SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Sunday, September 26, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
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“You’re not the father”, the immortal words
of the King of Baby Mama Drama himself,
Maury Povich. Needless to say, he and the
parent company (Kingworld) who own the
rights to the Maury Povich Show continue
to generate significant ratings and collateral
revenue because the SHOW deals repetitively
with an old TABOO that is timeless between
MEN and WOMEN known as Infidelity.
Yes, INFIDELITY, that old virus that Infects
marriages globally and generates divorce rates
of 50% within the United States of America
and among other Industrialized Nations. Now,
the old scenario of the MAN being as faithful
as his options is well documented and manifested
in movies, news reports, TV sitcoms, personal ads,
blogs and every other form of MEDIA known to
MAN. Yes, females have often-times been depicted
as the VICTIM of an unfaithful philandering partner,
who failed to adhere to his marriage vows (“till death
do us part”…. clearly he couldn’t wait). Oh yes,
he also, failed to adhere to the 11th Commandment,
“Thou, shall not get caught. But, oh, how times have
Infidelity is no longer the exclusive domain of
MEN. Not on your life because WOMEN have
demanded equality and have exercised that right
as indicated by achieving remarkable statistics
generated through surveys and other research tools
that NOW reveals FEMALE infidelity near equals
that of men. In fact, many researchers believe that
women are more promiscuous than men because
society still retains the stereotypical image of the
women being nurturing and caring for the family.
Yes, JUNE CLEAVER is still hardwired (forgive
the pun) in much of society’s PSYCHE (no wonder
the little ladies can get away with being good in the
KITCHEN and a whore in the Bedroom……. Just
not with their husband/partner).
Clearly, fidelity is being practiced less and less among
married and unmarried couples today for various reasons.
However, an important issue emerged during the 1990s
and continues to have significant legal and societal
ramifications, which legislators still FAIL to effectively
address and resolve through law.
Can you guess what I am now referring to………..YES,
Paternity Fraud (No, this has never happened to me).
Paternity Fraud refers to a paternal discrepancy or a
non-paternity event, in which a mother names a man
to be the biological father of a child, particularly for
self-interest, when she knows or suspects that he is not
the biological father.[1
In many jurisdictions, there is limited opportunity to legally
challenge the assumption of paternity. For example, by
forbidding men to challenge paternity, especially in the
context of marriage, by limiting the amount of time
allowed to challenge paternity, or by allowing women to
make a claim of paternity without adequate chance for
rebuttal by the alleged father. In some jurisdictions, the
husband of the mother of a child is held to be the father,
regardless of biological relationship.
Obviously, you’re asking the question, “why does the law
limit a man’s ability to challenge Paternity…... the answer
Is very simple MONEY. Yeah, simple Dollars and Cents.
These females (single mothers) frequently, seek financial
support from governmental bodies in the form of welfare
benefits. Well, local government wants to recoup their
loss, when they payout benefits to these women and their
children. So, who is the father and where does he live?
Well, if the motheris uncertain who sired her child then,
the man with the Deepest Pockets or Whereabouts
Unknown frequently, becomes named DADDY.
Additionally, Daddy by Default Laws (legally named
the father of a child, who is not biologically related),
help foster the current problem of Paternity Fruad.
So, a SOLUTION to the problem of Paternity Fraud,
would be mandatory DNA testing for every live birth.
Makes sense right, but hold on…. there are those who
oppose DNA testing, but why and what’s their motivation?
Well, let’s identify the Special Interest Groups:
· Now (National Women’s Organization)
· Attorneys
· Child Support Enforcement
· State/Local Governments/Social Services
National Organization of Women the feminist
Organization played a significant role in the
Creation of No Fault Divorce in 1970. Now,
why would NOW oppose paternity fraud
legislation that biologically links a new born
with its father? Well, research has revealed that
various Blood Banks organizations have determined
statistically 25% - 30% of men named as a father in
fact, are not the biological father of their children.
Needless to say, the aforementioned statistics don’t
Enhance the credibility of an organization that demands
Equality for Women.
Attorneys, clearly have an incentive to oppose a
SOLUTION to paternity fraud, because no legal
intervention or very minimal is required when
science matches Papa and Junior biologically.
Oh yes, Mama will not profit from her infidelity.
Child Support Enforcement, is out of
Business when the right man is identified
as the biological father of a child.
State/Local Government/Social Services Agencies
receive matching funds from the federal government
when they can assign a father who owes child support
regardless if, he is biologically related to the child.
Now, DNA testing would clearly, reduce this Cash Cow.
It is truly ironic how DNA evidence can save a man’s
life On Death Row; yet, the same scientific evidence
is considered irrelevant after 1 or 2-years
(Expiration date to challenge Paternity). The courts
supposedly focus on “Determining the best interest of
the child”; however, the current legal system has failed
to achieve that goal……. Just ask the non-biological
male, who continues to pay child support for a child
that isn’t his.
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurnjames@hushmail.com
URL: http://www.SuccessRoute.biz
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2011 All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I am The Architect of My Own Destiny: Do You Believe It!!!
What you MUST do to develop assets.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
What's your asset position like? If you're like most people you're getting older but you're not getting any richer. This is because you don't have an asset development plan in place. The money comes in, the money goes out... but your asset position doesn't improve. WHOA!
If that's you, this article couldn't come at a better time. Read it and reap!
1) Are you spending money... or are you using money to improve your life?
The average person gets money from a job, then uses this money to cover basic necessities and the occasional luxury. To develop assets you must see your position with new eyes, determined not just to spend money but use it to create assets. Money, you see, is nothing more than a commodity whose value is constantly shifting, thereby giving you the opportunity to grow assets daily. Here's what you can do to get into this exciting game:
2) Start by writing down and reviewing all expenses
Face it, when was the last time you actually wrote a list of all your ongoing expenses, then scrutinized each and every one to see where economies and improvements could be made?
Admit it, you've gone for months, maybe even years without systematically reviewing what you spend and how to improve your situation. But let's be frank: asset development starts with a clear and unblinking view of your current financial position. You MUST know what you spend and where cuts can be made.
3) Cut up your credit cards
Money is a commodity. And like all commodities it has a cost. Chances are the most expensive money you're buying is the interest charges on your credit card, 18% being commonplace. This is madness!
If you're using multiple credit cards and thereby incurring multiple credit card bills, your first task is to get rid of all cards but one.
Stop using these extra cards TODAY; then taking the savings you made from the review of your expenses, take what you saved and apply it to paying off the balance of at least one card. Continue to do this monthly until ALL credit card balances are a thing of the past.
4) Save daily
When you're just beginning to create assets, the development of good saving habits is crucial. Decide just how much you can save each month. Make the amount challenging, but not overwhelming. The amount should be reachable, not daunting.
Say you've selected $300 as your target monthly savings goal. Then put aside $10 daily. Open a passbook savings account at your bank; deposit $75 weekly. Doing this just once a month is NOT recommended; it's too easy to "forget" or skip, rationalizing that you can make it up tomorrow. Unfortunately, "tomorrow" never comes!
5) Empty your pockets, save it all
One very easy way to save is to empty the contents of you pocket or purse every few days... and put the money away.
If you're like most people, each year hundreds of dollars end up in purse or pocket. Treat these not as "change" but as the raw material for a successful saving plan.
6) Involve your family
One of the major reasons why most people fail to achieve their asset objectives is because they don't have support.
Right from the get-go, involve your family. Call a family meeting. Explain that in order to develop assets, you intend to review the family budget, including all expenses and all purchases from every family member, starting now; that you'll be looking for ways to save. And that to make this work, you will ask for and indeed require the support of EVERY family member. NO purchase is to be made by anyone until it is considered, reviewed and approved.
Believe me, it may take some "tough love" to get the full approval and working support of all, but it's worth it!
7) Get a financial advisor ASAP
Rich people, people with assets, have a financial advisor and you need one, too.
Even when you're emptying your pockets for spare change, you should be planning for the day when you need and have multiple advisors. Towards that end, start by doing the following:
i) ask your family and friends who provides them with professional investment advice
ii) ask your banker what options she has for you
iii) do an online search for "no load mutual funds". Giants like Vanguard, Fidelity, etc. provide solid advice and no-fee mutual funds. Talk to the representatives of at least two such funds.
Start today
No matter how poor your financial habits have been, no matter how self-destructive, you can turn things around. But you must start TODAY. The thousand mile journey starts with a single step. Get a pair of scissors, cut up your credit cards, empty your pockets, create a budget and review your expenses. It's all good... and all represents progress. Right now you're working for money, but by following these steps money will start working for you. You'll see!
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» 7 Figure Success Formula - Overwhelmed? Disappointed? You're not alone
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
What's your asset position like? If you're like most people you're getting older but you're not getting any richer. This is because you don't have an asset development plan in place. The money comes in, the money goes out... but your asset position doesn't improve. WHOA!
If that's you, this article couldn't come at a better time. Read it and reap!
1) Are you spending money... or are you using money to improve your life?
The average person gets money from a job, then uses this money to cover basic necessities and the occasional luxury. To develop assets you must see your position with new eyes, determined not just to spend money but use it to create assets. Money, you see, is nothing more than a commodity whose value is constantly shifting, thereby giving you the opportunity to grow assets daily. Here's what you can do to get into this exciting game:
2) Start by writing down and reviewing all expenses
Face it, when was the last time you actually wrote a list of all your ongoing expenses, then scrutinized each and every one to see where economies and improvements could be made?
Admit it, you've gone for months, maybe even years without systematically reviewing what you spend and how to improve your situation. But let's be frank: asset development starts with a clear and unblinking view of your current financial position. You MUST know what you spend and where cuts can be made.
3) Cut up your credit cards
Money is a commodity. And like all commodities it has a cost. Chances are the most expensive money you're buying is the interest charges on your credit card, 18% being commonplace. This is madness!
If you're using multiple credit cards and thereby incurring multiple credit card bills, your first task is to get rid of all cards but one.
Stop using these extra cards TODAY; then taking the savings you made from the review of your expenses, take what you saved and apply it to paying off the balance of at least one card. Continue to do this monthly until ALL credit card balances are a thing of the past.
4) Save daily
When you're just beginning to create assets, the development of good saving habits is crucial. Decide just how much you can save each month. Make the amount challenging, but not overwhelming. The amount should be reachable, not daunting.
Say you've selected $300 as your target monthly savings goal. Then put aside $10 daily. Open a passbook savings account at your bank; deposit $75 weekly. Doing this just once a month is NOT recommended; it's too easy to "forget" or skip, rationalizing that you can make it up tomorrow. Unfortunately, "tomorrow" never comes!
5) Empty your pockets, save it all
One very easy way to save is to empty the contents of you pocket or purse every few days... and put the money away.
If you're like most people, each year hundreds of dollars end up in purse or pocket. Treat these not as "change" but as the raw material for a successful saving plan.
6) Involve your family
One of the major reasons why most people fail to achieve their asset objectives is because they don't have support.
Right from the get-go, involve your family. Call a family meeting. Explain that in order to develop assets, you intend to review the family budget, including all expenses and all purchases from every family member, starting now; that you'll be looking for ways to save. And that to make this work, you will ask for and indeed require the support of EVERY family member. NO purchase is to be made by anyone until it is considered, reviewed and approved.
Believe me, it may take some "tough love" to get the full approval and working support of all, but it's worth it!
7) Get a financial advisor ASAP
Rich people, people with assets, have a financial advisor and you need one, too.
Even when you're emptying your pockets for spare change, you should be planning for the day when you need and have multiple advisors. Towards that end, start by doing the following:
i) ask your family and friends who provides them with professional investment advice
ii) ask your banker what options she has for you
iii) do an online search for "no load mutual funds". Giants like Vanguard, Fidelity, etc. provide solid advice and no-fee mutual funds. Talk to the representatives of at least two such funds.
Start today
No matter how poor your financial habits have been, no matter how self-destructive, you can turn things around. But you must start TODAY. The thousand mile journey starts with a single step. Get a pair of scissors, cut up your credit cards, empty your pockets, create a budget and review your expenses. It's all good... and all represents progress. Right now you're working for money, but by following these steps money will start working for you. You'll see!
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» 7 Figure Success Formula - Overwhelmed? Disappointed? You're not alone
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Business Success: Real or Just Talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 tellltale signs you're not really interested in business success... you just like talking about it.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. This is one of the dozens of articles I've written about success. All are prescriptive, honest, detailed... the kind of articles you use a refrigerator magnet to post for the one in your house who talks the best game about success... but never does what's necessary to achieve it. (That could be YOU!)
I'm writing this report for those who engage mouth... but nothing else.
Who try to make you feel small by always prattling on about the BIG things they mean to achieve... but somehow never do.
These people need help and they need it instantly. I aim to provide it... and I'm going to call on the spirit of Harry S. Truman, once president of the United States, to assist. I'm in a big pro-Truman phase right now, not least because I'm again reading one of the best written and most intelligent presidential biographies, David McCullough's "Truman." It is so rich I only permit myself to read a bit every day, because I know how good it is and how distressed I'll be at its conclusion.
For this article's theme music I've selected Paderewski's Minuet in G, a piece Truman knew well; Paderewski himself had shown Truman how to play it... and on one memorable evening during the Potsdam conference of 1945, he played it to the most distinguished audience in the world, headed by the other two of the "Big Three", Stalin and Churchill. The elegant music of another, more graceful age incongruously rose into the night air drifting over the macabre ruins of prostrate Berlin. You'll find it in any search engine. Play it now.
Getting on with the job.
Harry Truman was one of the most quintessentially American presidents the Great Republic has ever had. He was hard-working, conscientious to a fault, direct speaking, humble about himself but determined to improve America and the world using the powers of the office he venerated, and graced. He had the profound American belief that problems were not obstacles, but challenges... and that they could be solved, all of them, if folks just got down to the essential business of solving them.
His approach, of course, might have been so very different. Being President of the United States, he could have pontificated in endless wordiness about what he was going to do... then returned to the White House to play the poker he loved with the buddies who made him laugh and relax, promises forgotten.
Or he could, following in the footsteps of one of the most revered of leaders, Franklin Roosevelt, give way to feelings of inadequacy, a man of slender skills dwarfed by one of history's giants. But he didn't go this direction either, despite a famously indiscrete toast by Winston Churchill who said, "I must confess, sir, I held you in very low regard. I loathed your taking the place of Franklin Roosevelt." With friends like these... Untimely delivered to be sure, but a sentiment the majority of the American people shared with Churchill and which they, along with Churchill, changed as they came to know the man and his methods better. Then, Churchill rendered his revised opinion thus:
" 'He is a man of immense determination. He takes no notice of delicate ground, he just plants his foot down firmly upon it'. To make his point, Churchill jumped a little off the wooden floor and brought both bare feet down with a smack."
Now, be honest, would anyone call you a person of "immense determination" with an acute desire to solve problems and a practical willingness to do so as soon as possible? We have now arrived at the moment of truth, where you need to be a person of total veracity and integrity. Can you rise to this absolutely essential level? If so, it's time to transform your habits so that you can create success after success; to start having and quit merely talking about it.
1) Shift from talking about to actually having success.
So, when was your last success? The longer ago the date you now provide, the bigger your problem. Successful people are starkly "now" oriented. They won't tell you about the successes of years ago; the successes that matter are the ones of recent date. Thus, just how far back you have to go to find a meaningful success constitutes a very clear indication of just how big a problem you have.
2) You must be confident enough about your judgement to make decisions.
Successful people are decision-making people. They know that the achievement of success, then the maintenance and expanding of this success is a function of not just hundreds, but thousands of decisions:
Should I buy this inventory at this price, or not?
Should I invest the company's assets in an interest paying account for this amount of time, or not?
Should I inform this very difficult customer that my firm cannot handle her business anymore, or not?
Should I fire this, hire this, advance this, demote this particular individual, or not?
Review the life and condition of any successful person, and you will see a steady increase in the number and importance of decisions made. Leadership, prosperity, success is all about the ability to make complicated decisions without regret, without second guessing yourself.
3) Successful people will work with you to work things out.
There is a marvelous phrase in the Bible that says simply, "Come now, let us reason together." (Isaiah 1-18) This is precisely what successful people do. Of course, they want to make the best deal, but they realize the best deal contains substantial benefits for the people they are negotiating with; in other words, it is mutually beneficial. If the parties are mutually content, the deal is not only satisfactory for now, but keeps the door open for subsequent deals. And this is the best deal of all.
4) Successful people know the point, grasp the point, and keep their eyes and mind on the point.
Successful people are focused people. Life, already short, cannot be wasted; carpe diem is their motto, guide, and objective. They know that this day will end; that is a given. What is not a given is what benefits they have garnered from the day. The fact of a day is God-given; what happens in that day is determined by each of us. People who talk about tomorrow, next week, next month are fooling themselves and are rightly shunned and disregarded by people who regard procrastination, sloth, and inertia as completely unacceptable and root them out accordingly.
5) Successful people anticipate what people they are working with might need and gather it in advance.
Successful people are perceiving people, thinking people, aware people. They brainstorm options and are thoughtful about what may happen and how to prepare for it, for the ease and comfort of all.
Is this how you are? Or are you always a part of the problem, never part of the solution?
In this regard, consider what Floyd Boring, one of President Truman's secret service agents, said about him:
"He never came on as being superior. He could talk to anyone! He could talk to the lowly peasant. He could talk to the King of England... And that was, I think, his secret.. He never got swellheaded -- never got, you know, swagly."
Ask yourself if anyone will ever regard you this way... and work hard to make sure they do.
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» The Cash Code - Special For YOU Six Figures In 29 Days With 2 Hour TRICK
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. This is one of the dozens of articles I've written about success. All are prescriptive, honest, detailed... the kind of articles you use a refrigerator magnet to post for the one in your house who talks the best game about success... but never does what's necessary to achieve it. (That could be YOU!)
I'm writing this report for those who engage mouth... but nothing else.
Who try to make you feel small by always prattling on about the BIG things they mean to achieve... but somehow never do.
These people need help and they need it instantly. I aim to provide it... and I'm going to call on the spirit of Harry S. Truman, once president of the United States, to assist. I'm in a big pro-Truman phase right now, not least because I'm again reading one of the best written and most intelligent presidential biographies, David McCullough's "Truman." It is so rich I only permit myself to read a bit every day, because I know how good it is and how distressed I'll be at its conclusion.
For this article's theme music I've selected Paderewski's Minuet in G, a piece Truman knew well; Paderewski himself had shown Truman how to play it... and on one memorable evening during the Potsdam conference of 1945, he played it to the most distinguished audience in the world, headed by the other two of the "Big Three", Stalin and Churchill. The elegant music of another, more graceful age incongruously rose into the night air drifting over the macabre ruins of prostrate Berlin. You'll find it in any search engine. Play it now.
Getting on with the job.
Harry Truman was one of the most quintessentially American presidents the Great Republic has ever had. He was hard-working, conscientious to a fault, direct speaking, humble about himself but determined to improve America and the world using the powers of the office he venerated, and graced. He had the profound American belief that problems were not obstacles, but challenges... and that they could be solved, all of them, if folks just got down to the essential business of solving them.
His approach, of course, might have been so very different. Being President of the United States, he could have pontificated in endless wordiness about what he was going to do... then returned to the White House to play the poker he loved with the buddies who made him laugh and relax, promises forgotten.
Or he could, following in the footsteps of one of the most revered of leaders, Franklin Roosevelt, give way to feelings of inadequacy, a man of slender skills dwarfed by one of history's giants. But he didn't go this direction either, despite a famously indiscrete toast by Winston Churchill who said, "I must confess, sir, I held you in very low regard. I loathed your taking the place of Franklin Roosevelt." With friends like these... Untimely delivered to be sure, but a sentiment the majority of the American people shared with Churchill and which they, along with Churchill, changed as they came to know the man and his methods better. Then, Churchill rendered his revised opinion thus:
" 'He is a man of immense determination. He takes no notice of delicate ground, he just plants his foot down firmly upon it'. To make his point, Churchill jumped a little off the wooden floor and brought both bare feet down with a smack."
Now, be honest, would anyone call you a person of "immense determination" with an acute desire to solve problems and a practical willingness to do so as soon as possible? We have now arrived at the moment of truth, where you need to be a person of total veracity and integrity. Can you rise to this absolutely essential level? If so, it's time to transform your habits so that you can create success after success; to start having and quit merely talking about it.
1) Shift from talking about to actually having success.
So, when was your last success? The longer ago the date you now provide, the bigger your problem. Successful people are starkly "now" oriented. They won't tell you about the successes of years ago; the successes that matter are the ones of recent date. Thus, just how far back you have to go to find a meaningful success constitutes a very clear indication of just how big a problem you have.
2) You must be confident enough about your judgement to make decisions.
Successful people are decision-making people. They know that the achievement of success, then the maintenance and expanding of this success is a function of not just hundreds, but thousands of decisions:
Should I buy this inventory at this price, or not?
Should I invest the company's assets in an interest paying account for this amount of time, or not?
Should I inform this very difficult customer that my firm cannot handle her business anymore, or not?
Should I fire this, hire this, advance this, demote this particular individual, or not?
Review the life and condition of any successful person, and you will see a steady increase in the number and importance of decisions made. Leadership, prosperity, success is all about the ability to make complicated decisions without regret, without second guessing yourself.
3) Successful people will work with you to work things out.
There is a marvelous phrase in the Bible that says simply, "Come now, let us reason together." (Isaiah 1-18) This is precisely what successful people do. Of course, they want to make the best deal, but they realize the best deal contains substantial benefits for the people they are negotiating with; in other words, it is mutually beneficial. If the parties are mutually content, the deal is not only satisfactory for now, but keeps the door open for subsequent deals. And this is the best deal of all.
4) Successful people know the point, grasp the point, and keep their eyes and mind on the point.
Successful people are focused people. Life, already short, cannot be wasted; carpe diem is their motto, guide, and objective. They know that this day will end; that is a given. What is not a given is what benefits they have garnered from the day. The fact of a day is God-given; what happens in that day is determined by each of us. People who talk about tomorrow, next week, next month are fooling themselves and are rightly shunned and disregarded by people who regard procrastination, sloth, and inertia as completely unacceptable and root them out accordingly.
5) Successful people anticipate what people they are working with might need and gather it in advance.
Successful people are perceiving people, thinking people, aware people. They brainstorm options and are thoughtful about what may happen and how to prepare for it, for the ease and comfort of all.
Is this how you are? Or are you always a part of the problem, never part of the solution?
In this regard, consider what Floyd Boring, one of President Truman's secret service agents, said about him:
"He never came on as being superior. He could talk to anyone! He could talk to the lowly peasant. He could talk to the King of England... And that was, I think, his secret.. He never got swellheaded -- never got, you know, swagly."
Ask yourself if anyone will ever regard you this way... and work hard to make sure they do.
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» The Cash Code - Special For YOU Six Figures In 29 Days With 2 Hour TRICK
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Dr. Lant,
Franklin Roosevelt,
Harry Truman
Saturday, September 17, 2011
To Insure Promptness: Secrets of Receiving Superior Service
Six things you can do to ensure constant good service. Hint: tipping isn't one of them!
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
How often do you complain about poor service? About businesses that seem to specialize in gratuitous irritants and mind-boggling ineptitude in the care and feeding of worthy customers... like you! Such commentary in our rude days is voluminous, constant, and largely pointless. After all, what is to be done with what is so obviously a general, universal melt-down and daily deterioration in manners?
That's why this important article is so important. Constant complaining won't do much. However, there are things you can do every time you visit any business that'll ensure constant good service. Let's dig in:
1) Smile.
Have you looked at the members of the human comedy as we (for I include myself) go about the business of living. Review the faces you see. How many exhibit such off-putting expressions that would make Ebenezer Scrooge seem like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm? Answer: a number that seems to grow by the hour. Indeed, the "get lost; leave me alone; don't you dare speak to me" expressions are so characteristic of our time that the Rolling Stones hit "I can't get no satisfaction" should become our national anthem. That's why we need to put "smile" at the top of the list.
Smiling costs nothing and opens a world of possibilities and easier-going relationships. Thus, your goal is to proffer a smile whenever possible... and, by smiling, motivate the people around you to return the favor.
2) Always greet people, whenever possible by name.
People like to be called by their names. This being the case you have to wonder why more people haven't figured out that greeting a person by their name not only is courteous; it's a vital way to ensure good service. So, how do you get the name?
In many businesses personnel either wear name tags... or else they often have a name plaque (like banks). Make a point of looking for the name... and then using it. "Good morning, Betty. You look cheerful today!" In such a simple beginning is a future replete with good-natured help and assistance from Betty; which is just what you want.
3) Offer a cheerful remark.
If you want cheer from otherwise morose and self-centered personnel, make it a point to break the ice with a positive comment, like the one above delivered to "Betty": "You look cheerful today!"
Count on the fact that you will be one of the few people in contact with this person today who will be cheerful, upbeat, with a hail-fellow-well-met attitude. Remember, the run of homo sapiens will be scowling instead. Thus your remark is guaranteed to stand out... and get the response you want, namely regular good service from someone positioned to assist you, if she would!
4) Look the person you are addressing in the eye.
The general population moves listlessly through life eyes cast resolutely down, making a point to avoid eye or any other contact. This makes it difficult to secure the best service possible; in fact, it is a prescription for the exact opposite. That's why you must look your potentially helpful but current unhelpful person in the eyes. Eye contact is crucial in establishing long-term good relations and the superior service you desire.
5) Has someone been helpful to you? Tell the manager or responsible individual before you leave.
Every day most employees manage to do a reasonable job. If you want good service from these people, tell their supervisor that they were most helpful to you.
Now here's the key point. Maybe these employees have been particularly helpful... or perhaps they are just a tad above horrible. If you want to make a good impression and open a bridgehead to better service in future, you will find something to commend to the person in charge; you will tell the employees you intend to put in a good word for them...and you'll put in that good word before you leave the business.
Doing it now -- and letting the employee know you've done so -- marks you as an action oriented individual... and a person to be remembered and treated with the kind of respect only a few holy persons and an occasional monarch get. A live commendation puts you in this select society... and gets you the superior service you desire.
6) Write a congratulatory note or send an email.
In a society as service-challenged as ours, there ought to be a law ordering congratulatory comments like those above. Sadly, there is not...which is why so much good service never gets more than a thank-you at best. But not from you...
Your job, if you are determined to secure better service from the establishment and its employees, entails getting the good employee's name, the manager's name and mailing or email address. Then writing a brisk, focused message lavishing compliments and praise. In such messages there cannot be too many compliments or excessive flattery. Use both... for they are important in getting you the better service you desire. Make sure such messages are sent the very day of the good service. Delay diminishes their value, which would never do.
So, who gets superior service... and why?
The bottom line: if you want a lifetime of superior service... becomes a superior customer. Don't expect the people you deal with in business to give you what you will not give them: good manners, an ease of manner, not a jolting "I exist. Serve me" attitude.
Thus, the key point of this article is not merely to provide helpful hints that guarantee superior service, but to make it abundantly clear that those who get superior service are those who deserve it. And by "deserve" I do not mean that they are big shots who arrive in a chauffeur-driven limousine. Indeed, no.
People deserve better treatment because they give better treatment. And that's the way it should be!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James http://SuccessRoute.biz.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
How often do you complain about poor service? About businesses that seem to specialize in gratuitous irritants and mind-boggling ineptitude in the care and feeding of worthy customers... like you! Such commentary in our rude days is voluminous, constant, and largely pointless. After all, what is to be done with what is so obviously a general, universal melt-down and daily deterioration in manners?
That's why this important article is so important. Constant complaining won't do much. However, there are things you can do every time you visit any business that'll ensure constant good service. Let's dig in:
1) Smile.
Have you looked at the members of the human comedy as we (for I include myself) go about the business of living. Review the faces you see. How many exhibit such off-putting expressions that would make Ebenezer Scrooge seem like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm? Answer: a number that seems to grow by the hour. Indeed, the "get lost; leave me alone; don't you dare speak to me" expressions are so characteristic of our time that the Rolling Stones hit "I can't get no satisfaction" should become our national anthem. That's why we need to put "smile" at the top of the list.
Smiling costs nothing and opens a world of possibilities and easier-going relationships. Thus, your goal is to proffer a smile whenever possible... and, by smiling, motivate the people around you to return the favor.
2) Always greet people, whenever possible by name.
People like to be called by their names. This being the case you have to wonder why more people haven't figured out that greeting a person by their name not only is courteous; it's a vital way to ensure good service. So, how do you get the name?
In many businesses personnel either wear name tags... or else they often have a name plaque (like banks). Make a point of looking for the name... and then using it. "Good morning, Betty. You look cheerful today!" In such a simple beginning is a future replete with good-natured help and assistance from Betty; which is just what you want.
3) Offer a cheerful remark.
If you want cheer from otherwise morose and self-centered personnel, make it a point to break the ice with a positive comment, like the one above delivered to "Betty": "You look cheerful today!"
Count on the fact that you will be one of the few people in contact with this person today who will be cheerful, upbeat, with a hail-fellow-well-met attitude. Remember, the run of homo sapiens will be scowling instead. Thus your remark is guaranteed to stand out... and get the response you want, namely regular good service from someone positioned to assist you, if she would!
4) Look the person you are addressing in the eye.
The general population moves listlessly through life eyes cast resolutely down, making a point to avoid eye or any other contact. This makes it difficult to secure the best service possible; in fact, it is a prescription for the exact opposite. That's why you must look your potentially helpful but current unhelpful person in the eyes. Eye contact is crucial in establishing long-term good relations and the superior service you desire.
5) Has someone been helpful to you? Tell the manager or responsible individual before you leave.
Every day most employees manage to do a reasonable job. If you want good service from these people, tell their supervisor that they were most helpful to you.
Now here's the key point. Maybe these employees have been particularly helpful... or perhaps they are just a tad above horrible. If you want to make a good impression and open a bridgehead to better service in future, you will find something to commend to the person in charge; you will tell the employees you intend to put in a good word for them...and you'll put in that good word before you leave the business.
Doing it now -- and letting the employee know you've done so -- marks you as an action oriented individual... and a person to be remembered and treated with the kind of respect only a few holy persons and an occasional monarch get. A live commendation puts you in this select society... and gets you the superior service you desire.
6) Write a congratulatory note or send an email.
In a society as service-challenged as ours, there ought to be a law ordering congratulatory comments like those above. Sadly, there is not...which is why so much good service never gets more than a thank-you at best. But not from you...
Your job, if you are determined to secure better service from the establishment and its employees, entails getting the good employee's name, the manager's name and mailing or email address. Then writing a brisk, focused message lavishing compliments and praise. In such messages there cannot be too many compliments or excessive flattery. Use both... for they are important in getting you the better service you desire. Make sure such messages are sent the very day of the good service. Delay diminishes their value, which would never do.
So, who gets superior service... and why?
The bottom line: if you want a lifetime of superior service... becomes a superior customer. Don't expect the people you deal with in business to give you what you will not give them: good manners, an ease of manner, not a jolting "I exist. Serve me" attitude.
Thus, the key point of this article is not merely to provide helpful hints that guarantee superior service, but to make it abundantly clear that those who get superior service are those who deserve it. And by "deserve" I do not mean that they are big shots who arrive in a chauffeur-driven limousine. Indeed, no.
People deserve better treatment because they give better treatment. And that's the way it should be!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Does The TRUTH Have VALUE …….. Your Success or Failure Online is The Answer
“I want the truth, you can’t handle the truth”.
Yes, a line from A Few Good Men, but is it
TRUE or FALSE? Success in any business
involves dealing with reality and oftentimes,
TRUTH is an inconvenient by product.
Please leave your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Home truths from an old hand about what it takes to succeed online. You may not like them but you need them!
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Every day thousands of people worldwide wake up and, hey presto!, have a great idea: I'm going to set up a business for myself online. Tons of people have done that and oodles of money is being made.
Now hear this: you are now and truly entering the twilight zone... and I want to help you get through it with maximum success and minimum frustration.
Who am I? Well, I am an old Internet hand who, since 1994, has made his primary work place the Internet and has reaped over the years a very ample reward. Now it is time for me to share with you some of the lessons of these years of learning, growth, and profits.
I know what you're thinking: "Yikes, another old geezer from ancient times trying to help me by offering useless advice that never in a million years could possibly apply to me and my situation." Is that how you feel when those more experienced than you are (and more successful) offer up their nuggets of wisdom? If so, reconsider and feast your eyes on this:
Item: Most home-based Internet businesses fail unless they have certain crucial criteria in place. Without these factors, you will fail, too.
Item: Your online business is most vulnerable if you have never previously been involved in business and have limited Internet experience. The failure rate here is staggering.
Item: You are at severe risk if you are trying to run a one-person online business and have no one else to advise and counsel you. This is very likely the situation in which you find yourself right this minute. You will soon discover why one is the loneliest -- and least successful -- number.
Now, have I got your attention?
The minute you decided you wanted to make money online, you became a failure waiting to happen. That's why you must pay close attention to the recommendations that follow. Not only are they the result of many successful years online, they are heartfelt, because online helpful friends are few and far between... and should be listened to with the utmost respect, even if you don't like what they're telling you.
Home truth number 1: Life online for most would-be Internet entrepreneurs is nasty, brutish and short. It looks like this: decide to have an online business, get a website, then.... absolutely nothing. No traffic! No customers! No money! You will know this description applies to you very, very soon if you are being at all honest with yourself.
How long have you been trying to make money online?
How much have you made?
How much have you spent to launch this e-enterprise?
How much time have you wasted?
What makes you think tomorrow will be better than yesterday?
These are tough questions... and most online business wannabees never do demand answers from themselves... or at least not before it's too little too late.
Home truth number 2: You don't know enough about developing your crucial prospect list.
People who make money online know that the list is the business and the business is the list. Do you know this and are you focusing your expertise, time and money in developing that all important list? Or are you focusing on such inessential factors as the colors used on your website, your domain name, how many business cards you should order, etc? All such questions collectively do not have the importance and significance of this single query: what did you do today, yesterday, the day before yesterday and the day before that to build the list, the list that is the business and from whence all your profits will derive, now and forever?
Home truth number 3: You have no marketing experience or success.
Who succeeds online? People who know what marketing is, have important marketing experience, and know what marketing they must know and do daily. Sadly, the wannabees have absolutely none of these things and their lack is both obvious and fatal. You cannot succeed in business online (or off for that matter) with only rudimentary marketing skills, hoping that that will be enough. It won't be. A thorough practical knowledge of reality-based marketing is essential. You proceed at your peril without it.
Home truth number 4: Success online means having the ability to write cogent advertising and other copy.
How are your customer-centered writing skills? The truth, please, and nothing but the truth.
Successful Internet entrepreneurs are to a person good customer-centered writers. Or if they're not they have solved that problem by hiring someone who is. Thus, your question is this: can I write the necessary copy that gets prospects to stop in their tracks, pay attention, peruse the offer and product details, and act? Merely "thinking" you can write such copy is just not good enough. Would you go sailing in a leaky boat? Then don't deceive yourself here either. Excellent copywriting skills are a must.
Home truth number 5: You're not selling nearly enough products.
Want success online? Sell lots of products. Want even more success? Sell lots more. Success online directly correlates to how many products you sell and your skill in presenting them.
How many products are you selling today?
How many yesterday? The day before?
If you are not adding new products daily, you are handicapping your ability to make money online.
Every successful online entrepreneur is engaged in a strenuous search and discover mission aimed at finding more products.
Are you? If not, your Internet obsequies are near at hand.
Home truth number 6: You are not skilled in essential traffic generation techniques.
In real estate, it's location, location, location.
Online, it's traffic, traffic, traffic.
The sad truth is you traffic generation skills and experience are minimal, certainly inadequate to generate the necessary traffic that ensures success.
Hopefully you'll admit this is true. Then, assuming you are willing to knuckle down and master traffic essentials, the better to create and grow your list, you at least have a prayer.
However, if you do not have the necessary traffic generation skills... and remain unwilling to say so and do something about it, you're DOA... 100% certain to fail.
Home truth number 7... but I must cease and desist as my space for today is now at an end. There is, of course, much more I can tell you... and undoubtedly will. For now, promise me this: that you will attend closely to these deeply honest observations. And when you implement them successfully, you'll let me know. I'd like to know how you're getting on, with my help.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Yes, a line from A Few Good Men, but is it
TRUE or FALSE? Success in any business
involves dealing with reality and oftentimes,
TRUTH is an inconvenient by product.
Please leave your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Home truths from an old hand about what it takes to succeed online. You may not like them but you need them!
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Every day thousands of people worldwide wake up and, hey presto!, have a great idea: I'm going to set up a business for myself online. Tons of people have done that and oodles of money is being made.
Now hear this: you are now and truly entering the twilight zone... and I want to help you get through it with maximum success and minimum frustration.
Who am I? Well, I am an old Internet hand who, since 1994, has made his primary work place the Internet and has reaped over the years a very ample reward. Now it is time for me to share with you some of the lessons of these years of learning, growth, and profits.
I know what you're thinking: "Yikes, another old geezer from ancient times trying to help me by offering useless advice that never in a million years could possibly apply to me and my situation." Is that how you feel when those more experienced than you are (and more successful) offer up their nuggets of wisdom? If so, reconsider and feast your eyes on this:
Item: Most home-based Internet businesses fail unless they have certain crucial criteria in place. Without these factors, you will fail, too.
Item: Your online business is most vulnerable if you have never previously been involved in business and have limited Internet experience. The failure rate here is staggering.
Item: You are at severe risk if you are trying to run a one-person online business and have no one else to advise and counsel you. This is very likely the situation in which you find yourself right this minute. You will soon discover why one is the loneliest -- and least successful -- number.
Now, have I got your attention?
The minute you decided you wanted to make money online, you became a failure waiting to happen. That's why you must pay close attention to the recommendations that follow. Not only are they the result of many successful years online, they are heartfelt, because online helpful friends are few and far between... and should be listened to with the utmost respect, even if you don't like what they're telling you.
Home truth number 1: Life online for most would-be Internet entrepreneurs is nasty, brutish and short. It looks like this: decide to have an online business, get a website, then.... absolutely nothing. No traffic! No customers! No money! You will know this description applies to you very, very soon if you are being at all honest with yourself.
How long have you been trying to make money online?
How much have you made?
How much have you spent to launch this e-enterprise?
How much time have you wasted?
What makes you think tomorrow will be better than yesterday?
These are tough questions... and most online business wannabees never do demand answers from themselves... or at least not before it's too little too late.
Home truth number 2: You don't know enough about developing your crucial prospect list.
People who make money online know that the list is the business and the business is the list. Do you know this and are you focusing your expertise, time and money in developing that all important list? Or are you focusing on such inessential factors as the colors used on your website, your domain name, how many business cards you should order, etc? All such questions collectively do not have the importance and significance of this single query: what did you do today, yesterday, the day before yesterday and the day before that to build the list, the list that is the business and from whence all your profits will derive, now and forever?
Home truth number 3: You have no marketing experience or success.
Who succeeds online? People who know what marketing is, have important marketing experience, and know what marketing they must know and do daily. Sadly, the wannabees have absolutely none of these things and their lack is both obvious and fatal. You cannot succeed in business online (or off for that matter) with only rudimentary marketing skills, hoping that that will be enough. It won't be. A thorough practical knowledge of reality-based marketing is essential. You proceed at your peril without it.
Home truth number 4: Success online means having the ability to write cogent advertising and other copy.
How are your customer-centered writing skills? The truth, please, and nothing but the truth.
Successful Internet entrepreneurs are to a person good customer-centered writers. Or if they're not they have solved that problem by hiring someone who is. Thus, your question is this: can I write the necessary copy that gets prospects to stop in their tracks, pay attention, peruse the offer and product details, and act? Merely "thinking" you can write such copy is just not good enough. Would you go sailing in a leaky boat? Then don't deceive yourself here either. Excellent copywriting skills are a must.
Home truth number 5: You're not selling nearly enough products.
Want success online? Sell lots of products. Want even more success? Sell lots more. Success online directly correlates to how many products you sell and your skill in presenting them.
How many products are you selling today?
How many yesterday? The day before?
If you are not adding new products daily, you are handicapping your ability to make money online.
Every successful online entrepreneur is engaged in a strenuous search and discover mission aimed at finding more products.
Are you? If not, your Internet obsequies are near at hand.
Home truth number 6: You are not skilled in essential traffic generation techniques.
In real estate, it's location, location, location.
Online, it's traffic, traffic, traffic.
The sad truth is you traffic generation skills and experience are minimal, certainly inadequate to generate the necessary traffic that ensures success.
Hopefully you'll admit this is true. Then, assuming you are willing to knuckle down and master traffic essentials, the better to create and grow your list, you at least have a prayer.
However, if you do not have the necessary traffic generation skills... and remain unwilling to say so and do something about it, you're DOA... 100% certain to fail.
Home truth number 7... but I must cease and desist as my space for today is now at an end. There is, of course, much more I can tell you... and undoubtedly will. For now, promise me this: that you will attend closely to these deeply honest observations. And when you implement them successfully, you'll let me know. I'd like to know how you're getting on, with my help.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Suffering From A Mind Virus, We Have a Solution
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Attend Live Daily Webcasts :
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Want To How Learn How To Monetize Your BLOG?
So, I presume you want to generate consistent,
predictable and long-term residual income from
your home business opportunity? If yes, then,
let’s eliminate any and all Mind Viruses you
have contracted over the years that prevented
you from developing a Millionaire Mindset
and achieving financial prosperity. If this
sounds reasonable then, continue to review
the information contained in this brief report
so you can attain success.
Firstly let’s define Millionaire Mindset and
Mind Virus, so this report makes sense and
you can determine how severe you have been
infected by factors that keep you poor and
self-doubting about your abilities. Millionaire
Mindset is a pattern of thinking that motivates
the individual to overcome challenges and achieve
objectives that enhance one’s personal well being.
Basically, “It is all about continued advancement in
every area of your life”. “There should always be a
desire in us to grow, to increase, and to go one level
better than we’ve ever been able to achieve so far”.
Now, a Mind Virus is a disease that produces a
pattern of thinking that “limits your opportunities
for success because it will cause you to see everything
as negative, as threats and as problems”. Well,
generating consistent income is obviously a tough
task if, one’s thought pattern is incapable of seeking
a solution to a problem that could yield financial riches.
How do successful people continue to achieve
success and continue to grow beyond their past
achievements? Let’s look at a solution, which
would consist of changing our pattern of thinking,
or more accurately change our philosophy.
Success is an internal process that begins in the
mind; therefore, to win one must be willing to
discard the old negative thought patterns that are
unproductive and develop a new pattern of
thinking that is proactive and committed to
achieving one’s objectives. Hence, a shift in
thinking and continued execution of that
new philosophy is all it takes.
Now, are you ready to invest in yourself
and receive solid training from an Internet
multi-millionaire, who will train your mind
and function as your new skill-model, so
you will develop into a successful marketer?
If yes, then, click on the link below:
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurnjames@hushmail.com
URL: http://www.SuccessRoute.biz
Take advantage of Adlandpro's incredible advertising package.
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2011 All Rights Reserved.
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Attend Live Daily Webcasts :
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Want To How Learn How To Monetize Your BLOG?
So, I presume you want to generate consistent,
predictable and long-term residual income from
your home business opportunity? If yes, then,
let’s eliminate any and all Mind Viruses you
have contracted over the years that prevented
you from developing a Millionaire Mindset
and achieving financial prosperity. If this
sounds reasonable then, continue to review
the information contained in this brief report
so you can attain success.
Firstly let’s define Millionaire Mindset and
Mind Virus, so this report makes sense and
you can determine how severe you have been
infected by factors that keep you poor and
self-doubting about your abilities. Millionaire
Mindset is a pattern of thinking that motivates
the individual to overcome challenges and achieve
objectives that enhance one’s personal well being.
Basically, “It is all about continued advancement in
every area of your life”. “There should always be a
desire in us to grow, to increase, and to go one level
better than we’ve ever been able to achieve so far”.
Now, a Mind Virus is a disease that produces a
pattern of thinking that “limits your opportunities
for success because it will cause you to see everything
as negative, as threats and as problems”. Well,
generating consistent income is obviously a tough
task if, one’s thought pattern is incapable of seeking
a solution to a problem that could yield financial riches.
How do successful people continue to achieve
success and continue to grow beyond their past
achievements? Let’s look at a solution, which
would consist of changing our pattern of thinking,
or more accurately change our philosophy.
Success is an internal process that begins in the
mind; therefore, to win one must be willing to
discard the old negative thought patterns that are
unproductive and develop a new pattern of
thinking that is proactive and committed to
achieving one’s objectives. Hence, a shift in
thinking and continued execution of that
new philosophy is all it takes.
Now, are you ready to invest in yourself
and receive solid training from an Internet
multi-millionaire, who will train your mind
and function as your new skill-model, so
you will develop into a successful marketer?
If yes, then, click on the link below:
Vaurn James - President SuccessRoute.biz & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: vaurnjames@hushmail.com
URL: http://www.SuccessRoute.biz
Take advantage of Adlandpro's incredible advertising package.
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2011 All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
She Did It……Left a Beautiful Corpse & Member of The 27-Year old Cadaver Club!!!!
Is congratulations appropriate or inappropriate?
Well, it depends upon who you are asking, but
Amy Winehouse died last week (7/23/11) and
Is now a member of Rock and Roll Heaven.
Yes, she has joined the ranks of legends such
as: Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones,
Bon Scott, John Bonham and Curt Cobain.
So, the obvious question is as follows: “what
does this all mean and what can we learn from
her challenges? One thing is certain, death can
be an outcome when one FAILS to invest in
themselves the tool called Self-Discipline.
Learn why it is vital to YOUR personal success,
while the benefits of success are so seductive.
Please leave your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An appreciation for the turbulent life and undeniable talent of Amy Winehouse. Dead at 27, July 23, 2011. By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Amy Jade Winehouse was exactly the woman your mother was terrified you'd become... and nagged at you to avoid. She covered her body with old-time sailor tattoos... had a beehive style hair-do that looked like it was construction art... popped pills like juju beans... drank like a fish and then became a "bad drunk"... found men, let them abuse her, then ditched them... to do it all over again. And, if this were not enough, she experimented with every drug her international contacts could get her... then went through some more.
Yeah, she was a mess alright... but there was one redeeming grace... and that was the lady had talent... and an outsized personality that enabled her to showcase her works... and (when she was at her best) wow the folks... while changing the outmoded verities in the musical world... where she was a seismic force smoking out hypocrisies, superficialities, and any hint of silly sweetness. She was authentic to her fingertips... and that made a lot of people -- including mothers with young girls -- plenty nervous.
Now this volcanic force is dead, aged just 27, and we are left to wonder at why she gave up everything she loved -- including her very life -- to feed her destructive passions. A good place to look for clues is in her prize-winning 2007 tune "Rehab". Go to any search engine now. Play the song once or twice, and pay particular attention to the lyrics... "They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'." And then the kicker we all knew to be true, "Yeah, I'm outta control." She was right... and it was the tragedy of her life.
She did what she wanted... with whom she wanted... where she wanted.. when she wanted. She knew what was acceptable behavior... she ignored it to achieve who she was. If that upset others, too bad. Her need to behave in ways you found selfish, reprehensible, ridiculous made her maddeningly impossible to be around; you never knew what was coming next... because she never knew what she'd be doing next. It was an exhausting way to live.... and no one knew it better than she did and in moments of clarity she screamed for help "I don't ever wanna drink again". But she did drink... and smoke... and shoot up... and inhale... engaging in every form of abuse she could think of, devise or learn from her cadre of fellow travelers, each going to hell in their own fashion....
But through it all there was the music and the talent that produced it. And if we must condemn her, let us do so for this reason: that she abused her talent, wasted her talent, insulted her talent, and treated her talent with contempt, with every injection risking it, threatening it, threatening all. For this she deserves the strongest possible condemnation...
.... Amy Winehouse knew this. But as time went on, it didn't matter anymore... she knew she was on the road to oblivion. "Can you blame me for being a slave to my passion?" Yes, most assuredly we can... because her passion was not ingestion and self abuse (though it seemed so)... her passion was the music she created... the sound she shaped... the impacting words... these things were her passion and she squandered these with too little remorse and regret. Damn her.
The beginning.
Winehouse was born September 14, 1983 in the Southgate area of north London to a Jewish family whose inclination to jazz later influenced her work. She was the younger of two children (older brother Alex) of Mitchell Winehouse, taxi driver, and Janis Winehouse (nee Seaton), pharmacist. Mitchell often sang Frank Sinatra songs to young Amy, who took to a constant habit of singing to the point that teachers found it difficult keeping her quiet in class. Even then it was clear she had talent... Like other young artists there were many false starts... she got her first guitar at 13 and began writing music a year later. She also began working at this time, for openers a showbiz journalist for the World Entertainment News Network, also singing with a local group the Bolsha Band.
But her passion was the all-girl groups of the '60's, particularly The Ronettes, her favorite; it's where she got her "instantly recognizable" beehive hair-do and Cleopatra make-up.
Just 20, her debut album "Frank" was released October 20, 2003. Produced mainly by Salaam Remi, many songs were influenced by jazz and, apart from two covers, every song was co-written by Winehouse. The reviews were good and brought comparisons to Macy Gray and Sarah Vaughan. In due course, "Frank" garnered a host of awards and honors... and reached platinum sales levels. The little Jewish girl from north London had her foot on the ladder... but as usual did it her way. Instead of engaging in the usual puffery, she said of this album she was just "80 percent" behind it. Her producers fumed... but the world smiled; here was a person who told the (often inconvenient) truths... and we all liked her better.
International success.
In these days, Winehouse was a prodigious worker, an artist who never tolerated the second rate in herself, or anyone else. She knew what she wanted from herself... and from you. "Back to Black" was the result, released in the U.K. October 30, 2006. It became the best-selling U.K. album in 2007, selling a staggering 1.85 million copies over the year. The money guys heard the clink of coin... and were willing to tolerate Winehouse's often eccentric behavior because she delivered the bucks.
The most influential song on this album was "Rehab". "Time" magazine called it the "Best Song" of 2007. Interviewer Josh Tyrangiel praised Winehouse for her
confidence, saying "What she is is mouthy, funny, sultry, and quite possibly crazy," and "It's impossible not to be seduced by her originality." The world agreed; prizes and honors were showered upon her... and, of course, money, lots and lots of it. All she had to do was keep her demons under control. But who can promise so much, even with the entire world and its golden prizes at stake? She still had higher to fly... the farther to fall when her punishing descent began. Let's stay a little on the lady still ascending, for her fall is painful, distressing, the stuff of agony and dismay.
In 2008 she won Grammy Awards in the categories for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for the single "Rehab," while her album "Back to Black" was nominated for Album of the Year and won Best Pop Vocal award. She was now well and truly at the top of the world... for an instant, until the contrary forces she had kept in balance, began pulling in opposite directions she could no longer control. Thus did mighty mayhem break loose... and Amy Winehouse lose her ascendancy in the world... and, far too soon, her life.
She was drawn to, loved, married, dallied with and tolerated, all the wrong people... the weak men who pandered to her vices and abused her body, her weaknesses and kindness; the ones who fed her pills and substances of every kind which she never needed and was unable to resist. Thanks to the constant lurid tales in the tabloids, we all saw it. Hers was a tragedy occurring before our eyes, an irresistible inevitability which at last on July 23 bore its strange fruit. The scene was dirty, squalid, disgusting... with honors, awards, trophies strewn about the place, indicators that life was vanity, all vanity. Short, ironic, painful, pride abashed and all alone.
So did Amy Winehouse kill herself, her talent and her many dreams... but she could not kill her music, rhythmic, honest to a fault, intriguing, bold. Here was the woman at her best... and now this best must stand against the ages, to remind us of her integrity and audacity, for she had these in abundance, and so should we remember her.
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Traffic Siphon - Special For YOU, Please read this. It will affect YOUR life.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission.SuccessRoute.biz
Well, it depends upon who you are asking, but
Amy Winehouse died last week (7/23/11) and
Is now a member of Rock and Roll Heaven.
Yes, she has joined the ranks of legends such
as: Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones,
Bon Scott, John Bonham and Curt Cobain.
So, the obvious question is as follows: “what
does this all mean and what can we learn from
her challenges? One thing is certain, death can
be an outcome when one FAILS to invest in
themselves the tool called Self-Discipline.
Learn why it is vital to YOUR personal success,
while the benefits of success are so seductive.
Please leave your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An appreciation for the turbulent life and undeniable talent of Amy Winehouse. Dead at 27, July 23, 2011. By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Amy Jade Winehouse was exactly the woman your mother was terrified you'd become... and nagged at you to avoid. She covered her body with old-time sailor tattoos... had a beehive style hair-do that looked like it was construction art... popped pills like juju beans... drank like a fish and then became a "bad drunk"... found men, let them abuse her, then ditched them... to do it all over again. And, if this were not enough, she experimented with every drug her international contacts could get her... then went through some more.
Yeah, she was a mess alright... but there was one redeeming grace... and that was the lady had talent... and an outsized personality that enabled her to showcase her works... and (when she was at her best) wow the folks... while changing the outmoded verities in the musical world... where she was a seismic force smoking out hypocrisies, superficialities, and any hint of silly sweetness. She was authentic to her fingertips... and that made a lot of people -- including mothers with young girls -- plenty nervous.
Now this volcanic force is dead, aged just 27, and we are left to wonder at why she gave up everything she loved -- including her very life -- to feed her destructive passions. A good place to look for clues is in her prize-winning 2007 tune "Rehab". Go to any search engine now. Play the song once or twice, and pay particular attention to the lyrics... "They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'." And then the kicker we all knew to be true, "Yeah, I'm outta control." She was right... and it was the tragedy of her life.
She did what she wanted... with whom she wanted... where she wanted.. when she wanted. She knew what was acceptable behavior... she ignored it to achieve who she was. If that upset others, too bad. Her need to behave in ways you found selfish, reprehensible, ridiculous made her maddeningly impossible to be around; you never knew what was coming next... because she never knew what she'd be doing next. It was an exhausting way to live.... and no one knew it better than she did and in moments of clarity she screamed for help "I don't ever wanna drink again". But she did drink... and smoke... and shoot up... and inhale... engaging in every form of abuse she could think of, devise or learn from her cadre of fellow travelers, each going to hell in their own fashion....
But through it all there was the music and the talent that produced it. And if we must condemn her, let us do so for this reason: that she abused her talent, wasted her talent, insulted her talent, and treated her talent with contempt, with every injection risking it, threatening it, threatening all. For this she deserves the strongest possible condemnation...
.... Amy Winehouse knew this. But as time went on, it didn't matter anymore... she knew she was on the road to oblivion. "Can you blame me for being a slave to my passion?" Yes, most assuredly we can... because her passion was not ingestion and self abuse (though it seemed so)... her passion was the music she created... the sound she shaped... the impacting words... these things were her passion and she squandered these with too little remorse and regret. Damn her.
The beginning.
Winehouse was born September 14, 1983 in the Southgate area of north London to a Jewish family whose inclination to jazz later influenced her work. She was the younger of two children (older brother Alex) of Mitchell Winehouse, taxi driver, and Janis Winehouse (nee Seaton), pharmacist. Mitchell often sang Frank Sinatra songs to young Amy, who took to a constant habit of singing to the point that teachers found it difficult keeping her quiet in class. Even then it was clear she had talent... Like other young artists there were many false starts... she got her first guitar at 13 and began writing music a year later. She also began working at this time, for openers a showbiz journalist for the World Entertainment News Network, also singing with a local group the Bolsha Band.
But her passion was the all-girl groups of the '60's, particularly The Ronettes, her favorite; it's where she got her "instantly recognizable" beehive hair-do and Cleopatra make-up.
Just 20, her debut album "Frank" was released October 20, 2003. Produced mainly by Salaam Remi, many songs were influenced by jazz and, apart from two covers, every song was co-written by Winehouse. The reviews were good and brought comparisons to Macy Gray and Sarah Vaughan. In due course, "Frank" garnered a host of awards and honors... and reached platinum sales levels. The little Jewish girl from north London had her foot on the ladder... but as usual did it her way. Instead of engaging in the usual puffery, she said of this album she was just "80 percent" behind it. Her producers fumed... but the world smiled; here was a person who told the (often inconvenient) truths... and we all liked her better.
International success.
In these days, Winehouse was a prodigious worker, an artist who never tolerated the second rate in herself, or anyone else. She knew what she wanted from herself... and from you. "Back to Black" was the result, released in the U.K. October 30, 2006. It became the best-selling U.K. album in 2007, selling a staggering 1.85 million copies over the year. The money guys heard the clink of coin... and were willing to tolerate Winehouse's often eccentric behavior because she delivered the bucks.
The most influential song on this album was "Rehab". "Time" magazine called it the "Best Song" of 2007. Interviewer Josh Tyrangiel praised Winehouse for her
confidence, saying "What she is is mouthy, funny, sultry, and quite possibly crazy," and "It's impossible not to be seduced by her originality." The world agreed; prizes and honors were showered upon her... and, of course, money, lots and lots of it. All she had to do was keep her demons under control. But who can promise so much, even with the entire world and its golden prizes at stake? She still had higher to fly... the farther to fall when her punishing descent began. Let's stay a little on the lady still ascending, for her fall is painful, distressing, the stuff of agony and dismay.
In 2008 she won Grammy Awards in the categories for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for the single "Rehab," while her album "Back to Black" was nominated for Album of the Year and won Best Pop Vocal award. She was now well and truly at the top of the world... for an instant, until the contrary forces she had kept in balance, began pulling in opposite directions she could no longer control. Thus did mighty mayhem break loose... and Amy Winehouse lose her ascendancy in the world... and, far too soon, her life.
She was drawn to, loved, married, dallied with and tolerated, all the wrong people... the weak men who pandered to her vices and abused her body, her weaknesses and kindness; the ones who fed her pills and substances of every kind which she never needed and was unable to resist. Thanks to the constant lurid tales in the tabloids, we all saw it. Hers was a tragedy occurring before our eyes, an irresistible inevitability which at last on July 23 bore its strange fruit. The scene was dirty, squalid, disgusting... with honors, awards, trophies strewn about the place, indicators that life was vanity, all vanity. Short, ironic, painful, pride abashed and all alone.
So did Amy Winehouse kill herself, her talent and her many dreams... but she could not kill her music, rhythmic, honest to a fault, intriguing, bold. Here was the woman at her best... and now this best must stand against the ages, to remind us of her integrity and audacity, for she had these in abundance, and so should we remember her.
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Traffic Siphon - Special For YOU, Please read this. It will affect YOUR life.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission.SuccessRoute.biz
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Business REALLY Customer Centered?
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Ok, we all know that getting and keeping customers is the lifeblood of any business. I mean, we do all know this, right? Then you've got to treat these essential beings with all the care and consideration they need and require.
So, why don't you?
Here are some of the bone head things any customer can easily experience from businesses like yours on any given day:
1) Telephone calls that aren't returned
This is a constant lamentation from customers: "Why can't I get my calls returned?"
The plain fact is, most businesses are supremely careless about returning calls. Indeed, we seem to have reached the point where the returned call is the exception, not the rule.
This means that businesses are actually willing to throw business away and antagonize customers, rather than implement and adhere to a "calls must be returned promptly" policy. Incredible!
Don't let this be you. Make it a point to return ALL calls every day before you leave, earlier if possible. And do the same for all e-mail messages, too.
2) Keep customers up-to-date on their business
What customers (rightly) resent is being kept in the dark about their affairs. They expect, and are right to expect, that people they employ are empathetic. This means keeping customers fully up-to-date on what is happening with their account.
Either a phone call or an e-mail message can do nicely. The important thing is ensuring you give the customer a clear and detailed report, focusing on what that customer wants to know to be kept fully informed and anxiety free.
3) Do what you say you're going to do
When you were courting your customer, making a pitch for their business, you made promises. Are you keeping them, now that you got the business?
Customers rightly complain that there is a gap between what was promised and what is delivered. Solving this problem is not so very difficult. Keep a clear list of what you promised, and check off these items as you do them. Be sure to inform the customer, so there is no confusion. "I promised this; I have done this." That's the thing!
4) Provide easy customer support
If you provide a service requiring customer support, make it clear what you provide and when you supply it. Customers rightly complain when promised support is not available, and they have to chase you to get assistance. This very quickly goes stale and results in deteriorating relations.
Again, be clear on the support you provide... then deliver exactly what you said you would!
5) Don't gossip or chat in front of waiting customers
This one gets customers hot under the collar real fast.
The plain, unvarnished truth is that far too many business people regard customers as either a) invisible or b) pesky distractions from the thrilling task of keeping their co-workers current on the vicissitudes of their roller-coaster life.
Unless your object is to make customers see red, STOP the chatter, now and for evermore.
6) Stick to business
Just yesterday I called a local business to get details on a possible purchase and instead of focused, professional service... I got an earful about the life and times of an unstoppable loquacious business owner.
On the whole customers do not need to have either a current report on your health issues past, present and future, or the ins and outs of your business for the last quarter century, or so.
The K.I.S.S. principle applies here: Keep it simple, Sam. Don't overwhelm the customer with your personal trivia. It is a real turn-off for most.
6) Say thank-you for the business, and smile when you say it.
Quite simply, you cannot thank a customer enough for her business. Further, you cannot smile enough as you look that customer in the eye while delivering heartfelt words of appreciation.
Thank-you's must NEVER be perfunctory. They must be warm, sincere, radiant and frequent. Remember, the customer ALWAYS knows when they're genuine and bestows future business accordingly!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Ok, we all know that getting and keeping customers is the lifeblood of any business. I mean, we do all know this, right? Then you've got to treat these essential beings with all the care and consideration they need and require.
So, why don't you?
Here are some of the bone head things any customer can easily experience from businesses like yours on any given day:
1) Telephone calls that aren't returned
This is a constant lamentation from customers: "Why can't I get my calls returned?"
The plain fact is, most businesses are supremely careless about returning calls. Indeed, we seem to have reached the point where the returned call is the exception, not the rule.
This means that businesses are actually willing to throw business away and antagonize customers, rather than implement and adhere to a "calls must be returned promptly" policy. Incredible!
Don't let this be you. Make it a point to return ALL calls every day before you leave, earlier if possible. And do the same for all e-mail messages, too.
2) Keep customers up-to-date on their business
What customers (rightly) resent is being kept in the dark about their affairs. They expect, and are right to expect, that people they employ are empathetic. This means keeping customers fully up-to-date on what is happening with their account.
Either a phone call or an e-mail message can do nicely. The important thing is ensuring you give the customer a clear and detailed report, focusing on what that customer wants to know to be kept fully informed and anxiety free.
3) Do what you say you're going to do
When you were courting your customer, making a pitch for their business, you made promises. Are you keeping them, now that you got the business?
Customers rightly complain that there is a gap between what was promised and what is delivered. Solving this problem is not so very difficult. Keep a clear list of what you promised, and check off these items as you do them. Be sure to inform the customer, so there is no confusion. "I promised this; I have done this." That's the thing!
4) Provide easy customer support
If you provide a service requiring customer support, make it clear what you provide and when you supply it. Customers rightly complain when promised support is not available, and they have to chase you to get assistance. This very quickly goes stale and results in deteriorating relations.
Again, be clear on the support you provide... then deliver exactly what you said you would!
5) Don't gossip or chat in front of waiting customers
This one gets customers hot under the collar real fast.
The plain, unvarnished truth is that far too many business people regard customers as either a) invisible or b) pesky distractions from the thrilling task of keeping their co-workers current on the vicissitudes of their roller-coaster life.
Unless your object is to make customers see red, STOP the chatter, now and for evermore.
6) Stick to business
Just yesterday I called a local business to get details on a possible purchase and instead of focused, professional service... I got an earful about the life and times of an unstoppable loquacious business owner.
On the whole customers do not need to have either a current report on your health issues past, present and future, or the ins and outs of your business for the last quarter century, or so.
The K.I.S.S. principle applies here: Keep it simple, Sam. Don't overwhelm the customer with your personal trivia. It is a real turn-off for most.
6) Say thank-you for the business, and smile when you say it.
Quite simply, you cannot thank a customer enough for her business. Further, you cannot smile enough as you look that customer in the eye while delivering heartfelt words of appreciation.
Thank-you's must NEVER be perfunctory. They must be warm, sincere, radiant and frequent. Remember, the customer ALWAYS knows when they're genuine and bestows future business accordingly!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hallelujah: Equality Achieved...... To Black Politicians Convicted of Bribery!!!!!!!!!
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Monday, July 18, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
In the immortal words of the late
Supreme Court Justice,Thurgood Marshal,
"there's no difference between a Black
snake and a White snake..... the bloody
snake still bites". Indeed, politicians
are equally receptive to economic incentives
to advance their own financial portfolio.
Fortunately, when one breaks the 11th
Commandment (Thou, shall not get caught)
there are consequences from the Almighty,
that are manifested through Man's Law. In
essence, take a bribe and get caught by the
Feds your Biblical Donkey goes to JAIL.
Please,leave your Comments!!!!!!!!!!
On black politics and politicians. Thoughts on the convictions of former Boston city councillor Chuck Turner and former Massachusetts state senator Dianne Wilkerson.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
January 25, 2011 ought to have been a red letter day in the black community of Boston, Massachusetts. That, after all, is the day former 6 term Boston city councillor Chuck Turner was sentenced to three years in prison for accepting a $1,000 bribe. He's joined in the pokey by another well- known black politician, Dianne Wilkerson, ex-state senator, representing roughly the same area in the state senate Turner represented in the city council. Wilkerson's sentence, 3 1/2 years.
Sadly, the black community has not only not been grateful to have such blatant, shameless cons removed from positions of power and authority they occupied... there is strong, residual grumbling that "the man" has clipped the wings of two positively angelic spokespeople for the community. Sure they were guilty... but they were good people who worked for the community; thus all their numerous, documented infractions should and needed to be forgiven.
Let's see how this ironic development came about; what it tells us about leadership in the black community, and the need to put the race card to bed, as inimical to that community and its members.
Here are the facts:
June 2007. Wilkerson, one of the best known members of the Massachusetts State Senate, is videotaped accepting cash pay-offs, including $1,000 that she stuffed into her bra, in exchange for help with a liquor license and assistance to a developer who wanted to build on state land.
August 3, 2007. Turner is videotaped by an FBI informant accepting a $1,000 bribe also for help getting a liquor license.
October 28, 2008. Wilkerson is arrested on FBI charges of public corruption and accused of eight counts of accepting bribes worth $23,500.
November 21, 2008. Turner is arrested on charges of taking a bribe and then lying to federal agents about it.
Thanks to the videotapes and other corroborating evidence, surely this, of all cases, was open and shut. Think again!
Both Wilkerson and even more so Turner were wise in the ways of provocateurs everywhere. Demagoguery? Distortions? Lies? They were all in a day's work for this hyper-active duo. Too, they knew one of Adolph Hitler's most insightful observations: that if you say a thing often, over and over again, that thing, no matter how unsound, untrue, unlikely, becomes the truth.
And so, because the charges were serious, amply documented, and because the FBI was determined that such a culture of crime be rooted out... the matter escalated at once into a food fight that fascinated and repelled a great city.
In short order, both Turner and Wilkerson had turned the matter of their guilt or innocence into nothing less than an assault by every level of authority against their people, black people.... using tactics not unworthy of the Grand Old Army as it waved the bloody shirt in the days of reconstruction.
Was Chuck Turner, born with a sneer on his lips, a torrent of vituperative hate language always at the ready, was Turner to blame? Certainly not.
George W. Bush and his Administration was to blame.
The FBI and law enforcement authorities were to blame.
Mr. and Mrs. White America and all the ships at sea were to blame... anyone and every one but the man actually videotaped taking the piddly amount of one thousand dollars.
Wilkerson went for cheap, too, though she went cheap more often than Turner, a thousand dollars here, a thousand dollars there.
That was fact... but these masters of distortion with graduate degrees in race baiting... sought to manipulate public opinion by first, endlessly harping on all the "good" they had done for the minority neighborhoods which had elected them again and again to their public offices, and second turning the matter of their personal guilt into an episode in the great enduring struggle for civil rights.
Chuck Turner couldn't conceivably be guilty... because he was on the right side of "We shall overcome".
Both Turner and Wilkerson littered the landscape with their rallies, their statements, their media appearances... all to persuade the public, not merely gullible but mesmerized by these deft practitioners of mayhem and rage, that they were not merely innocent... they were the very heart and soul of the best of the black tradition. They were being cast down, they said and said again, because they had helped raise up the downtrodden.
It was magnificent, it was riveting, it was one lie after another. But good people of the neighborhoods bought the fiction, embraced the rhetoric, and saw conspiracies where there was in fact nothing more than law enforcements officials doing their job without the support of the people victimized by the accused and blatantly self serving Turner and Wilkerson.
Right up to and including their respective days in court neither Wilkerson nor (even more so) Turner seemed to have any idea that they were misleading, distorting, evading, much less that they had any responsibility for what they had done and which could readily be seen on the incriminating videotapes.
They told their supporters, who were legion, that it was all a misunderstanding, that it was all a conspiracy against them because of their important work. They had been sinned against, no question, but they had never, ever sinned.
These fiery arguments, all froth, no facts, did not work for Wilkerson. She missed the point until the very end, January 6, 2010, when she was well and truly sentenced.
Then came the shrieking, race baiting, responsibility evading Turner... who finally met his match, and more, in U.S. District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodlock.
In his remarks, Woodlock, with cool elegance, never raising his voice, unlike Turner, who always did, hit the nail on the head, saying Turner's blatant perjury was "surreal", "ludicrous." And,most pointedly, that if Turner hadn't continuously and outrageously lied to the federal authorities he would not have received the sentence of.... three years.
Within moments the egregious Turner was outside the courthouse doing what he does best: spewing poison and malice and, with a touch of his demented genius, making it clear that he expects to become the next civil rights martyr, certain to die (in glory) in the big house, snuffed by "the man". The gall of the man is unending.
However, in the final analysis, this is not a story about 2 cons from politics. It is, rather, about the people of the neighborhoods, the people who not only elected them again and again... but, more strange to us, continued to applaud the now convicted felons, who had had their day in court.... and lost.
Why had these good people allowed themselves to be so mislead, so abused, so used? Did the need to support the black face so trump all other considerations that any outrage would be tolerated and forgiven, any outrage at all?
So, it seems. Which is why in every black neighborhood in the land, the good people, the hard working people, the Church attending, law abiding people elect and re-elect one scoundrel after another -- until finally these fine folks realize the conundrum of their situation and elect good people, not just black people and never, ever black politicians who harp on civil rights to excuse civic wrongs.
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Affiliate Cash Ultimatum - Special For YOU, you can be dumb and still make money
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also a recognized American and British historian and author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Monday, July 18, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
In the immortal words of the late
Supreme Court Justice,Thurgood Marshal,
"there's no difference between a Black
snake and a White snake..... the bloody
snake still bites". Indeed, politicians
are equally receptive to economic incentives
to advance their own financial portfolio.
Fortunately, when one breaks the 11th
Commandment (Thou, shall not get caught)
there are consequences from the Almighty,
that are manifested through Man's Law. In
essence, take a bribe and get caught by the
Feds your Biblical Donkey goes to JAIL.
Please,leave your Comments!!!!!!!!!!
On black politics and politicians. Thoughts on the convictions of former Boston city councillor Chuck Turner and former Massachusetts state senator Dianne Wilkerson.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
January 25, 2011 ought to have been a red letter day in the black community of Boston, Massachusetts. That, after all, is the day former 6 term Boston city councillor Chuck Turner was sentenced to three years in prison for accepting a $1,000 bribe. He's joined in the pokey by another well- known black politician, Dianne Wilkerson, ex-state senator, representing roughly the same area in the state senate Turner represented in the city council. Wilkerson's sentence, 3 1/2 years.
Sadly, the black community has not only not been grateful to have such blatant, shameless cons removed from positions of power and authority they occupied... there is strong, residual grumbling that "the man" has clipped the wings of two positively angelic spokespeople for the community. Sure they were guilty... but they were good people who worked for the community; thus all their numerous, documented infractions should and needed to be forgiven.
Let's see how this ironic development came about; what it tells us about leadership in the black community, and the need to put the race card to bed, as inimical to that community and its members.
Here are the facts:
June 2007. Wilkerson, one of the best known members of the Massachusetts State Senate, is videotaped accepting cash pay-offs, including $1,000 that she stuffed into her bra, in exchange for help with a liquor license and assistance to a developer who wanted to build on state land.
August 3, 2007. Turner is videotaped by an FBI informant accepting a $1,000 bribe also for help getting a liquor license.
October 28, 2008. Wilkerson is arrested on FBI charges of public corruption and accused of eight counts of accepting bribes worth $23,500.
November 21, 2008. Turner is arrested on charges of taking a bribe and then lying to federal agents about it.
Thanks to the videotapes and other corroborating evidence, surely this, of all cases, was open and shut. Think again!
Both Wilkerson and even more so Turner were wise in the ways of provocateurs everywhere. Demagoguery? Distortions? Lies? They were all in a day's work for this hyper-active duo. Too, they knew one of Adolph Hitler's most insightful observations: that if you say a thing often, over and over again, that thing, no matter how unsound, untrue, unlikely, becomes the truth.
And so, because the charges were serious, amply documented, and because the FBI was determined that such a culture of crime be rooted out... the matter escalated at once into a food fight that fascinated and repelled a great city.
In short order, both Turner and Wilkerson had turned the matter of their guilt or innocence into nothing less than an assault by every level of authority against their people, black people.... using tactics not unworthy of the Grand Old Army as it waved the bloody shirt in the days of reconstruction.
Was Chuck Turner, born with a sneer on his lips, a torrent of vituperative hate language always at the ready, was Turner to blame? Certainly not.
George W. Bush and his Administration was to blame.
The FBI and law enforcement authorities were to blame.
Mr. and Mrs. White America and all the ships at sea were to blame... anyone and every one but the man actually videotaped taking the piddly amount of one thousand dollars.
Wilkerson went for cheap, too, though she went cheap more often than Turner, a thousand dollars here, a thousand dollars there.
That was fact... but these masters of distortion with graduate degrees in race baiting... sought to manipulate public opinion by first, endlessly harping on all the "good" they had done for the minority neighborhoods which had elected them again and again to their public offices, and second turning the matter of their personal guilt into an episode in the great enduring struggle for civil rights.
Chuck Turner couldn't conceivably be guilty... because he was on the right side of "We shall overcome".
Both Turner and Wilkerson littered the landscape with their rallies, their statements, their media appearances... all to persuade the public, not merely gullible but mesmerized by these deft practitioners of mayhem and rage, that they were not merely innocent... they were the very heart and soul of the best of the black tradition. They were being cast down, they said and said again, because they had helped raise up the downtrodden.
It was magnificent, it was riveting, it was one lie after another. But good people of the neighborhoods bought the fiction, embraced the rhetoric, and saw conspiracies where there was in fact nothing more than law enforcements officials doing their job without the support of the people victimized by the accused and blatantly self serving Turner and Wilkerson.
Right up to and including their respective days in court neither Wilkerson nor (even more so) Turner seemed to have any idea that they were misleading, distorting, evading, much less that they had any responsibility for what they had done and which could readily be seen on the incriminating videotapes.
They told their supporters, who were legion, that it was all a misunderstanding, that it was all a conspiracy against them because of their important work. They had been sinned against, no question, but they had never, ever sinned.
These fiery arguments, all froth, no facts, did not work for Wilkerson. She missed the point until the very end, January 6, 2010, when she was well and truly sentenced.
Then came the shrieking, race baiting, responsibility evading Turner... who finally met his match, and more, in U.S. District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodlock.
In his remarks, Woodlock, with cool elegance, never raising his voice, unlike Turner, who always did, hit the nail on the head, saying Turner's blatant perjury was "surreal", "ludicrous." And,most pointedly, that if Turner hadn't continuously and outrageously lied to the federal authorities he would not have received the sentence of.... three years.
Within moments the egregious Turner was outside the courthouse doing what he does best: spewing poison and malice and, with a touch of his demented genius, making it clear that he expects to become the next civil rights martyr, certain to die (in glory) in the big house, snuffed by "the man". The gall of the man is unending.
However, in the final analysis, this is not a story about 2 cons from politics. It is, rather, about the people of the neighborhoods, the people who not only elected them again and again... but, more strange to us, continued to applaud the now convicted felons, who had had their day in court.... and lost.
Why had these good people allowed themselves to be so mislead, so abused, so used? Did the need to support the black face so trump all other considerations that any outrage would be tolerated and forgiven, any outrage at all?
So, it seems. Which is why in every black neighborhood in the land, the good people, the hard working people, the Church attending, law abiding people elect and re-elect one scoundrel after another -- until finally these fine folks realize the conundrum of their situation and elect good people, not just black people and never, ever black politicians who harp on civil rights to excuse civic wrongs.
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Affiliate Cash Ultimatum - Special For YOU, you can be dumb and still make money
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also a recognized American and British historian and author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Suffering from Rickets of The Mind: SOLUTION …. Millionaire Mindset
The millionaire mindset plays mental golf-
always moving forward, aiming for a specific
point up ahead, trying to take the most direct
path possible”. In essence, the Millionaire Mindset
is about WINNING and destroying Self-Limiting
beliefs that keeps the individual in a Poverty-Mindset.
Please, submit your COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another look inside the millionaire mind-set... how millionaires look at the Internet... very different from you... and far more lucrative. By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
The Internet is divided into two quite distinct parts: people who make money every single day... and those who not only do not but can not.
I am firmly in the first category. Sadly, you are most probably in the second. If you are serious about profiting online this candid, detailed report is not only useful; it's an absolute must. Don't just read it once, either, and expect to get everything out of it. Study it as if your online life and prosperity depend upon it... for they do. It is part of a series of such articles you can find on my blog, details below. Each article in the series takes up a different, crucial aspect of the Internet millionaire's mind... resolved to put you in that mind-set as soon as possible, the faster to generate the profits you desire.
I shall commence today with a problem every person online has who is not a millionaire: sloth, laziness, endless vistas of wealth and prosperity... but torpid, meandering, a poster boy or girl for lassitude, indolence, intolerable sluggishness.
I have been on the Internet profitably now since 1994... and among other things have been teaching the essentials of online business success. The degree of inertia and just plain lack of consistent effort and dogged perseverance is staggering.
Let's be clear with each other. You cannot succeed online if you exhibit consistently poor and inadequate business habits. Good habits are the foundation for Internet success. Treating your online business differently from your offline business will ensure its complete and total failure.
To establish the best possible habits and make the best possible use of the time at your disposal, you need to understand when your energy is at peek... and when, therefore, to do the essential tasks, which require the most energy. I am writing this article at 4:25 a.m. Eastern time. I have learned over time that this is the best time of the day to write the 1,500 words of publishable prose I write each day and post on my website and blog. Millionaires, online and off, are expert at reviewing all their assets and deciding just when they should be used for maximum advantage.
Now, I've gotten off my chest something I've been meaning to write for some time; success comes to those who understand what they have available... then using these assets to generate other assets, maximum energy being an absolute necessity.
Stop Buying, Start Selling.
One of the Internet's wisest entrepreneurs, George Kosch, has been reviewing and analyzing online wealth seekers for decades. It is both vocation and avocation and his knowledge of such people is encyclopedic, insightful, and often extremely funny. He has identified one group as online business wannabees with the "Shiny New Package Syndrome".
These folks are engaged in the never-ending, completely futile, and drainingly expensive task of buying every new thing that appears online, the better to ensure that they have the latest, best, cutting-edge do-dad which, immediately upon purchase, is hastily reviewed, then cast on top of the gigantic, only just balanced, stack of dozens, even hundreds of once "must have" items, enticing, purchased, discarded, forgotten.
This syndrome is a killer for building wealth and misses the essential point for how you can use these glittery products with the breathless descriptions to profit. There is a way, an easy way, but it involves changing your thinking from buyer to seller, for one essential and irrefutable reason: product sellers make money... product buyers do not.
You say you are online to make money, right? This being the case tell me when you last reviewed all the product descriptions and purchase opportunities and offers you receive hour by hour online? If you are reaching for an answer that doesn't come, let me refresh your memory: you never do this, not today, yesterday, or ever. You do what the overwhelming majority of so-called online entrepreneurs do: you trash these advertisements, irritated that you receive them, fast into the dumpster, so there.
This conclusively proves you are not, just yet, millionaire material, since you are ignoring, overlooking and destroying just what can help you succeed.
Product review never stops... but, sadly, with you has probably never started.
Every company determined to grow, even in times of strenuous economic challenge like ours, sets about reviewing products to augment, extend and make more profitable their line. Day in, day out such entrepreneurs make a point of searching out new products that their all-important customer base and lists can monetize for them. Each day is a day for adding new products. The question before the house is: why aren't you doing this, you with the big dreams and great desires?
Thanks to the Internet, it has never been easier to discover products worldwide and build worldwide business relationships, all from the comfort of your at-home PC and Internet connection. How Christopher Columbus and all the great European explorers would envy you... for at your fingertips this very minute, you have the means of building one or more huge customer lists and of reviewing and adding new products every single day.
Product review and product selling hints.
First, what I've written above obviously necessitates a sea change in how you regard your email. New product details and offers must no longer be considered as "junk"; rather, look upon them as helpful information sent by people who desire you to get as rich as possible as soon as possible. When such materials arise (minute by minute online), either review at once... or transfer to an online file so you can review later. Make it a point to review this file regularly, transferring the data you want to another file, while discarding items which seem unlikely to excite the folks on your lists.
Develop and send a stationery letter to the prime source/developer/owner of each product. Advise them you wish to add their product to your catalog/website/list. Indicate your traffic statistics and how you can sell their products. Then ask for the discount terms, name, email address, telephone number of the person handling this product. Be sure to include all your follow-up details.
Note: if this message is not answered within 48 hours, re-email and place "second attempt" at the top; you're a serious player and the company you're contacting needs to know it. Efficiency always helps.
Your desire for success, your ability to achieve it online is determined by how manyof these letters you send... and how many new products you email to your lists.
Remember, doing so is not the work of an hour, a day or a week. If you want to do what you say you want to do, namely make money online, you must understand that you will do this until you wrap up your online enterprises for good. In my case, that will only take place when I'm six-feet under... and you should have a similar date.
Just one more thing. The products that you used to pay for, emptying your wallet... you'll get them free from the companies producing them as soon as you show them just what a crackerjack sales machine you are. That starts now!
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Total Profit Plan - Special For YOU, Pre Built Sites 50 For A Buck??
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and a recognized marketing expert.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
always moving forward, aiming for a specific
point up ahead, trying to take the most direct
path possible”. In essence, the Millionaire Mindset
is about WINNING and destroying Self-Limiting
beliefs that keeps the individual in a Poverty-Mindset.
Please, submit your COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another look inside the millionaire mind-set... how millionaires look at the Internet... very different from you... and far more lucrative. By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
The Internet is divided into two quite distinct parts: people who make money every single day... and those who not only do not but can not.
I am firmly in the first category. Sadly, you are most probably in the second. If you are serious about profiting online this candid, detailed report is not only useful; it's an absolute must. Don't just read it once, either, and expect to get everything out of it. Study it as if your online life and prosperity depend upon it... for they do. It is part of a series of such articles you can find on my blog, details below. Each article in the series takes up a different, crucial aspect of the Internet millionaire's mind... resolved to put you in that mind-set as soon as possible, the faster to generate the profits you desire.
I shall commence today with a problem every person online has who is not a millionaire: sloth, laziness, endless vistas of wealth and prosperity... but torpid, meandering, a poster boy or girl for lassitude, indolence, intolerable sluggishness.
I have been on the Internet profitably now since 1994... and among other things have been teaching the essentials of online business success. The degree of inertia and just plain lack of consistent effort and dogged perseverance is staggering.
Let's be clear with each other. You cannot succeed online if you exhibit consistently poor and inadequate business habits. Good habits are the foundation for Internet success. Treating your online business differently from your offline business will ensure its complete and total failure.
To establish the best possible habits and make the best possible use of the time at your disposal, you need to understand when your energy is at peek... and when, therefore, to do the essential tasks, which require the most energy. I am writing this article at 4:25 a.m. Eastern time. I have learned over time that this is the best time of the day to write the 1,500 words of publishable prose I write each day and post on my website and blog. Millionaires, online and off, are expert at reviewing all their assets and deciding just when they should be used for maximum advantage.
Now, I've gotten off my chest something I've been meaning to write for some time; success comes to those who understand what they have available... then using these assets to generate other assets, maximum energy being an absolute necessity.
Stop Buying, Start Selling.
One of the Internet's wisest entrepreneurs, George Kosch, has been reviewing and analyzing online wealth seekers for decades. It is both vocation and avocation and his knowledge of such people is encyclopedic, insightful, and often extremely funny. He has identified one group as online business wannabees with the "Shiny New Package Syndrome".
These folks are engaged in the never-ending, completely futile, and drainingly expensive task of buying every new thing that appears online, the better to ensure that they have the latest, best, cutting-edge do-dad which, immediately upon purchase, is hastily reviewed, then cast on top of the gigantic, only just balanced, stack of dozens, even hundreds of once "must have" items, enticing, purchased, discarded, forgotten.
This syndrome is a killer for building wealth and misses the essential point for how you can use these glittery products with the breathless descriptions to profit. There is a way, an easy way, but it involves changing your thinking from buyer to seller, for one essential and irrefutable reason: product sellers make money... product buyers do not.
You say you are online to make money, right? This being the case tell me when you last reviewed all the product descriptions and purchase opportunities and offers you receive hour by hour online? If you are reaching for an answer that doesn't come, let me refresh your memory: you never do this, not today, yesterday, or ever. You do what the overwhelming majority of so-called online entrepreneurs do: you trash these advertisements, irritated that you receive them, fast into the dumpster, so there.
This conclusively proves you are not, just yet, millionaire material, since you are ignoring, overlooking and destroying just what can help you succeed.
Product review never stops... but, sadly, with you has probably never started.
Every company determined to grow, even in times of strenuous economic challenge like ours, sets about reviewing products to augment, extend and make more profitable their line. Day in, day out such entrepreneurs make a point of searching out new products that their all-important customer base and lists can monetize for them. Each day is a day for adding new products. The question before the house is: why aren't you doing this, you with the big dreams and great desires?
Thanks to the Internet, it has never been easier to discover products worldwide and build worldwide business relationships, all from the comfort of your at-home PC and Internet connection. How Christopher Columbus and all the great European explorers would envy you... for at your fingertips this very minute, you have the means of building one or more huge customer lists and of reviewing and adding new products every single day.
Product review and product selling hints.
First, what I've written above obviously necessitates a sea change in how you regard your email. New product details and offers must no longer be considered as "junk"; rather, look upon them as helpful information sent by people who desire you to get as rich as possible as soon as possible. When such materials arise (minute by minute online), either review at once... or transfer to an online file so you can review later. Make it a point to review this file regularly, transferring the data you want to another file, while discarding items which seem unlikely to excite the folks on your lists.
Develop and send a stationery letter to the prime source/developer/owner of each product. Advise them you wish to add their product to your catalog/website/list. Indicate your traffic statistics and how you can sell their products. Then ask for the discount terms, name, email address, telephone number of the person handling this product. Be sure to include all your follow-up details.
Note: if this message is not answered within 48 hours, re-email and place "second attempt" at the top; you're a serious player and the company you're contacting needs to know it. Efficiency always helps.
Your desire for success, your ability to achieve it online is determined by how manyof these letters you send... and how many new products you email to your lists.
Remember, doing so is not the work of an hour, a day or a week. If you want to do what you say you want to do, namely make money online, you must understand that you will do this until you wrap up your online enterprises for good. In my case, that will only take place when I'm six-feet under... and you should have a similar date.
Just one more thing. The products that you used to pay for, emptying your wallet... you'll get them free from the companies producing them as soon as you show them just what a crackerjack sales machine you are. That starts now!
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Total Profit Plan - Special For YOU, Pre Built Sites 50 For A Buck??
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and a recognized marketing expert.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Academic Idiots Personified: Street Smarts are Mandatory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Friday, July 8, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Attend Live Daily Webcasts:
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Want To How Learn How To Monetize Your BLOG?
In life there are various forms of intelligence
and many believe Book Smarts are the most
valued when it comes to making money. Hold
the bloody phone central because Academic
Scholars trying to be Street Hustlers illustrates
the importance of executing "Common Sense",
which many so called Smart People are lacking.
Boneheads: when smart people do (really) dumb things.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
It seems my father is right again. Ever since I can remember he has said, "People with Ph.D.s can do some of the dumbest things"... Then he'd reel off a list of his latest discoveries, always ending up with two or three of the waiters at a local restaurant who were, despite their advanced degrees, slinging hash. I always reminded him that those folks only had Master's Degrees... but he'd snort "Same difference" and that was that.
When I saw this story on the wire services recently, I knew I'd have to tell you about it... and grab it before my father, a news fanatic, brought it to my attention with what comments I already knew so well.
Picture the scene...
It is 2005 and professor emeritus of political science F. Chris Garcia is moving towards the conclusion of a distinguished academic career at the University of New Mexico, including a stint as President of the university. You mull over your options...
You could write another book. You've already got 11 under your belt. They include "Hispanics and the U.S. Political System" and "Moving into the Mainstream". You are a recognized expert on one of the most important subjects in American politics; how to organize Hispanics and reap major advantages.
You could get another top academic position. Your resume is stellar. You've done what was necessary steadily to move up the ladder: you've been dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (1980-86); vice president of academic affairs (1987-1990); you know, few better, the arcane ins and outs of the Academy.
You could call in some of the favors you've laboriously acquired over the years; you think... a cushy job in Washington... well-paid lobbyist... maybe Ambassador to one of the South American countries you know so well... His Excellency the U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia... maybe even Chile. Cool
There's no rush; you're 71 now (2011) but that, as you keep telling yourself, is the new 60... you've got lots of time... and lots of options. In due course, after a lot of deep and serious thought, you decide to do something you've always been interested in...something that will give you all you desire... something that'll both make you a lot of money and fulfill your fastidious personal wants. The solution is obvious.
You decide to get involved in the new and exciting world of Internet prostitution a growth field if ever there was one.
Here's how it happened:
"Burque Pops" (Garcia's online handle) comes to know fellow academic, Fairleigh Dickinson University professor of physics Dr. David Flory. These guys hit it off right away, kindred spirits speaking the same language. They're both about the same age (Flory's 68), both respected in their academic fields, both restless as all get out. Time's unceasing chariot is moving, moving, moving; if they were going to make a change, experience "real" life and have fun, they knew they needed to take fast action NOW!
And, of course, there was the thrill of Les Girls to consider, something you could never get on campus and retain your tenure. Wow! It was all good... all they had to do was come and get it.
The company that these hot-blooded academics decided to get involved with was called Southwest Companions. The idea was simple: people of influence, people of education, people of standing had human needs like hoi polloi; but they needed a level of sophistication and discretion that Joe Sixpack didn't require. In short, they needed a gentlemen's retreat, flattering lighting optional.
Southwest Companions was founded in 2005 by Cara Garrett. Her mug shot makes her look like what she was: a tough customer, decades younger than Garcia and Flory but with a lifetime of street smarts and survival skills these aging lotharios could only imagine. They were putty in her pudgy palms. Our hapless professors might have suspected as much, but they were not experts in the films of the Weimar Republic, most particularly the 1930s masterpiece by Josef von Sternberg, "Der Blaue Engel". Here Marlene Dietricht takes her professor on a roller coaster ride from respectability to something way over his head. Cara Garrett knew these tricks, too...
Southwest Companions was sold by Garrett in 2007 to another suspect in the case, Mike Dorsey. He in turn sold the site in 2009 to Flory, who had homes in both Manhattan and Santa Fe.
Things prospered and the two most important aspects of the business waxed: there were more of Les Girls, lots more, and lots and lots more of the discretion-seeking daddio's from all walks of life. In due course the ring had some 1,400 members, including 200 prostitutes.
The money was good, too... and tax-free. Members of the site paid anywhere from $200 for a sex act to $1,000 for a full hour of time. The prostitutes were paid in cash by the clients, not through the site.
Garcia and Flory took to the game with enthusiasm and the organizational skills they both had in abundance. They rose to the heady heights of being a "hunter", the guys empowered to recruit new girls, for new girls were always in demand; fresh faces, firm bodies were what it was all about... and the academic gentlemen knew how to find and recruit them. They also advised on the creation of a handy list of police undercover agents to help members recognize them and avoid arrest. Like all good entrepreneurs, they found a need and filled it.
It was all up, up and away... but there was a weak link and its name was Cara Garrett. He life was a mess as quickly came out when she was arrested (December 2010) on drug, child abuse and prostitution charges; she was arrested again in June, 2010, this time for threatening another informant in the case. .The canaries were singing... and a lot of gentlemen -- including academics Flory and Garcia -- got nervous, real nervous. Cara knew all... and Cara was going to tell as much of it as necessary to save her skin. It's a very old story indeed...
Flory, Garcia and three other "hunters" were arrested, the details ending up in papers coast to coast (June 24, 2011). The good burghers of the nation saw it, read it, read it again, then munching toast, said "Look at this, Martha. Did you ever hear of such a thing?" There was more than a little satisfaction and smug superiority in these remarks. People with advanced degrees want and get a level of respect and deference which can irritate those without. Comeuppance is sweet.
And comeuppance, lots of it, there would be. Because as Flory and Garcia now know, once a thing is on the Internet it is forever on the Internet. At the time of his arrest F. Chris Garcia, now a long way from the regalities of the Academy, was found trying to purge files and tamper with the evidence. He hadn't a clue...
... my father could have told him: "Most Ph.D.s can't do squat. Look at these clowns from New Jersey and New Mexico. One was even president of a university"....
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» SEO LinkVine - SEOLinkVine is LIVE! Officially open...
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. at www.worldprofit.com, providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Friday, July 8, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Attend Live Daily Webcasts:
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Want To How Learn How To Monetize Your BLOG?
In life there are various forms of intelligence
and many believe Book Smarts are the most
valued when it comes to making money. Hold
the bloody phone central because Academic
Scholars trying to be Street Hustlers illustrates
the importance of executing "Common Sense",
which many so called Smart People are lacking.
Boneheads: when smart people do (really) dumb things.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
It seems my father is right again. Ever since I can remember he has said, "People with Ph.D.s can do some of the dumbest things"... Then he'd reel off a list of his latest discoveries, always ending up with two or three of the waiters at a local restaurant who were, despite their advanced degrees, slinging hash. I always reminded him that those folks only had Master's Degrees... but he'd snort "Same difference" and that was that.
When I saw this story on the wire services recently, I knew I'd have to tell you about it... and grab it before my father, a news fanatic, brought it to my attention with what comments I already knew so well.
Picture the scene...
It is 2005 and professor emeritus of political science F. Chris Garcia is moving towards the conclusion of a distinguished academic career at the University of New Mexico, including a stint as President of the university. You mull over your options...
You could write another book. You've already got 11 under your belt. They include "Hispanics and the U.S. Political System" and "Moving into the Mainstream". You are a recognized expert on one of the most important subjects in American politics; how to organize Hispanics and reap major advantages.
You could get another top academic position. Your resume is stellar. You've done what was necessary steadily to move up the ladder: you've been dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (1980-86); vice president of academic affairs (1987-1990); you know, few better, the arcane ins and outs of the Academy.
You could call in some of the favors you've laboriously acquired over the years; you think... a cushy job in Washington... well-paid lobbyist... maybe Ambassador to one of the South American countries you know so well... His Excellency the U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia... maybe even Chile. Cool
There's no rush; you're 71 now (2011) but that, as you keep telling yourself, is the new 60... you've got lots of time... and lots of options. In due course, after a lot of deep and serious thought, you decide to do something you've always been interested in...something that will give you all you desire... something that'll both make you a lot of money and fulfill your fastidious personal wants. The solution is obvious.
You decide to get involved in the new and exciting world of Internet prostitution a growth field if ever there was one.
Here's how it happened:
"Burque Pops" (Garcia's online handle) comes to know fellow academic, Fairleigh Dickinson University professor of physics Dr. David Flory. These guys hit it off right away, kindred spirits speaking the same language. They're both about the same age (Flory's 68), both respected in their academic fields, both restless as all get out. Time's unceasing chariot is moving, moving, moving; if they were going to make a change, experience "real" life and have fun, they knew they needed to take fast action NOW!
And, of course, there was the thrill of Les Girls to consider, something you could never get on campus and retain your tenure. Wow! It was all good... all they had to do was come and get it.
The company that these hot-blooded academics decided to get involved with was called Southwest Companions. The idea was simple: people of influence, people of education, people of standing had human needs like hoi polloi; but they needed a level of sophistication and discretion that Joe Sixpack didn't require. In short, they needed a gentlemen's retreat, flattering lighting optional.
Southwest Companions was founded in 2005 by Cara Garrett. Her mug shot makes her look like what she was: a tough customer, decades younger than Garcia and Flory but with a lifetime of street smarts and survival skills these aging lotharios could only imagine. They were putty in her pudgy palms. Our hapless professors might have suspected as much, but they were not experts in the films of the Weimar Republic, most particularly the 1930s masterpiece by Josef von Sternberg, "Der Blaue Engel". Here Marlene Dietricht takes her professor on a roller coaster ride from respectability to something way over his head. Cara Garrett knew these tricks, too...
Southwest Companions was sold by Garrett in 2007 to another suspect in the case, Mike Dorsey. He in turn sold the site in 2009 to Flory, who had homes in both Manhattan and Santa Fe.
Things prospered and the two most important aspects of the business waxed: there were more of Les Girls, lots more, and lots and lots more of the discretion-seeking daddio's from all walks of life. In due course the ring had some 1,400 members, including 200 prostitutes.
The money was good, too... and tax-free. Members of the site paid anywhere from $200 for a sex act to $1,000 for a full hour of time. The prostitutes were paid in cash by the clients, not through the site.
Garcia and Flory took to the game with enthusiasm and the organizational skills they both had in abundance. They rose to the heady heights of being a "hunter", the guys empowered to recruit new girls, for new girls were always in demand; fresh faces, firm bodies were what it was all about... and the academic gentlemen knew how to find and recruit them. They also advised on the creation of a handy list of police undercover agents to help members recognize them and avoid arrest. Like all good entrepreneurs, they found a need and filled it.
It was all up, up and away... but there was a weak link and its name was Cara Garrett. He life was a mess as quickly came out when she was arrested (December 2010) on drug, child abuse and prostitution charges; she was arrested again in June, 2010, this time for threatening another informant in the case. .The canaries were singing... and a lot of gentlemen -- including academics Flory and Garcia -- got nervous, real nervous. Cara knew all... and Cara was going to tell as much of it as necessary to save her skin. It's a very old story indeed...
Flory, Garcia and three other "hunters" were arrested, the details ending up in papers coast to coast (June 24, 2011). The good burghers of the nation saw it, read it, read it again, then munching toast, said "Look at this, Martha. Did you ever hear of such a thing?" There was more than a little satisfaction and smug superiority in these remarks. People with advanced degrees want and get a level of respect and deference which can irritate those without. Comeuppance is sweet.
And comeuppance, lots of it, there would be. Because as Flory and Garcia now know, once a thing is on the Internet it is forever on the Internet. At the time of his arrest F. Chris Garcia, now a long way from the regalities of the Academy, was found trying to purge files and tamper with the evidence. He hadn't a clue...
... my father could have told him: "Most Ph.D.s can't do squat. Look at these clowns from New Jersey and New Mexico. One was even president of a university"....
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» SEO LinkVine - SEOLinkVine is LIVE! Officially open...
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. at www.worldprofit.com, providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Talent is Overrated:Ask The Kardashians....Wait.... I May be Wrong!!!!!
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Monday, July 4, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Attend Live Daily Webcasts :
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Want To How Learn How To Monetize Your BLOG?
Kim Kardashian and the rest of her Matriarchal Mafia
continue to dominate the gossip magazines and other
forms of electronic reality media in the year 2011. Why
is that? Of course she’s an Attention Whore who is addicted
to the media. Is this true or she and her sisters more
business savvy then, we give them true credit for their ability
to keep their brand name “Karadashian” out in the public 24/7?
Doesn’t Wal-Mart, McDonalds and other well-known American
Corporations spend several millions of dollars yearly to advertise
their products to the global masses? Well, it seems the Kardashians
are able to accomplish the same task, but at a much lower cost; yet,
maintain their name in many forms of Pop Culture media. So, it
would appear the little ladies due in fact, have talent and it’s the
same skill you exercise daily in your home business opportunity..
Alright, your real business is not your Opportunity, but is
actually Marketing. Want to generate consistent, predictable
and long-term residual income from your business then, you
must engage in relentless Marketing both Online and Offline.
In the era of the Internet becoming a Master Marketer is critical
to your success due to the fact, connecting with your Target
Market requires mastery of various strategies:
· Article Marketing
· Blogging
· Podcasting
· Webcasting
· Banner
· Video Marketing
· etc.
Now, Reality TV Stars Kim, Khloe & Kourtney Kardashian
are well known for their TV sitcom known as “Keeping Up
with The Kardashians”. Needless to say, Intellectual/Technical
expertise appears to be devoid among the sisters; however,
they have achieved a significant objective that most marketers
struggle to achieve and profit. So, can you guess, what that is?
correct, they created a legally protected brand name called
“Kardashian”. Yes, indeed, these ladies and other family members
have increased the VALUE of the family name not only by their
Realty TV show, but also by multiple product endorsements that
bear their family name. Additionally, they add fresh content to
their Brand not only by their Realty TV Show, but also, by the
highly-publicized relationships with other celebrities and
Hollywood partying, which are carefully and neatly packaged
for distribution by the Paparazzi on a weekly basis Free of charge.
Not bad, having your Brand name and related products being advertised
at zero cost for the consumption of their target market and the curious.
Despite, the superficial nature of their Reality TV Show, the
Entrepreneurial Spirit is evident within the sisters, which
according to Kim, was instilled in them by their later father
Robert Kardashian (OJ Simpson’s, Attorney). “Our father
told all of us at 18-years old we would be cut-off, so if we
wanted to continue our accustomed way of life we would have
to earn our own money”.
Well, there it is regarding the Kardashians. Now, back to
YOU and that Non-Profit Agency you’re operating, which
is known as the MLM Cemetery. Are you ready to access
vital information and training to make you a Master Marketer?
If yes, then, please proceed here: http://www.successroute.biz
Oh yes, The American Free Enterprise System continues to
decide what has VALUE.!!!! Happy Independence Day!!!!
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2011 All Rights Reserved.
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Monday, July 4, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Attend Live Daily Webcasts :
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Want To How Learn How To Monetize Your BLOG?
Kim Kardashian and the rest of her Matriarchal Mafia
continue to dominate the gossip magazines and other
forms of electronic reality media in the year 2011. Why
is that? Of course she’s an Attention Whore who is addicted
to the media. Is this true or she and her sisters more
business savvy then, we give them true credit for their ability
to keep their brand name “Karadashian” out in the public 24/7?
Doesn’t Wal-Mart, McDonalds and other well-known American
Corporations spend several millions of dollars yearly to advertise
their products to the global masses? Well, it seems the Kardashians
are able to accomplish the same task, but at a much lower cost; yet,
maintain their name in many forms of Pop Culture media. So, it
would appear the little ladies due in fact, have talent and it’s the
same skill you exercise daily in your home business opportunity..
Alright, your real business is not your Opportunity, but is
actually Marketing. Want to generate consistent, predictable
and long-term residual income from your business then, you
must engage in relentless Marketing both Online and Offline.
In the era of the Internet becoming a Master Marketer is critical
to your success due to the fact, connecting with your Target
Market requires mastery of various strategies:
· Article Marketing
· Blogging
· Podcasting
· Webcasting
· Banner
· Video Marketing
· etc.
Now, Reality TV Stars Kim, Khloe & Kourtney Kardashian
are well known for their TV sitcom known as “Keeping Up
with The Kardashians”. Needless to say, Intellectual/Technical
expertise appears to be devoid among the sisters; however,
they have achieved a significant objective that most marketers
struggle to achieve and profit. So, can you guess, what that is?
correct, they created a legally protected brand name called
“Kardashian”. Yes, indeed, these ladies and other family members
have increased the VALUE of the family name not only by their
Realty TV show, but also by multiple product endorsements that
bear their family name. Additionally, they add fresh content to
their Brand not only by their Realty TV Show, but also, by the
highly-publicized relationships with other celebrities and
Hollywood partying, which are carefully and neatly packaged
for distribution by the Paparazzi on a weekly basis Free of charge.
Not bad, having your Brand name and related products being advertised
at zero cost for the consumption of their target market and the curious.
Despite, the superficial nature of their Reality TV Show, the
Entrepreneurial Spirit is evident within the sisters, which
according to Kim, was instilled in them by their later father
Robert Kardashian (OJ Simpson’s, Attorney). “Our father
told all of us at 18-years old we would be cut-off, so if we
wanted to continue our accustomed way of life we would have
to earn our own money”.
Well, there it is regarding the Kardashians. Now, back to
YOU and that Non-Profit Agency you’re operating, which
is known as the MLM Cemetery. Are you ready to access
vital information and training to make you a Master Marketer?
If yes, then, please proceed here: http://www.successroute.biz
Oh yes, The American Free Enterprise System continues to
decide what has VALUE.!!!! Happy Independence Day!!!!
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2011 All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Eldrick "Tiger" Woods: No Wins Since 2008...... Here's Why?
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
July 3, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Access My BLOG
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
In the immortal words of Rick "The Nature Boy" Flair, "there's a time and place for everything". Unfortunately, Tiger Woods failed to recognize that he who has the most, must maintain a healthy balance; otherwise, excess will destroy what he has earned. Learn why Tiger's excesses lead to his absence of Success.
Please leave YOUR comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More!' The exclusive story of Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy. When having everything is not enough.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Today Tiger Woods, golf legend, gazillionaire, the man of the million watt smile, from whose talents an entire industry grew and flourished, sits alone, wondering, pondering, reviewing every incident and detail.
The emperor of golf has not won a title since November 2008. In his palatial mansion, filled with the tokens of esteem and triumph which, once, seemed his to command and augment at will, a DVD player runs endless renditions of the glory days of his life... The tapes run.... but he hardly glances at them. Instead just one question runs in his brain, over and over: why?
Now thanks to this exclusive article featuring Oberon and Titania, taking time out from their long-running "A Midsummer Night's Dream" world tour, we finally know the answer.
Frolics and hijinks of the forest elves, fairies, wizards, gnomes, et al.
The forest folk, whose antics were captured so well by Shakespeare in his play of 1590, have a problem that we humans do not share. Having eternal time at their disposal allows these immortals to do whatever they wish; problem is, there is always too much time, never enough to do.... and so, to fill the endless vistas of their limitless days, they turn to the mischievous, which they have crafted into an art form and sport.
Tiger Woods is one of their most successful creations, showing just what they can do, for good and ill, when they put their minds to it.
Titania found her 1975 Christmas presents from Oberon insufficiently magnificent and entirely unsatisfactory. Being the Queen she let him know in ways petty, irksome, and irritating that she was unhappy. The smallest traces of the herb tauri were sufficient for embarrassing oral purgings, always at the least convenient moments. He got the message and offered her whatever she wanted... She told him she wanted a human child to shape, coddle, adore. And she had just the one in mind she wanted. Burping, Oberon agreed...
Titania thereupon scheduled a great party, to take place December 30, 1975, the birth day of Eldrick Tont Woods.
Every forest dweller ever presented to Their Majesties was invited to appear, wearing full regalia, all orders, ribands, decorations and, should you be fortunate to have them, the red heeled shoes that arrested every eye and made those without writhe. Titania wished this to be her finest festival yet... and so it was; not least because each guest had been commanded to bring a gift, an attribute or skill they would bestow on the newborn child.
Much consideration went into these gifts; each wanted his to be unique, memorable, something that might catch the eye of Titania and result, it could happen, in the instant bestowal of red heels and the universal envy they occasioned.
Titania, resplendent in gossamer spun by bees at the exact moment of sunrise, a crown of iris flowers set with diamonds in her hair, greeted her guests at the top of a staircase lined with dragonflies in full iridescence, Oberon at her side... the Court Chamberlain, a Monarch Butterfly full of years and honors, announced each guest's arrival -- and gift. The cricket orchestra unveiled a new grand march....
"You will win the U.S. Amateur title 3 times."
"You will win 4 green jackets and the excitement of the world."
"You will drive 350 yards at will to the mortification and envy of all your colleagues."
And so it went as afternoon merged into evening, the line of guests never slackening... each one presenting Titania with their special gift for her ward and favorite, then handing it to a powdered flunkey who artfully arranged it amongst the mound of prior presentations.
"Your balls will always avoid water and sand."
"Every putt will appear straight as an arrow."
"You will win more PGA events than legendary Sam Snead."
But there was more, much more... each following their Queen's commands to the very letter:
"You will win more majors than Jack Nicklaus."
"You will be the only golfer to win all 4 majors in a row."
"You will win each major (Masters, PGA, U.S. Open, British Open) at least 3 times."
Then these...
"You will become the richest sports figure in history."
"You will marry one of the world's most beautiful women."
"You will be called Tiger and the world will cheer and honor you , glad for your success, never envious."
Now the long receiving line had dwindled; the guests rather attending to the dainty foods and cups of potent nectar. And the orchestra, weren't they splendid tonight?
Then, as a black presence emerged, all went silent. It was Nemesis.... slow moving, her wrinkled face but little seen, swathed in black, the essence of discontent, mayhem her specialty. Titania was called, her iris headband askew, she was no friend to Nemesis, and partly feared her. "My invitation must have gone astray," she said "I have a gift for your Tiger, too," her voice deceptively calm, caressing. There could be no reason for refusing though Titania wished to refuse, but why spoil such a divine party? Thus Nemesis, with care, placed her gift in the cradle. It said simply: "More... Having everything will never be enough." She then waved a wand.. and every guest fell to sleep, to awake (as partied creatures so often do) with recollection of nothing.
Year after year, the attributes so bestowed came true, the man beloved of the world, nothing too good for him, nothing begrudged. He was star-kissed, Fortuna in his pocket.
Until one day in November 2009, it all unravelled, in the testimonies of a stream of women delighted to dally with a legend, he more than they careless of his celebrity and position. The revelations were steamy, sordid, specific... the man who had everything now had universal execration and criticism too... and a whopping $750 million dollar divorce settlement to boot.
As his gilded world imploded, he asked himself as the world asked him: why had he imperiled so much for so little? It was beyond reason, beyond rational reckoning. And as he thought, the stories grew more frequent, more lurid, more damaging.
Then flashed the message of Nemesis: "More," she reminded, the caress still in the voice, "everything will never be enough." And now in darkened room, focused solely on this, he wondered at the trick of fate that had given everything, so ordered and ordained that it could never be adequate, satisfactory or fulfilling.
At that moment, he hears again on the television, a name he has been hearing a lot lately, Rory McIlroy, the commentator extolling his many skills, many outdoing his own. At this moment Rory is advising Tiger to stay out of competitive play, focusing on recovering his health. The sentiments are, perhaps, well intended, but their calm condescension rankles. It was then that he sees something on the floor; it's a aide memoire from Nemesis with this message: "Not invited to Titania's party for Rory. Crash party with usual message. It worked so well with Tiger."
And so it does. The man with everything still has more than most anyone... but he hankers after the most important thing, whose loss will hurt forever: he no longer inspires hope, admiration, even reverence. Even were he to get everything again, these -- as Nemesis conspired -- are truly gone forever.
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Blueprint X Money Formula - Top 7 scam warnings (MUST SEE)...
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
July 3, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Access My BLOG
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
In the immortal words of Rick "The Nature Boy" Flair, "there's a time and place for everything". Unfortunately, Tiger Woods failed to recognize that he who has the most, must maintain a healthy balance; otherwise, excess will destroy what he has earned. Learn why Tiger's excesses lead to his absence of Success.
Please leave YOUR comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More!' The exclusive story of Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy. When having everything is not enough.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Today Tiger Woods, golf legend, gazillionaire, the man of the million watt smile, from whose talents an entire industry grew and flourished, sits alone, wondering, pondering, reviewing every incident and detail.
The emperor of golf has not won a title since November 2008. In his palatial mansion, filled with the tokens of esteem and triumph which, once, seemed his to command and augment at will, a DVD player runs endless renditions of the glory days of his life... The tapes run.... but he hardly glances at them. Instead just one question runs in his brain, over and over: why?
Now thanks to this exclusive article featuring Oberon and Titania, taking time out from their long-running "A Midsummer Night's Dream" world tour, we finally know the answer.
Frolics and hijinks of the forest elves, fairies, wizards, gnomes, et al.
The forest folk, whose antics were captured so well by Shakespeare in his play of 1590, have a problem that we humans do not share. Having eternal time at their disposal allows these immortals to do whatever they wish; problem is, there is always too much time, never enough to do.... and so, to fill the endless vistas of their limitless days, they turn to the mischievous, which they have crafted into an art form and sport.
Tiger Woods is one of their most successful creations, showing just what they can do, for good and ill, when they put their minds to it.
Titania found her 1975 Christmas presents from Oberon insufficiently magnificent and entirely unsatisfactory. Being the Queen she let him know in ways petty, irksome, and irritating that she was unhappy. The smallest traces of the herb tauri were sufficient for embarrassing oral purgings, always at the least convenient moments. He got the message and offered her whatever she wanted... She told him she wanted a human child to shape, coddle, adore. And she had just the one in mind she wanted. Burping, Oberon agreed...
Titania thereupon scheduled a great party, to take place December 30, 1975, the birth day of Eldrick Tont Woods.
Every forest dweller ever presented to Their Majesties was invited to appear, wearing full regalia, all orders, ribands, decorations and, should you be fortunate to have them, the red heeled shoes that arrested every eye and made those without writhe. Titania wished this to be her finest festival yet... and so it was; not least because each guest had been commanded to bring a gift, an attribute or skill they would bestow on the newborn child.
Much consideration went into these gifts; each wanted his to be unique, memorable, something that might catch the eye of Titania and result, it could happen, in the instant bestowal of red heels and the universal envy they occasioned.
Titania, resplendent in gossamer spun by bees at the exact moment of sunrise, a crown of iris flowers set with diamonds in her hair, greeted her guests at the top of a staircase lined with dragonflies in full iridescence, Oberon at her side... the Court Chamberlain, a Monarch Butterfly full of years and honors, announced each guest's arrival -- and gift. The cricket orchestra unveiled a new grand march....
"You will win the U.S. Amateur title 3 times."
"You will win 4 green jackets and the excitement of the world."
"You will drive 350 yards at will to the mortification and envy of all your colleagues."
And so it went as afternoon merged into evening, the line of guests never slackening... each one presenting Titania with their special gift for her ward and favorite, then handing it to a powdered flunkey who artfully arranged it amongst the mound of prior presentations.
"Your balls will always avoid water and sand."
"Every putt will appear straight as an arrow."
"You will win more PGA events than legendary Sam Snead."
But there was more, much more... each following their Queen's commands to the very letter:
"You will win more majors than Jack Nicklaus."
"You will be the only golfer to win all 4 majors in a row."
"You will win each major (Masters, PGA, U.S. Open, British Open) at least 3 times."
Then these...
"You will become the richest sports figure in history."
"You will marry one of the world's most beautiful women."
"You will be called Tiger and the world will cheer and honor you , glad for your success, never envious."
Now the long receiving line had dwindled; the guests rather attending to the dainty foods and cups of potent nectar. And the orchestra, weren't they splendid tonight?
Then, as a black presence emerged, all went silent. It was Nemesis.... slow moving, her wrinkled face but little seen, swathed in black, the essence of discontent, mayhem her specialty. Titania was called, her iris headband askew, she was no friend to Nemesis, and partly feared her. "My invitation must have gone astray," she said "I have a gift for your Tiger, too," her voice deceptively calm, caressing. There could be no reason for refusing though Titania wished to refuse, but why spoil such a divine party? Thus Nemesis, with care, placed her gift in the cradle. It said simply: "More... Having everything will never be enough." She then waved a wand.. and every guest fell to sleep, to awake (as partied creatures so often do) with recollection of nothing.
Year after year, the attributes so bestowed came true, the man beloved of the world, nothing too good for him, nothing begrudged. He was star-kissed, Fortuna in his pocket.
Until one day in November 2009, it all unravelled, in the testimonies of a stream of women delighted to dally with a legend, he more than they careless of his celebrity and position. The revelations were steamy, sordid, specific... the man who had everything now had universal execration and criticism too... and a whopping $750 million dollar divorce settlement to boot.
As his gilded world imploded, he asked himself as the world asked him: why had he imperiled so much for so little? It was beyond reason, beyond rational reckoning. And as he thought, the stories grew more frequent, more lurid, more damaging.
Then flashed the message of Nemesis: "More," she reminded, the caress still in the voice, "everything will never be enough." And now in darkened room, focused solely on this, he wondered at the trick of fate that had given everything, so ordered and ordained that it could never be adequate, satisfactory or fulfilling.
At that moment, he hears again on the television, a name he has been hearing a lot lately, Rory McIlroy, the commentator extolling his many skills, many outdoing his own. At this moment Rory is advising Tiger to stay out of competitive play, focusing on recovering his health. The sentiments are, perhaps, well intended, but their calm condescension rankles. It was then that he sees something on the floor; it's a aide memoire from Nemesis with this message: "Not invited to Titania's party for Rory. Crash party with usual message. It worked so well with Tiger."
And so it does. The man with everything still has more than most anyone... but he hankers after the most important thing, whose loss will hurt forever: he no longer inspires hope, admiration, even reverence. Even were he to get everything again, these -- as Nemesis conspired -- are truly gone forever.
Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Blueprint X Money Formula - Top 7 scam warnings (MUST SEE)...
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission.http://SuccessRoute.biz.
(C) SuccessRoute.biz 2010 All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
No GAME with Women: SOLUTION is Simple…. Attraction Marketing
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
July 2, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
Hey, 10,000 Credits at Quality Safelist & MORE bonuses for YOU!!
He’s Skinny & Ugly, But A Chick Magnet: Yeah, It’s Attraction Marketing
Dating is the ultimate game of both Salesmanship & Marketing
compressed into a revolving game of Self-Preparation before
the ultimate business investment of your life………. Marriage.
Yes, marriage is a business as indicated by two parties who
formed a Corporation with marital assets and the brand name
“Mr. & Mrs. Google (Yeah, “till death do us part”). Please
note, when this corporation dissolves (divorce) and at the
current rate of 50% failure the following terms become synonymous
with Bankruptcy: No Fault Divorce, Prenuptial Agreement,
Child-support, Alimony/Vaginamony and half of ALL your assets.
Alright, there is no benefit for a MAN to marry, but let’s focus
on the significant Preparation that YOU must acquire if, you
seek success within the game called Dating.
Do you remember in high school the NERD, the guy who
couldn’t get a date even if he paid a girl to go with him
to the prom? He was smart, disciplined, well mannered,
respectful of others and honest, but when it came to connecting
with women he couldn’t save his life because he lacked
that self-confidence. People affectionately remember him
as “Poindexter”, “Waldo” and sometimes as “Mick Jagger”.
Now, fast forward 20-years later and the same NERD is a multi-
millionaire celebrity, who has nothing, but HOT women on his
arm and in his bed. Yeah, he’s still skinny and ugly, but in the
immortal words of Scarface (Tony Montana) “Make Way for
The Bad Guy” (figuratively speaking of course). Yes, he’s made
it big, but how did he do it and how does he continue to attract
women, money, power and fans, who will follow him? Again,
Scarface said it so eloquently,” In this country, you gotta make
the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power.
Then when you get the power, then you get the woman”.
In truth, the secret to Poindexter’s success is Attraction Marketing.
Now, Attraction Marketing is the process of connecting with your
Target Market by providing them content/information that has
VALUE as indicated by addressing their needs and/or providing
a solution to their problem. In essence, Attraction Marketing is
about connecting with your prospects by Relationship Building and
Problem Solving based upon their needs and not your own.
Now, do you recognize how the NERD has achieved success
despite, his disadvantages? People always gravitate or attracted
to those who they perceive as Strong and bring Value to an environment,
because they benefit by associating with them. Hence, the ugliest dude
can connect with the most attractive female because he brings perceived
“VALUE” to the relationship and also, because she’s an Economic Mercenary
….. okay, bloody Gold-Digger, who provides companionship and tentative
Loyalty pending continued financial gratuities from her current BENEFACTOR.
Clearly, to become effective with Attraction Marketing and connect
with FEMALES you must do the following things:
· Increase your VALUE
· Become the leader others are looking for
· Eliminate your negative mindset/self-limiting beliefs
· Relationship Build based upon the needs of your consumers
· Develop a Millionaire Mindset (success driven thought process)
· Increase your self-confidence as a MAN
· Substantiate to others why you’re the BEST candidate
· Market yourself with POSTURE & not DESPERATION
· Maintain personal integrity
· Reject candidates who are Tire Biters/Tire Kickers.
So, are you ready to focus your thoughts on Success as compared to
Poverty? If yes, then, I invite you to review the following information:
http: http://www.SuccessRoute.biz/?cp=ln47o9oB
Oh yes, receive 250,000 Ad Credits at the above link.
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Weekly Mindset Call & Training Resources
Automation is Key……. Generate UNLIMITED Leads with 2400 Safe Lists
Vaurn James’s Newsletter
July 2, 2011
Publisher: Vaurn James
Hey, 10,000 Credits at Quality Safelist & MORE bonuses for YOU!!
He’s Skinny & Ugly, But A Chick Magnet: Yeah, It’s Attraction Marketing
Dating is the ultimate game of both Salesmanship & Marketing
compressed into a revolving game of Self-Preparation before
the ultimate business investment of your life………. Marriage.
Yes, marriage is a business as indicated by two parties who
formed a Corporation with marital assets and the brand name
“Mr. & Mrs. Google (Yeah, “till death do us part”). Please
note, when this corporation dissolves (divorce) and at the
current rate of 50% failure the following terms become synonymous
with Bankruptcy: No Fault Divorce, Prenuptial Agreement,
Child-support, Alimony/Vaginamony and half of ALL your assets.
Alright, there is no benefit for a MAN to marry, but let’s focus
on the significant Preparation that YOU must acquire if, you
seek success within the game called Dating.
Do you remember in high school the NERD, the guy who
couldn’t get a date even if he paid a girl to go with him
to the prom? He was smart, disciplined, well mannered,
respectful of others and honest, but when it came to connecting
with women he couldn’t save his life because he lacked
that self-confidence. People affectionately remember him
as “Poindexter”, “Waldo” and sometimes as “Mick Jagger”.
Now, fast forward 20-years later and the same NERD is a multi-
millionaire celebrity, who has nothing, but HOT women on his
arm and in his bed. Yeah, he’s still skinny and ugly, but in the
immortal words of Scarface (Tony Montana) “Make Way for
The Bad Guy” (figuratively speaking of course). Yes, he’s made
it big, but how did he do it and how does he continue to attract
women, money, power and fans, who will follow him? Again,
Scarface said it so eloquently,” In this country, you gotta make
the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power.
Then when you get the power, then you get the woman”.
In truth, the secret to Poindexter’s success is Attraction Marketing.
Now, Attraction Marketing is the process of connecting with your
Target Market by providing them content/information that has
VALUE as indicated by addressing their needs and/or providing
a solution to their problem. In essence, Attraction Marketing is
about connecting with your prospects by Relationship Building and
Problem Solving based upon their needs and not your own.
Now, do you recognize how the NERD has achieved success
despite, his disadvantages? People always gravitate or attracted
to those who they perceive as Strong and bring Value to an environment,
because they benefit by associating with them. Hence, the ugliest dude
can connect with the most attractive female because he brings perceived
“VALUE” to the relationship and also, because she’s an Economic Mercenary
….. okay, bloody Gold-Digger, who provides companionship and tentative
Loyalty pending continued financial gratuities from her current BENEFACTOR.
Clearly, to become effective with Attraction Marketing and connect
with FEMALES you must do the following things:
· Increase your VALUE
· Become the leader others are looking for
· Eliminate your negative mindset/self-limiting beliefs
· Relationship Build based upon the needs of your consumers
· Develop a Millionaire Mindset (success driven thought process)
· Increase your self-confidence as a MAN
· Substantiate to others why you’re the BEST candidate
· Market yourself with POSTURE & not DESPERATION
· Maintain personal integrity
· Reject candidates who are Tire Biters/Tire Kickers.
So, are you ready to focus your thoughts on Success as compared to
Poverty? If yes, then, I invite you to review the following information:
http: http://www.SuccessRoute.biz/?cp=ln47o9oB
Oh yes, receive 250,000 Ad Credits at the above link.
Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Weekly Mindset Call & Training Resources
Automation is Key……. Generate UNLIMITED Leads with 2400 Safe Lists
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