
The quality of communications is not strain'd... it is twice blessed..."
And so it is. Good communications are good for the recipient and for the sender too.
You know this... but you do not act accordingly. Which is why this (shall we say) motivating article is so necessary and why you should take every single word to heart and make radical adjustments in your lamentable behavior.
Poor communicators (with the probability strong that you are one of them) exhibit these traits:
Arrogance. The human animal is a selfish animal, conceived in selfishness and nurtured in the belief that the Great Me, the universe-centered I Am is the most important animal anywhere at any time. As a result, this animal well and truly believes that she is so important that others must feel grateful, even when the communication is not returned. Oh, my!
People (like you?) who do not communicate effectively are people who are telling others, clear as crystal, that they are superior to you; that their time is more valuable than yours... and that these lesser folk need wait (and happily so) and wait and wait some more until you condescend to respond.
Such people by their behavior and non responsiveness clearly indicate that you and your concerns are, by definition, of infinitely less consideration than theirs. And that you'd best be glad for the little you get, for it is infinitely more than you deserve.
Poor communicators are slothful.
Good communicators, effective communicators realize that the business of communicating is like a tennis match. The ball must always be in motion between the communicator and those he wishes to communicate with. When the ball stops moving, the communication stops with it. The person who has stopped the communicating process is , by definition, the lazy, inhibiting one.
All too often the communication stops and is not extended because of unadulterated sloth. It takes work to communicate... it takes work to conceive a message and deliver that message. It takes work to be prepared and move matters to their next stage. However the slothful communicator can and does think of a myriad of "reasons" why he can obliterate the communications process without remorse. Thus he goes blithely on with his affairs while others, fuming, apply language which is ever more blue as time passes and their legitimate reasons for communicating go without any response whatsoever. Oh, my!
A special cycle of hell
For the intractable, for the miscreants arrogant and slothful who will not change, an idea: for them: a special cycle of hell wherein they are asked such questions as "are you hungry?" or "are you feeling hot and uncomfortable?" These hungry and uncomfortable miscreants answer and answer and answer. But response comes there none, ever. Delicious.
Help for the socially challenged and shy johns and janes everywhere.
Yet is the world of the non communicators made up solely and exclusively of the arrogant and slothful? Certainly not. It is also, and in significant numbers, the preserve of the shy, the timid, the socially malaprop, and untutored.
For them a single word: study.
There is one thing and only one thing which sets us apart and elevated from animals of every kind and place... and that one thing is communicating. So, if you truly wish to learn, improve and foster rather than retard communications, here is what you must learn and do.
1) Learn empathy, that crucial ability to enter into the minds and hearts of the people you are to communicate with. What is it they are expecting from you? Deliver that, to the furthest extent possible, and you have the essential element of success.
2) Be prompt about responding. In an age of instant communications, there can be absolutely no reason for delayed or no response at all except your own failure to provide it. The means are at hand; use them "as quick as boiled asparagus." And that's very fast!
3) Be clear on where you can be reached. Assume the person you are communicating with does not have this vital intelligence. State it clearly, thoroughly... and reiterate to avoid any confusion whatsoever.
4) Be willing to try again if the person you are trying to reach (even if that person initiated the communication) fails to respond. Remember, empathy is the basis for successful communications.
5) Above all else, never stop improving your knowledge of communication and its techniques. In this golden age of communications, the overwhelming majority of loaves and fishes will go to the communicating elite... those who make it a point to master communications and steadily enhance their knowledge and expertise. Make that person you!
Give this article to the communicating challenged. They need it so.
Your last task for today is to give a copy of this article to every substandard and inadequate communicator you can. The task at hand, training communicators and enhancing their skills, is a lifetime affair. Start it now. There is so very much to do and so many who need the help.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books, as well as being an internationally recognized marketer. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurnjames@hushmail.com
URL: successroute.biz
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Presidential Marketing #101: Obama vs. Clinton
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
December 3, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
SALES is the highest paid profession in the
world; however, what stimulates SALES is
MARKETING. Yes, activities within the
marketing process are often times the crtitical
factors that determine the outcome of the
process (Success or Failure). Remember,
selling is about influencing/motivating others
to purchase a product/service so as, to satisfy
a monthly quota to remain employed. Now,
marketing is about providing product/services
that have VALUE and more importantly,
provides a SOLUTION to problem of
your customers. Now, that’s clear…Next!!
So, how does Presidents Barak Hussein
Obama and William Jefferson Clinton,
fit into this discussion? Well, simply put,
politicians are often the Ultimate
Salesman as indicated by their constant
attempts to CONVINCE the people, that
they and their political party can solve
the problems that negatively affect the masses.
Now, not all politicians are equal in their
Salesmanship abilities and skills as indicated
by the results of the recent U.S. Mid-Term Election.
Clearly, President Obama, like any other CEO,
who operates a major corporation will need to
improve his sales skills, but more importantly,
function as a MARKETER, by listening to the
PEOPLE and providing a SOLUTION to their
wants and needs.
As, Dr. Jeffrey Lant, stated in his recent article
(An Open Letter to President Obama….), “first
and foremost, we need jobs…and when you
selected other priorities you showed us all that
you didn’t get it; that you were more Harvard
than Chicago”. “For you see, sir, we are now in
a world war for the protection of our way of life
… and that way is based on putting Americans
to work in ways meaningful and timely”.
Let’s contrast the skills of President Obama to those
of Clinton, who was a former Governor of Arkansas,
who connected with voters by being a frequent patron
of Mc Donalds, playing the saxophone (with shades)
and being able to “press the flesh” with voters. Yes,
like any good CEO of any major corporation you’re
replaceable if, the company appears to be headed towards
the bloody POOR HOUSE. Yes, President Clinton
lasted 2-terms and Obama, well it doesn’t look good.
As a marketer/home business owner, it’s vital for
YOU to connect, empower and communicate with
your target market like any good politician; however,
if, you don’t listen to them, then, you will be operating
a Non-Profit Agency that’s destined for the MLM
Cemetery (no Federal bail out for YOU).
Well, the message is clear for President and home
business owners, address the needs and wants of
your market and it will generate consistent, predictable
and long-term, residual income. Function as a
traditional salesman and attempt to convince the
skeptical masses that your product/service will
solve their problems (without addressing their needs/wants)
will lead to your Unemployment Benefit application.
Bonus for YOU
Veretekk the Book
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
December 3, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
SALES is the highest paid profession in the
world; however, what stimulates SALES is
MARKETING. Yes, activities within the
marketing process are often times the crtitical
factors that determine the outcome of the
process (Success or Failure). Remember,
selling is about influencing/motivating others
to purchase a product/service so as, to satisfy
a monthly quota to remain employed. Now,
marketing is about providing product/services
that have VALUE and more importantly,
provides a SOLUTION to problem of
your customers. Now, that’s clear…Next!!
So, how does Presidents Barak Hussein
Obama and William Jefferson Clinton,
fit into this discussion? Well, simply put,
politicians are often the Ultimate
Salesman as indicated by their constant
attempts to CONVINCE the people, that
they and their political party can solve
the problems that negatively affect the masses.
Now, not all politicians are equal in their
Salesmanship abilities and skills as indicated
by the results of the recent U.S. Mid-Term Election.
Clearly, President Obama, like any other CEO,
who operates a major corporation will need to
improve his sales skills, but more importantly,
function as a MARKETER, by listening to the
PEOPLE and providing a SOLUTION to their
wants and needs.
As, Dr. Jeffrey Lant, stated in his recent article
(An Open Letter to President Obama….), “first
and foremost, we need jobs…and when you
selected other priorities you showed us all that
you didn’t get it; that you were more Harvard
than Chicago”. “For you see, sir, we are now in
a world war for the protection of our way of life
… and that way is based on putting Americans
to work in ways meaningful and timely”.
Let’s contrast the skills of President Obama to those
of Clinton, who was a former Governor of Arkansas,
who connected with voters by being a frequent patron
of Mc Donalds, playing the saxophone (with shades)
and being able to “press the flesh” with voters. Yes,
like any good CEO of any major corporation you’re
replaceable if, the company appears to be headed towards
the bloody POOR HOUSE. Yes, President Clinton
lasted 2-terms and Obama, well it doesn’t look good.
As a marketer/home business owner, it’s vital for
YOU to connect, empower and communicate with
your target market like any good politician; however,
if, you don’t listen to them, then, you will be operating
a Non-Profit Agency that’s destined for the MLM
Cemetery (no Federal bail out for YOU).
Well, the message is clear for President and home
business owners, address the needs and wants of
your market and it will generate consistent, predictable
and long-term, residual income. Function as a
traditional salesman and attempt to convince the
skeptical masses that your product/service will
solve their problems (without addressing their needs/wants)
will lead to your Unemployment Benefit application.
Bonus for YOU
Veretekk the Book
Friday, November 26, 2010
Hate Being Rich........ Learn Why!!!
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
November 26, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
One day years ago when I was having dinner with her in New York City, the celebrated entertainer Pearl Bailey told me in her inimitable way: "I've been rich. And I've been poor. Rich is better!" We laughed... and the conversation went on, but the comment reverberated: "Rich IS better!"
EVERYBODY wants to be rich, of course; that's a given.. However, being rich is not a condition; it's a process that each and every wealthy person must master. If not, this is what happens: "A fool and his money are soon parted." That will never do.
"The rich are different than you and me."
The writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, who wanted so very desperately to be rich, knew whereof he spoke. It's not just that they have money.. it's that they know how to use it for maximum comfort and convenience. You probably don't.
The average un-rich person thinks that being rich is like a fairy tale; once you're rich you simply live happily ever after. Nothing could be further from the truth. The business of being rich takes constant work, dedication, knowledge, and professional assistance. Being rich is a job, and like all jobs there are those who can do it successfully and there are those who cannot.
Rich people have help. You don't.
The "silver fork" novels of the early 19th century deal endlessly with "the servant problem." It's easy to see why. When you have the means, you want the help; but this help needs constant management.
Do you know how to select, manage and maintain
* house cleaners * chauffeur * cook * people to run your errands * and those to take care of clothes and personal effects?
Rich people have the luxury of being waited on. However, such assistance comes at a price. People who serve you have substantial access... and they can use this access for good or will. There is an old saying: "No man is a hero to his valet." As a wealthy person, you will want an enhanced level of service... but will you be ready for the diminished privacy this brings?
You must have financial representatives and ensure they produce for you
Money cannot simply be earned and left to itself; its increase must be your constant objective and goal. That's why each and every rich person on earth has one or (more likely) more financial representatives. It is only in fairy tales where "the king is in the counting house...." In real life, that's where his "people" hang out... preparing reports showing escalating wealth or grounds for concern.
Rich people understand that money, properly handled, begets more money. Thus, selecting and working with smart people who can take your fortune and increase is key.
Who have you got advising you these days and are they proving by tangible results that they are worthy of assisting you grasp and maintain the lifestyle you truly want?
These representatives must deal with
* your current income requirements
* tax issues
* estate issues.
Because of their pivotal importance in your life, you must be prepared not just to select them, but oversee and manage them too. This is one of the crucial aspects of your new life as a rich person. It's not all champagne and yachts, you see, and only the uninitiated are so naive to think so.
Prepare for the exigent, the wheedling and those who feel you should support them because YOU are rich!
People without means have the enduring belief that the rich are here for their benefit, with the result that rich people find themselves the focus of constant, annoying wheedling by the down-at-heel.
Count on it: your riches will draw forth a legion of beggars, distant family, long-ago friends... and never-ending solicitations from endless "worthy" causes and organizations. Be prepared to learn how to hear with attention but refuse without regret.
Last Words
Being rich will change you in ways subtle and substantial.
* You will not have to dream. Instead, you can plan.
* You will have at your disposal the most important thing in life: choice
* You will know deference, an enchanting thing the poorer never receive.
What's more, as compound interest, time, and financial growth work for you, you will surely know the best is yet to be!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James successroute.biz
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
November 26, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
One day years ago when I was having dinner with her in New York City, the celebrated entertainer Pearl Bailey told me in her inimitable way: "I've been rich. And I've been poor. Rich is better!" We laughed... and the conversation went on, but the comment reverberated: "Rich IS better!"
EVERYBODY wants to be rich, of course; that's a given.. However, being rich is not a condition; it's a process that each and every wealthy person must master. If not, this is what happens: "A fool and his money are soon parted." That will never do.
"The rich are different than you and me."
The writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, who wanted so very desperately to be rich, knew whereof he spoke. It's not just that they have money.. it's that they know how to use it for maximum comfort and convenience. You probably don't.
The average un-rich person thinks that being rich is like a fairy tale; once you're rich you simply live happily ever after. Nothing could be further from the truth. The business of being rich takes constant work, dedication, knowledge, and professional assistance. Being rich is a job, and like all jobs there are those who can do it successfully and there are those who cannot.
Rich people have help. You don't.
The "silver fork" novels of the early 19th century deal endlessly with "the servant problem." It's easy to see why. When you have the means, you want the help; but this help needs constant management.
Do you know how to select, manage and maintain
* house cleaners * chauffeur * cook * people to run your errands * and those to take care of clothes and personal effects?
Rich people have the luxury of being waited on. However, such assistance comes at a price. People who serve you have substantial access... and they can use this access for good or will. There is an old saying: "No man is a hero to his valet." As a wealthy person, you will want an enhanced level of service... but will you be ready for the diminished privacy this brings?
You must have financial representatives and ensure they produce for you
Money cannot simply be earned and left to itself; its increase must be your constant objective and goal. That's why each and every rich person on earth has one or (more likely) more financial representatives. It is only in fairy tales where "the king is in the counting house...." In real life, that's where his "people" hang out... preparing reports showing escalating wealth or grounds for concern.
Rich people understand that money, properly handled, begets more money. Thus, selecting and working with smart people who can take your fortune and increase is key.
Who have you got advising you these days and are they proving by tangible results that they are worthy of assisting you grasp and maintain the lifestyle you truly want?
These representatives must deal with
* your current income requirements
* tax issues
* estate issues.
Because of their pivotal importance in your life, you must be prepared not just to select them, but oversee and manage them too. This is one of the crucial aspects of your new life as a rich person. It's not all champagne and yachts, you see, and only the uninitiated are so naive to think so.
Prepare for the exigent, the wheedling and those who feel you should support them because YOU are rich!
People without means have the enduring belief that the rich are here for their benefit, with the result that rich people find themselves the focus of constant, annoying wheedling by the down-at-heel.
Count on it: your riches will draw forth a legion of beggars, distant family, long-ago friends... and never-ending solicitations from endless "worthy" causes and organizations. Be prepared to learn how to hear with attention but refuse without regret.
Last Words
Being rich will change you in ways subtle and substantial.
* You will not have to dream. Instead, you can plan.
* You will have at your disposal the most important thing in life: choice
* You will know deference, an enchanting thing the poorer never receive.
What's more, as compound interest, time, and financial growth work for you, you will surely know the best is yet to be!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James successroute.biz
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Home Business CEOs… Listen to YOUR Customers… Just Ask President Obama!!!
Well, the U.S. Mid-Term Election results were
definitely a Teachable Moment for President
Barak Obama. The people of the United States
have spoken as indicated by the overwhelming
loss of the House of Representatives by the
Bucklecrats. Yes, Mr. President, you and
the Democratic Party suffered a Shellacking.
I prefer to say, “Mr. President you had your
Biblical Donkey handed to you on Nov 2/2010”.
So, what went wrong for the President as well,
for countless home business CEOs? Well, there
are certain cardinal rules of business that must be
obeyed; however, the President and many home
business owners frequently violate them ………
they failed to “Listen to their Customers”.
Want to be out of business or office at Break-Neck
Speed? If yes, then, substitute what YOU believe
are your customer’s wants (Health Care) and ignore
their verbalized needs (JOBS). Yes, Mr. President,
you must learn to function as an A-Level Harvard
student if, you desire to effectively serve the people
of the United Sates of America. Now, you must
start by keeping your mouth shut, ears open,
become teachable and most importantly, provide
VALUE to the American People by providing
SOLUTIONS to their problems.
Next, connect with your customer base….. yes,
it requires Selling and Leadership skills. Now,
the President is an eloquent speaker; however,
he was clearly unsuccessful in connecting
emotionally with the large volumes of registered
Democrats who appeared to be un-motivated to
support the local Democratic representative within
their immediate geographical location.
Focus on one thing at a time and master it. Yes,
President Obama tried to do many things at once
and the common perception was that he got,
“Nothing Done”. Can’t run a business that way
and make a PROFIT unless, bankruptcy is the goal.
The promise of Change has limited time VALUE
and after 2-years of customer perceived detachment,
failure and weakness, President Obama’s, stature as
a true leader has severely diminished as well as his
Presidency. Yeah, one can say the President is
now desperately trying to avoid becoming what is
called a Dead Dealer, who is destined for the MLM
Lastly, don’t allow your intelligence to interfere
with your ability to make progress in business or
any endeavor. You can be extraordinarily intelligent
like the President, who graduated from Harvard Law
School, but failed to address the most OBVIOUS
problem challenging his base (ie JOBS). Don’t
complicate issues by thinking too much and doing to
little to arrive at a SOLUTION.
Mr. President, your resounding defeat at the polls,
will test your resolve as a Leader or confirm absence
of character to have others follow you after Defeat.
Please, remember the following quote:
“The fear is worse than the pain”.
About The Author:
Vaurn James is CEO of SuccessRoute.biz
& Home business owner, who provides
essential Tools, Training & Traffic for
Marketers/Home-business owners, who
Want to learn how to PROFIT online.
Attend TODAY’S webcast at
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
definitely a Teachable Moment for President
Barak Obama. The people of the United States
have spoken as indicated by the overwhelming
loss of the House of Representatives by the
Bucklecrats. Yes, Mr. President, you and
the Democratic Party suffered a Shellacking.
I prefer to say, “Mr. President you had your
Biblical Donkey handed to you on Nov 2/2010”.
So, what went wrong for the President as well,
for countless home business CEOs? Well, there
are certain cardinal rules of business that must be
obeyed; however, the President and many home
business owners frequently violate them ………
they failed to “Listen to their Customers”.
Want to be out of business or office at Break-Neck
Speed? If yes, then, substitute what YOU believe
are your customer’s wants (Health Care) and ignore
their verbalized needs (JOBS). Yes, Mr. President,
you must learn to function as an A-Level Harvard
student if, you desire to effectively serve the people
of the United Sates of America. Now, you must
start by keeping your mouth shut, ears open,
become teachable and most importantly, provide
VALUE to the American People by providing
SOLUTIONS to their problems.
Next, connect with your customer base….. yes,
it requires Selling and Leadership skills. Now,
the President is an eloquent speaker; however,
he was clearly unsuccessful in connecting
emotionally with the large volumes of registered
Democrats who appeared to be un-motivated to
support the local Democratic representative within
their immediate geographical location.
Focus on one thing at a time and master it. Yes,
President Obama tried to do many things at once
and the common perception was that he got,
“Nothing Done”. Can’t run a business that way
and make a PROFIT unless, bankruptcy is the goal.
The promise of Change has limited time VALUE
and after 2-years of customer perceived detachment,
failure and weakness, President Obama’s, stature as
a true leader has severely diminished as well as his
Presidency. Yeah, one can say the President is
now desperately trying to avoid becoming what is
called a Dead Dealer, who is destined for the MLM
Lastly, don’t allow your intelligence to interfere
with your ability to make progress in business or
any endeavor. You can be extraordinarily intelligent
like the President, who graduated from Harvard Law
School, but failed to address the most OBVIOUS
problem challenging his base (ie JOBS). Don’t
complicate issues by thinking too much and doing to
little to arrive at a SOLUTION.
Mr. President, your resounding defeat at the polls,
will test your resolve as a Leader or confirm absence
of character to have others follow you after Defeat.
Please, remember the following quote:
“The fear is worse than the pain”.
About The Author:
Vaurn James is CEO of SuccessRoute.biz
& Home business owner, who provides
essential Tools, Training & Traffic for
Marketers/Home-business owners, who
Want to learn how to PROFIT online.
Attend TODAY’S webcast at
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tiger Woods……. Destruction of a Brand: Are YOU Doing the Same Thing?
Eldrick “Tiger” Woods, the highest paid athlete and #1 Golfer
in the world was recently divorced & estimates of his divorce
settlement exceed 100 Million Dollars. The final number will
remain secret; however, there is little doubt he has the resources.
My QUESTION to you as a MARKETER is the following:
“how much damage has Tiger’s BRAND suffered”? Now,
“Why should it matter to ME”, YOU ASK?. A legitimate
question and my response to you is forthcoming, but first,
recognize the similarities of execution between Golf &Marketing:
· Both require extreme FOCUS
· Both require constant PRACTICE
· Both require consistent DRIVE
· Both require ADJUSTMENTS in technique
· Both require multiple STRATEGIES
· Both require the ability to READ the TERRAIN
· Both require YOU use the right TOOLS
· Both require YOU learn from your MISTAKES
Now, my response to “how much Tiger’s BRAND has suffered:
As YOU know, MARKETING is the means of generating
income for your products/services; however, BRANDING is the
means of IMMEDIATELY distinguishing your product/service from
the competition. Additionally, when BRANDING you’re conveying
to your Target Market, you alone have the SOLUTION to their
Now, are you thinking about ways to help your customer or selling
Your newest widget, which may appear cool and appealing to the
Psyche due to recent advertising, but does it address the CORE needs
of those who have a problem and willing to pay someone to solve that
Clearly, Tiger took his eyes off the business of Golf and compromised
The VALUE of his personal BRAND due to the fact, he failed to VALUE
his customers and his business. Are you doing the same thing?
Are YOU ready to learn & receive TRAINING about the critical
importance of providing your customers with products/service
that have VALUE and provides A SOLUTION to their
BUSINESS PROBLEM? If yes, then, click on link:
ps… Avoid operating a Non-Profit Agency and arriving at the MLM Cemetery
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
A Game Changer for Your Business
Automation is Key……. Generate UNLIMITED Leads with 2400 Safe Lists
in the world was recently divorced & estimates of his divorce
settlement exceed 100 Million Dollars. The final number will
remain secret; however, there is little doubt he has the resources.
My QUESTION to you as a MARKETER is the following:
“how much damage has Tiger’s BRAND suffered”? Now,
“Why should it matter to ME”, YOU ASK?. A legitimate
question and my response to you is forthcoming, but first,
recognize the similarities of execution between Golf &Marketing:
· Both require extreme FOCUS
· Both require constant PRACTICE
· Both require consistent DRIVE
· Both require ADJUSTMENTS in technique
· Both require multiple STRATEGIES
· Both require the ability to READ the TERRAIN
· Both require YOU use the right TOOLS
· Both require YOU learn from your MISTAKES
Now, my response to “how much Tiger’s BRAND has suffered:
As YOU know, MARKETING is the means of generating
income for your products/services; however, BRANDING is the
means of IMMEDIATELY distinguishing your product/service from
the competition. Additionally, when BRANDING you’re conveying
to your Target Market, you alone have the SOLUTION to their
Now, are you thinking about ways to help your customer or selling
Your newest widget, which may appear cool and appealing to the
Psyche due to recent advertising, but does it address the CORE needs
of those who have a problem and willing to pay someone to solve that
Clearly, Tiger took his eyes off the business of Golf and compromised
The VALUE of his personal BRAND due to the fact, he failed to VALUE
his customers and his business. Are you doing the same thing?
Are YOU ready to learn & receive TRAINING about the critical
importance of providing your customers with products/service
that have VALUE and provides A SOLUTION to their
BUSINESS PROBLEM? If yes, then, click on link:
ps… Avoid operating a Non-Profit Agency and arriving at the MLM Cemetery
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
A Game Changer for Your Business
Automation is Key……. Generate UNLIMITED Leads with 2400 Safe Lists
Monday, June 14, 2010
719 Million Prospects for YOU… Connect with The FIFA World Cup
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Monday, June 14, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
World Cup Champions 2010… Find Out
So, are you watching the World Cup and more importantly, networking globally with like-minded people who enjoy Football (soccer for the Yanks) and also have a desire to achieve financial prosperity through home business and/or entrepreneurism? If not then, you’re not a Marketer and will soon be operating a Non-Profit Agency that is destined for the MLM Cemetery. The FIFA World Cup will last 30 days and will be watched by close to a billion world wide, which provides an incredible Target Market your products/services.
The opportunity to provide VALUE and/or a SOLUTION to problems of your target market is now. Remember, people are willing to pay handsomely to those who can solve their issue in a timely manner. We sometimes call them experts or people who are very knowledgeable about certain issues and are able to provide a SOLUTION that in the long run is beneficial to his prospect. Now, some call this approach Magnetic Sponsoring.
Well known business corporations (Pepsi, Wal-mart, KFC, Coke & others) incorporate the principles of Magnetic Sponsoring daily and currently marketing their products/services to this global mass of humanity 24/7 because it’s an ideal opportunity to expose and expand their BRAND to new geographical markets. Ask yourself the following questions, “how powerful is the brand name Coke, Wal-mart, Microsoft or Apple?”. What dollar value would you place on the aforementioned legally protected Brand Names? So, how much VALUE does your product/service provide to your potential customers and how much of an investment have you made into the products/services?
So, are you ready to increase the VALUE of your Brand by Marketing to the masses?
If yes, please review our information and begin the process of becoming an effective marketer: SuccessRoute.biz
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurn.successroute@gmail.com
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Monday, June 14, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
World Cup Champions 2010… Find Out
So, are you watching the World Cup and more importantly, networking globally with like-minded people who enjoy Football (soccer for the Yanks) and also have a desire to achieve financial prosperity through home business and/or entrepreneurism? If not then, you’re not a Marketer and will soon be operating a Non-Profit Agency that is destined for the MLM Cemetery. The FIFA World Cup will last 30 days and will be watched by close to a billion world wide, which provides an incredible Target Market your products/services.
The opportunity to provide VALUE and/or a SOLUTION to problems of your target market is now. Remember, people are willing to pay handsomely to those who can solve their issue in a timely manner. We sometimes call them experts or people who are very knowledgeable about certain issues and are able to provide a SOLUTION that in the long run is beneficial to his prospect. Now, some call this approach Magnetic Sponsoring.
Well known business corporations (Pepsi, Wal-mart, KFC, Coke & others) incorporate the principles of Magnetic Sponsoring daily and currently marketing their products/services to this global mass of humanity 24/7 because it’s an ideal opportunity to expose and expand their BRAND to new geographical markets. Ask yourself the following questions, “how powerful is the brand name Coke, Wal-mart, Microsoft or Apple?”. What dollar value would you place on the aforementioned legally protected Brand Names? So, how much VALUE does your product/service provide to your potential customers and how much of an investment have you made into the products/services?
So, are you ready to increase the VALUE of your Brand by Marketing to the masses?
If yes, please review our information and begin the process of becoming an effective marketer: SuccessRoute.biz
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurn.successroute@gmail.com
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Massive Traffic & Targeted Leads Galore: Yeah, The World Cup Keeps On Giving
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
- Saturday, June 12, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
Traffic Ultimatum
World Cup Champions 2010… Find Out
World Cup Champions
The entire World is watching that global sports spectacular
that comes around every 4-years known as the World Cup
and my money is on England. Oh yes, sorry, this is about
YOU and not my personal bias, but national pride is involved
and its VALUE has no price tag because it’s about Honor.
Now, what does the FIFA World Cup have to do with your
Home business? Simple, you have a Target Market of
approximately 719 Million people to provide them products/
services that have VALUE and/or provides them a SOLUTION
to a problem. Have you noticed that individuals who provide
SOLUTIONS to problems are well compensated for their
So, as a marketer are you ready to provide service to your
prospects? If yes, then, let’s begin the process with our
global team of Monitors. Want a team of professionally
trained marketers, who work 24/7 to close sales for you while
you’re at work, church, vacation or sleeping? Oh yes, do you
want an arsenal of essential Tools and Training that will drive
Unlimited Traffic and Target leads to your website?
If, yes, then, access our information because we provide you
find out what they are -- FREE!
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurn.successroute@gmail.com
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
- Saturday, June 12, 2010
Publisher: Vaurn James
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
Traffic Ultimatum
World Cup Champions 2010… Find Out
World Cup Champions
The entire World is watching that global sports spectacular
that comes around every 4-years known as the World Cup
and my money is on England. Oh yes, sorry, this is about
YOU and not my personal bias, but national pride is involved
and its VALUE has no price tag because it’s about Honor.
Now, what does the FIFA World Cup have to do with your
Home business? Simple, you have a Target Market of
approximately 719 Million people to provide them products/
services that have VALUE and/or provides them a SOLUTION
to a problem. Have you noticed that individuals who provide
SOLUTIONS to problems are well compensated for their
So, as a marketer are you ready to provide service to your
prospects? If yes, then, let’s begin the process with our
global team of Monitors. Want a team of professionally
trained marketers, who work 24/7 to close sales for you while
you’re at work, church, vacation or sleeping? Oh yes, do you
want an arsenal of essential Tools and Training that will drive
Unlimited Traffic and Target leads to your website?
If, yes, then, access our information because we provide you
find out what they are -- FREE!
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurn.successroute@gmail.com
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
Friday, June 4, 2010
You’re Completely Blind… Stop Using The Eyes, Try Your BRAIN!!!!!
You’re Completely Blind… Stop Using The Eyes, Try Your BRAIN!!!!!
Do you see with your EYES or the BRAIN? Now,
most people would say the former, but you would be
wrong because your BRAIN functions like a computer
and processes infinite amounts of information and sends
output data to various organs so as to regulate the Non-
Stop information that you’re exposed to 24/7.
Alright, now you recognize your BRAIN functions
like the Central Processing Unit of a computer, it’s
critical that you develop it to function with the utmost
of efficiency. I say this because there’s an old computer
saying, “Garbage in Garbage out”. So, what kind of data
are you downloading into your Brain and has it yielded
you Benefits or Consequences? Well, only you Know.
If, you’re achieving zero income in your opportunity
then, you’re operating a Non-Profit Agency that is
destined for the MLM Cemetery. In truth, you’re
BRAIN-DEAD, because the information you’re
processing is the source of your own destruction.
Let’s change your circumstances by having an
Expert help train your MIND. Remember, the
Best athletes in the world always have trainers,
who focus not only on the physical aspect of a
sport, but more importantly the Mental aspect,
which often decides the Winners from the Losers.
Ready to enter training and develop your Brain
Into a Champion Mindset? If, yes, then, please
review the following information at
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(7- Day Boot Camp Training Videos)
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
Do you see with your EYES or the BRAIN? Now,
most people would say the former, but you would be
wrong because your BRAIN functions like a computer
and processes infinite amounts of information and sends
output data to various organs so as to regulate the Non-
Stop information that you’re exposed to 24/7.
Alright, now you recognize your BRAIN functions
like the Central Processing Unit of a computer, it’s
critical that you develop it to function with the utmost
of efficiency. I say this because there’s an old computer
saying, “Garbage in Garbage out”. So, what kind of data
are you downloading into your Brain and has it yielded
you Benefits or Consequences? Well, only you Know.
If, you’re achieving zero income in your opportunity
then, you’re operating a Non-Profit Agency that is
destined for the MLM Cemetery. In truth, you’re
BRAIN-DEAD, because the information you’re
processing is the source of your own destruction.
Let’s change your circumstances by having an
Expert help train your MIND. Remember, the
Best athletes in the world always have trainers,
who focus not only on the physical aspect of a
sport, but more importantly the Mental aspect,
which often decides the Winners from the Losers.
Ready to enter training and develop your Brain
Into a Champion Mindset? If, yes, then, please
review the following information at
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(7- Day Boot Camp Training Videos)
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Kardashians…Yeah, No Talent, but They Can Market. Can You?
Alright, your real business is not your Opportunity, but is
actually Marketing. Want to generate consistent,
predictable and long-term residual income from your
business then, you must engage in relentless marketing
both Online and Offline. In the era of the Internet becoming
a Master Marketer is critical to your success due to the
fact, connecting with your Target Market requires mastery of
various strategies:
· Article Marketing
· Blogging
· Podcasting
· Webcasting
· Banner
· Video Marketing
· etc.
Now, Reality TV Stars Kim, Khloe & Kourtney Kardashian
are well known for their TV sitcom known as “Keeping Up
with The Kardashians”. Needless to say, Intellectual/Technical
expertise appears to be devoid among the sisters; however,
they have achieved a significant goal that most marketers
struggle to achieve and profit. So, can you guess, what that is?
Correct, they created a legally protected brand name called
“Kardashian”. Yes, indeed, these ladies and other family members
have increased the VALUE of the family name not only by their
Realty TV show, but also by multiple product endorsements that
bear their family name. Additionally, they add fresh content to
their Brand not only by their Realty TV Show, but also, by the
highly-publicized relationships with other celebrities and
Hollywood partying, which are carefully and neatly packaged
for distribution by the Paparazzi Free of charge. Not bad, having
your Brand name and related products being advertised at zero cost
to the global masses.
Despite, the superficial nature of this Reality TV Show, the
Entrepreneurial Spirit is evident within the sisters, which
according to Kim, was instilled in them by their later father
Robert Kardashian (OJ Simpson’s, Attorney). “Our father
told all of us at 18-years old we would be cut-off , so
if we wanted to continue our accustomed way of life we
would have earn our own money”.
Well, there it is regarding the Kardashians. Now, back to
YOU and that Non-Profit Agency you’re operating, which
is known as the MLM Cemetery. Are you ready to access
vital information and training to make you a Master Marketer?
If yes, then, please proceed here:
Oh yes, The American Free Enterprise System continues to
decide what has VALUE.!!!!
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(7- Day Boot Camp Training Videos)
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
actually Marketing. Want to generate consistent,
predictable and long-term residual income from your
business then, you must engage in relentless marketing
both Online and Offline. In the era of the Internet becoming
a Master Marketer is critical to your success due to the
fact, connecting with your Target Market requires mastery of
various strategies:
· Article Marketing
· Blogging
· Podcasting
· Webcasting
· Banner
· Video Marketing
· etc.
Now, Reality TV Stars Kim, Khloe & Kourtney Kardashian
are well known for their TV sitcom known as “Keeping Up
with The Kardashians”. Needless to say, Intellectual/Technical
expertise appears to be devoid among the sisters; however,
they have achieved a significant goal that most marketers
struggle to achieve and profit. So, can you guess, what that is?
Correct, they created a legally protected brand name called
“Kardashian”. Yes, indeed, these ladies and other family members
have increased the VALUE of the family name not only by their
Realty TV show, but also by multiple product endorsements that
bear their family name. Additionally, they add fresh content to
their Brand not only by their Realty TV Show, but also, by the
highly-publicized relationships with other celebrities and
Hollywood partying, which are carefully and neatly packaged
for distribution by the Paparazzi Free of charge. Not bad, having
your Brand name and related products being advertised at zero cost
to the global masses.
Despite, the superficial nature of this Reality TV Show, the
Entrepreneurial Spirit is evident within the sisters, which
according to Kim, was instilled in them by their later father
Robert Kardashian (OJ Simpson’s, Attorney). “Our father
told all of us at 18-years old we would be cut-off , so
if we wanted to continue our accustomed way of life we
would have earn our own money”.
Well, there it is regarding the Kardashians. Now, back to
YOU and that Non-Profit Agency you’re operating, which
is known as the MLM Cemetery. Are you ready to access
vital information and training to make you a Master Marketer?
If yes, then, please proceed here:
Oh yes, The American Free Enterprise System continues to
decide what has VALUE.!!!!
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(7- Day Boot Camp Training Videos)
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
Friday, May 28, 2010
Procrastination The Greatest Thief to Your Success
Well, is it true in your personal situation and has it cost you
any opportunities to achieve success in your personal life?
Well, only you know, but one thing is clear and that is
Success-Minded individuals never delay when they see
opportunity to grow. Why, you ask, because those with
a Success or Millionaire Mindset are Solution-Oriented
when faced with challenges/problems. There’s much
benefit or profit in providing people a SOLUTION to
their problems because those who solve problems
increase their VALUE and are generously compensated.
Procrastinators are those with Self-Limiting Thoughts/Beliefs
and avoid perceived pain; hence, they fear loss of control of
a situation and procrastinate to regain that control and avoid PAIN..
Alright, now all that bloody psycho-babble was expressed by
yours truly Vaurn Elderfield James, I have to keep this
message simple by verbalizing (figuratively-speaking)
the following famous quote by Thomas Jefferson,
”Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today”
Bottom line, when you delay continuously and make excuses
your COSTS increase and you decrease your personal VALUE
as a marketer/business owner.
So, are you receptive to accessing information and training
that will help transform you to become Proactive and alter
your self-destructive conduct? If, yes, then, proceed:
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(7- Day Boot Camp Training Videos)
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
Traffic Ultimatum.com
any opportunities to achieve success in your personal life?
Well, only you know, but one thing is clear and that is
Success-Minded individuals never delay when they see
opportunity to grow. Why, you ask, because those with
a Success or Millionaire Mindset are Solution-Oriented
when faced with challenges/problems. There’s much
benefit or profit in providing people a SOLUTION to
their problems because those who solve problems
increase their VALUE and are generously compensated.
Procrastinators are those with Self-Limiting Thoughts/Beliefs
and avoid perceived pain; hence, they fear loss of control of
a situation and procrastinate to regain that control and avoid PAIN..
Alright, now all that bloody psycho-babble was expressed by
yours truly Vaurn Elderfield James, I have to keep this
message simple by verbalizing (figuratively-speaking)
the following famous quote by Thomas Jefferson,
”Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today”
Bottom line, when you delay continuously and make excuses
your COSTS increase and you decrease your personal VALUE
as a marketer/business owner.
So, are you receptive to accessing information and training
that will help transform you to become Proactive and alter
your self-destructive conduct? If, yes, then, proceed:
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(7- Day Boot Camp Training Videos)
An Unfair Advantage is Attained with Traffic Ultimatum
Traffic Ultimatum.com
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