Saturday, January 15, 2011

The art of creating blogs that get results right from Day One!

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
January 15, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Weblogs or BLOGS continue to grow exponentially ONLINE
and function as a primary source of information on current/
critical issues for its readership. Now, are YOU providing
quality content in your blogs and receiveing responses from
readers? If not, then, carefully review this ARTICLE and
implement the suggestions that will produce VALUE for
your readers and most importantly, solve a problem they
have. Needless to say, when you solve a person’s problem
then, they want to know more about YOU so a s, build a

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Blogs are in! Blogs are omnipresent! Blogs are the future of the 'net!

All true but what is a blog... and how do you profit from it?

Purists may offer a different definition (purists usually do)... but to me, the complete capitalist, a blog is and always will be about one thing: making money. Every day. All the time.

Let me say this another way because for far too many people blogs are an unbridled (and correspondingly horrifying) excess of vanity, self-gratification, arrogance, not to mention an avalanche of incredibly boring stuff and Things You Don't Want To Know. Yes, too many smart people use them as a cheap form of venting and therapy.

But (my recommendations in hand) you won't. You'll stay forever focused on the main chance: using your blog to generate prospect leads... and make money. Now... dig in. I am about to deliver an embarrass du choix for big blog bucks.

Train your readers to be responsive.

If you intend to use your blog to make money, you must train your readers to be responsive. Otherwise, you will dramatically curtail and limit your responses (and blog profits)... which is the exact opposite of what you want.

The Internet is, at its best, the best interactive tool in the galaxy. But what if readers don't understand that? Why, then, mon frere, you must remind them of their duty... you must remind them that yours is a fully interactive endeavor and that the responsibility of EVERY reader is -- to respond. Ensuring this result is your #1 objective.

A blog is NOT a standard newspaper or magazine... as readers must be told and trained to use.

Consider the case of your morning newspaper. It is packed with articles. How many do you respond to? Silly question, right? Periodical readers, except on the occasions they have a bee in their bonnets and write a Letter to the Editor, never respond to articles. They just read 'em.

But a blog is essentially different. You want to bring articles and information of interest and importance to your readers; you want them to respond. In other words, blog content should trigger a continuing stream of reader commentary... and help build knowledge about these readers as well as build the relationships that deliver business effortlessly.

Establish a confidential tone from the get-go

Your readers (whether they ever say so or not) will read your blog (as opposed to a million others) because you give them interesting copy that the rest of the world cannot deliver. It's not just that Enquiring Minds Want To Know: it's that these minds want to know things they cannot easily get anywhere else.

Thus your tone is everything: let the reader know that yours is a fresh, new, entirely compelling voice. The more you let them know that yours is an "insider" place, a locale of smart commentary delivered with wit, insight, good humor and progressive outlook, the better.

Always use the second person -- YOU! -- in your blog content.

Blogs are the most person-centered of media. Thus, you must always speak to your readers in the second person, that is with an explicit or implied "you" (the blog reader). This will immediately establish the right tone... and the right focus. Your readers must understand that you are writing to them, for them.

Whenever possible, too, use your blog as a means to speak to individual readers BY NAME, just like Ann Landers, the famous "gossip" columnist used to do, with such devices as "Special for Lola Mae in Seattle." You should regard each issue as incomplete that does not address some pertinent, personal comment to at least one reader by name.

Share (select) personal data and reflections about yourself.

Remember, blogs are, by definition, personal. That means you should share (some) personal information with your readers; asking them to share (some) personal data with you.

This policy, while establishing stronger and more enduring links with your readers, also has in it the seeds of embarrassment, discomfort, even disaster. Reason? It's easy to put things in your blog about yourself which are too personal, too intimate. And by the same token, your readers might share such things with you, for publication.

Actung! Cuidado! Beware! Think long and hard before you publish. Once you hit the send key, your thought and candid revelation belong to the world.

Ask especially for reader comment on all articles you publish.

The articles you publish in your blog may be, of course, on any subject you regard as significant. But blogs by business people should be about how to run such a business with such-and-such products for maximum profit. In other words, if you're selling automobiles... blog articles ("content") should be germaine to this topic, above all.

As you publish such articles, ask readers to comment. As comments come in be sure to use (and then later reuse) them. What people say in reference to your blog content is worthy of publication... and your comment.

Make sure that you request responding readers to include complete name, business name (where appropriate), email address, and phone. Remember, reader comments are not so much about the substance of the comment, as they are about getting the reader to respond, tell you what interests her, and provide complete follow-up details. This is absolutely essential.

Follow up blog comments and responses at once.

What more business? Following these steps ensures you will get a steady stream of the best prospect leads in the world... from people who already "know" you (or at least think they do), are interested in what you offer, and have provided you with complete follow-up details.

Thus, pick up the phone and call readers (now prospects) who respond to you... unless, of course, you have been the smartest cookie, given them your phone, and advised them to CALL you.

The telephone, you see, is essential for making your blog profitable for you. You must say and constantly reiterate the need to call you, as Jeanette McDonald sang, "I am calling you................ will you answer true.......? Get the picture?

Last words

Face it. Blogs are here to stay. People love 'em. Thus, the real question is: will you do the necessary to ensure that the time and money you invest in your blog pays off? To ensure that it does, implement these recommendations ASP... if not sooner. Then blog your way to profits that increase as fast as your list.

Please submit your thoughts about this information.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James Check out Copy Paste Traffic ->

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

'Til computer do us part. What to do with an uncooperative spouse undermining your home business

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
January 5, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

The Television is known as the Electronic Income
Reducer because it’s a resource that provides little
to no VALUE for its consumers. Now, the computer
for many home business owners/entrepreneurs has
evolved in the last 17-years as an Electronic Income
Generator; however, it has also, created problems in
personal relationships. “You spend all your time and
our money on these Get Rich Quick Schemes”. Sound
familiar, opposition from the paramour/spouse about
your attempt to advance financially because your focus
towards business has left a void in feelings of affection
for your partner. So, what to do to gain peace in your
House. Worldprofit CEO Dr. Jeffrey Lant, offers a

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Computers have become omnipresent and as such have become the means of liberating people from distasteful traditional jobs and offering the prospect of remunerative home-based employment. But working at home can be difficult.

There are numerous distractions at hand.... pets, children, television -- and the always tempting refrigerator.

Yes, it is easy to get distracted, lose focus, and miss opportunities.

However, these problems and challenges are not nearly as difficult and potentially destructive as this one: the disapproving spouse. Instead of loyal, loving, enthusiastic support you begin to hear the nagging refrain of: "You're spending too much time on the computer." The more often you hear it... the greater your problem... and the more urgent this message.

This is a problem you must solve, for failure to do so leads to estrangement, even divorce... with your computer cited as correspondent. What can you do before you become a highly rated episode on "Judge Judy"?

Request spousal support from the get go

No home-based business should ever be started without at least a discussion between the partners about what this is likely to mean for their relationship. New businesses, home-based or otherwise, need your full attention, extra hours and complete concentration. Your partner needs to know this... and prepare accordingly.

Thus, before you begin on this demanding odyssey, go away for a romantic week-end. Be fresh! Be charming! Enjoy! Your energy level for such dissipations may not be quite this high for months to come. Cavort now. Refreshed? Revitalized? Its time to get down to business by, first, making it clear to your partner what you'll need to launch your business and to bring home the bacon.

Item: you will keep regular business hours and during these hours interruptions are not permitted. In other words, unless there is a bona fide crisis, you must focus on the business, the whole business, and nothing but the business.

Spousal agreement to this point is key, for your significant other may well "forget" this clause when there's "just one little errand to run, Pookie." As Nancy Reagan used to say, "Just say no." Once you're weakened on this point, you're nothing more than a marionette on a very short string. Oh, my!

Item: when extra time is required (as it will be when building a business), you will inform your spouse as early in the day as possible. Such courtesies go far towards reconciling a restive, longing-to-be-with-you spouse.

Make it clear what you are doing, why it's important and how much time you're going to need to finish the project at hand. This kind of communication is imperative to keep your spouse empathetic and supportive.

"You're spending way too much time on that blankety blank computer!"

You've worked hard... you begin to see results... you are thrilled... and then the spouse hits you with this! What a revolting development this is! What to do?

You have 2 options: hear but do nothing... or tackle the issue head on right now.

I recommend Option 2, because failure to respond to this problem now only ensures it will grow fast and become A Real Problem very, very soon.

Sit your partner down, explain that you need their support; that you are doing all you're doing for them... for the children... for the family. Make it clear that you will continue to do what you have set out to do but that doing it will be far better with spousal support than without it. Make this an Academy Award performance... replete with eyes locked together, hand holding, bear hugs... perhaps even a tear or two. It will all be worth it if you'll never have to hear again the words "You are spending too much time on the computer."


Want to impress your spouse and get the cooperation you require? Bribe them. Take some of the money you're making; put it in envelope. Take spouse to dinner... and have the waiter deliver along with dessert. Make sure the cash is accompanied by the briefest of notes saying, simply, profoundly "I love you." Say nothing when this present arrives. Wait for spousal reaction... which should be as surprised and tender (and accommodating) as you could want.

If the business fails.

With the best will in the world and all the time required... with full and complete spouse support your business may fail. Sadly, a very hefty percentage of home-based businesses do. Knowing you, you'll want to try and try again until you've found the winning formula. You're willing to risk again, but your spouse, in the clearest possible way, says "No way, Jose! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt."

What now?

Hand them this magnificent quote from Teddy Roosevelt's famous speech on "Citizenship in a Republic", delivered at the Sorbonne, Paris in 1910:

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood: who strives valiantly: who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

Hand this quote, I say, to your spouse and make it plain that you have an obligation, first and foremost, to yourself to carry on, to persevere, and, at last, forge victory from defeat.

This is a crucial moment in your relationship, a moment of epiphany, revelation, resolve.

Now, perhaps for the first time, your spouse truly knows and understands you. Now for the first time they see you as indefatigable, admirable, larger than life, the mate they have always wanted.... and never until this very moment knew they already had.

Sit down now at your computer, for now, at last, your truly beloved is on your side without cavil or complaint. Expect your favorite lunch to be delivered today computer-side... for now you have, well and truly, the helpmate you require for the success you will both enjoy so very much.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wicked Cool: The hubris and high jinks of Captain Owen Honors, United States Navy, sometime captain of the USS Enterprise.

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
January 4, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Leadership is an important ability and responsibility when,
leading others so as to accomplish a goal that is collectively
beneficial to all. However, when the leader allows his POWER
to corrupt him then, you have a problem.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Let me introduce you to a cool dude, cute too, who knows how to party and had the perfect place to do it. I'm talking about U.S. Navy Captain Owen Honors, only just relieved as commander of America's only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the proud USS Enterprise.

Honors, who never met a camera he didn't like, a man determined to please his crew, liked to spend his week preparing videos -- starring, guess who -- Captain Owen Honors, 49 year old Top Gun pilot and decided off-color video star.

Honors had at his disposal the very best video equipment generous U.S. taxpayers could buy. His effects were right up-to-the-minute, like having three separate screens in which (guess who?) appeared as three different (all cool) characters. Wow!

Honors, each week determined to outdo himself on weekend XO nights (when his latest videos were shown), somehow found time in his very busy days. The USS Enterprise, after all, was deployed supporting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. A man of dedication, energy, imagination he somehow found the time to work on video ideas, plots, film venues, and a dazzling array of really cool outfits perfectly tailored. This caring captain was determined to give his eagerly expectant 6000-person crew the very best. He certainly did, particularly in 2006-2007 when his bold ideas and still bolder presentations took the Enterprise by storm and riveted every eye on the ship. What, they all wondered, would their daring executive officer, then Captain Honors do next?

They never had long to wait.

There was that hot video when their cutting-edge commander simulated masturbation at his desk. As Paris Hilton would say, "That's hot!"

What about the never-to-be-forgotten episode of two naked guys soaping each other off in the shower. Honors was a nut for saving water... and wanted to drive home the point with eye-popping visuals. And, to be completely politically correct, he did the same scene with two of the women of his crew.

There was more, much more since Honors was an indefatigable guy with an unceasing appetite for more and better; ambitious videos of which he soon became the master with the help of designated members of his command.

There was the anal probe episode... and all the "fag" plots, pratfalls and plays. That commander... what a cut-up.

There were the in jokes, like writing "little XO" on his you-know-what. It was hilarious, pure camp, what a guy.

And just think, he did it all while on deployment in not one, but two war zones. How did the guy do it, inquiring minds wanted to know.

Alas, there was irritating criticism from small minds.

It's hard to imagine... but disgracefully true... that there were members of the Enterprise crew who found their commander's hard work and dazzling results offensive. Small minded, picayune, uptight... these folks made a fuss and criticized the coolest guy in the fleet. This rankled with Honors, for he was working so hard. Why his bravura video on the "f-bomb" was pure poetry. Really, who could object?

In a rare outburst, this commander of poise and sensitivity lashed out at his anonymous accusers: "Over the years I've gotten several complaints about inappropriate material during these videos, never to me personally but, gutlessly, through other channels." Gutless, indeed! If there'd been a plank aboard the Enterprise, Honors would have been well within his rights to put the snivelers on it.

Instead, he opened one of his last videos with these mild, entirely justified words: "This evening, all of you bleeding hearts... why don't you just go ahead and hug yourself for the next 20 minutes or so, because there's a really good chance you're gonna be offended."

That's the man in a nutshell, empathetic, soft spoken.

Still one of these snivelers (probably gay), not yet identified by name, took (inexplicable) offense... go figure... sending the (to him) offending tapes to the Navy Inspector General.

Where all hell broke lose.

Despite the fact that Owen Honors was well-known throughout the Navy, despite the fact that he had a high visibility command; despite 3,400 flight hours in 31 types of aircraft... despite a chestful of bona fide awards and medals... the Navy moved expeditiously because it knew it had a real hot potato on its hands.

Navy media releases quickly went from "the videos were intended to be humorous" to "inappropriate"... to the announcement Captain Honors was relieved of his command as the Navy initiated, behind the scenes, the steps required to cashier him from the service he loved and had served throughout his life. My how the mighty had fallen!

Certain Navy personnel and those persons wedded to the good old days of fag baiting and the humiliation and degradation of women, predictably launched a campaign to save the Captain and his wayward views. They tried to convince by asking what was the big deal after all; the views advanced in the Captain's high tech videos were commonplace, nothing to write home about, the way "everyone" thought.


This is why the Navy Department is to be commended on taking (reasonably) prompt action to lance the infection and proclaim zero tolerance for mocking good sailors, their sexuality and gender.

The Navy is moving fast now to get just-suspended Captain Honors out of public view, to bury this still young officer with talent and skills to burn and ensure that he becomes the complete non-person, He is, after all, a total embarrassment... the story breaking at the worst possible time, as the Navy shows that it can, with good humor and in good order, nimbly move into the post "don't ask, don't tell" era.

There is, the Navy signals, no place in this new order for Captain Honors, once absolute lord of all he surveyed. Such a man so powerful and so lacking in judgment is now an inconvenient artifact of an age and state of mind the Navy wants firmly, irrevocably behind it.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James

Monday, January 3, 2011

The # 1 Marketing Mistake that 90% of marketers are making. Are you?

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
January 3, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Leads and traffic are the lifeblood of your online home
business opportunity and without them you’re operating
a Non-Profit Agency from the discomfort of your home.
Yes, 90% of marketers have become Dead-Dealers due to
poor marketing skills, strategies, lack of knowledge and
ignorance about the concept of marketing. Access critical
information to accelerate your learning curve and more
importantly, generates LEADS and saves you money.

By Sandi Hunter

I've been an online marketer for nearly 18 years, my business partner has been marketing on and offline for over 30 years.

I'm going to tell you what we've learned and know for a fact so you get better results from your advertising NOW.

If you are like most marketers you have a snazzy website that you either spent good money on or you have laboured to build yourself. Now all you have to do is promote it. Right? WRONG! Before you spend one dime to promote your website, read this article. Don't make the same mistake made by 90% of marketers that costs them thousands and thousand of dollars, lost leads and lost sales.

You do NOT want to promote your website as your primary method of generating leads. Here's why.

If your website is like 99% of those I have reviewed, it's copy dense. You've got links, video, flash, offers, affiliates, graphics, pages, charts, forms, RSS Feeds, blogs, Twitter feeds, the Daily Weather, and a little or a lot of other organized chaos. The viewer (your potential buyer) doesn't know here to look, what to click on, it's information OVERLOAD. (This is all great for key word content for Search Engine Optimization or general promotion but NOT the best way for generating leads). The result is immediate. If they don't instantly see what they want they click OFF. Say Goodbye to your lead! You might as well add, "Sorry I wasn't a little more clever about helping you get what you want so I could get what I need." The SMART marketer understands this and says, I want to meet the needs of my viewers. I want to convert my viewers into leads. That means giving your visitors a positive FAST loading experience with an immediate offer and a call to action. This is a very precise experience with a very specific message and directive. How do you this? By creating what is called a Landing Page strictly for promotional purposes.

What is a Landing page? It's also known as a Squeeze page because you are squeeeeezing information from the viewer, converting the looker into an actual lead. The concept is simple, pitch an offer, the looker completes a form. They are enticed by the offer, you get a lead. You've converted a looker into a LEAD!

Why is the promotion of Landing Page(s) INSTEAD of your website critical? It's simple. Keep your potential buyers happy and YOU will get better advertising results. Specifically, a fast-loading landing page that includes a headline with an immediate benefit and a call to action. Example: HERE's what you GET! Followed by punchy benefits of what else they get, concluding with an offer and a lead form.

Now, here is a critical point for all you advertisers who think graphics are the king, that more is better. Take a quick lesson from an experienced marketer (who is also a designer). If you do nothing else to improve your ad copy - get rid of the fancy and weighty images. Often an overabundance of graphics detracts from your marketing message. We have tested boring simple text ads against the exact same ad copy on a rich graphic landing page. Guess what? The simple ugly plain text ads consistently got higher click rates than the graphical ones. We eliminated instant play video, got rid of flash, and used just really good ad copy. Landing pages with no video perform better than those with video. Why is this? Videos can take a while to load and may not add immediate value to what you offer. You often have less than 30 seconds to get your message into the brain of the viewer. Well-chosen key words get in the brain of your potential buyers IMMEDIATELY when time and limited attention is critical. We humans are greedy. This is a fact. We have short attention spans. We want something and we want it now. Smart marketers recognize this and tell people what they can get and how to get it if they act now!

One of the powers of a Landing Page comes from the fact that you can create a specific Landing Page for EVERY product you offer. You can create them quickly and test them. If you create a dud that gets no result, replace it by creating another. Many advertising sources offer an option to pause a campaign which means you can cancel one ad and replace it with another more effective one before your ad dollars are depleted. Compare this to making edits to a web site that can take considerable time for major marketing changes, while a Landing page can be put up and taken down in minutes.

Finally, remember where you are marketing - online. Full page colour graphic ads do well in a full page print ad. My guess is that you don't have the 10 K + for a fully page glossy ad. You are most likely relying on the tried true tested forms of free an low cost advertising like Traffic Exchanges and Safelists. These are powerful ways to promote your product or service and are ideal for simple Landing Pages. In fact you WANT a fast loading simply ad for Safelists and Traffic Exchanges because you have a very limited (20 sec or less) to get these people attention. Keeping it simple is just as effective now as it always has been. Graphics used effectively can bring your ad alive, but very few other than professionals can master this combination of copy and graphics to solicit response.

Ok, I want to make sure I have made this point clear as it is so very important. Use LANDING PAGES to generate leads for specific products or services. Use your website to promote your company in general. Landing Pages are ALL about the reader and turning them into a lead. If you want to stock your website with page after page about product development, research, your years in business, how wonderful you are and your customers think you are, put all of that on your website. Content about your company, products and services is of course valuable for many reasons, post it to your site but don't rely on this as you one and only lead generator.

Now, let's dig a little deeper into your advertising strategy. Look at your ad or your landing page. I mean really look at it.

Do you have a clear benefit headline to get attention. Do you follow this headline up with benefit-laden offers, reason after reason why people have to act now! Do you include an invitation to DO IT NOW offer that will motivate your reader to become a buyer! Or if not a buyer at least to take some action - to respond to your offer, join your newsletter, try a free sample, participate in a free trial. Whatever get them to DO something! You accomplish this with well-written offers not with blinking links, and boring videos that take forever to load. Have you included an OPTIN to your company mailing, newsletter, product updates etc? This is a CRITICAL inclusion. A Landing page doubles as a List Building Tool. Do not underestimate this. Landing pages and list building work hand in hand as required marketing tools.

Review your advertising material. Is it about YOU or is it about your potential buyer? If the ad is more about how wonderful you are then about how beneficial your product or service is to the user, you have what is called an EGO ad. Your ad should NOT be about you, or your company, or that you are family owned business, or that you support charities. Your ad has one purpose: to tell people all the benefits of what your product/services offers and why they need to act now to get it! Want a quick lesson in this strategy? Watch late night infomercials. See how these infomercials verbally hit you over the head INSTANTLY with all the BENEFIT OF X product. You are drawn in more and more because they offer you X, then add Y to it. But wait if you buy now you get X, Y and Z too! Watch how they give you the pitch, make the offer, then make a better offer, and than a limited time offer to motivate you into action NOW!! Great marketing offers value and a sense of urgency to get an immediate action.

Ok here is your homework. If you don't have an ad strategy that accomplishes this you have failed your first lesson in online marketing. Go back write it again, take away distraction of video and flash. Whittle your ad down to ONLY what matters to the buyer. Get back to basics. Your goal is always to compel action. Don't risk making anyone wait to see what you offer. Get to the point instantly. Web surfers are easily bored. Get their attention INSTANTLY or they are gone! You may get a hit on your ad, but you can quickly send people away with a poorly thought out advertising strategy. Advertising that does not generate leads and sales will eat up your hard-earned dollars faster than my dog woofs down his doggie chow.

Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James:
(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to stay focused and make money on days you DON'T feel like it!

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
January 2, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Vulcan Mind Control techniques are a hot commodity for
Online Marketers, Entrepreneurs and others who want an
unfair advantage in achieving a goal during challenging
times. The New Year 2011 is already here and the resolution
of losing weight is popular, but what about exercising
YOUR Mind? The benefits of a physically fit body are
well-known, but what about a healthy and strong MIND.
Super successful people frequently talk about exercising
their Mind along with their body because they function
as ONE. Ready to increase your cognitive stamina?
If yes, then, review 7 Techniques of Mental Motivation.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Did you lay in bed this morning unwilling, unable to get up? Did every fibre of your body demand more time in the sack? Was it a struggle to open an eye... and get up?

Sure enough, if today wasn't like this, some of your many tomorrows will be. You need to be prepared for such inevitabilities... because they can and will occur and can and will sabotage your ability to make money. Here are some suggestions that'll help you rise and shine... suggestions I use myself when getting up and getting going are most decidedly NOT my first priority!

1) Create a "to do" list before you go to bed.

The key to making tomorrow organized, efficient, and profitable is what you do today. Make it a rule before you retire for the night to draw up a clear, clean, specific "to do" list. Write it, read it over, put it next to the bed... then turn off the lights.

While you're sleeping your subconscious mind will be busily at work helping you organize and implement the items on your list. Even when your body is screaming for more sleep and all the creature comforts it can get, the brain -- and your crucial "to do" list -- will be helping you get up and at 'em.

2) Take a cold shower.

The British empire, the largest the world has ever known, was practically built on a cascade of frigid water. Its young men, pillars of the imperium, were shipped off to prep schools and immediately subjected to the jarring temperatures, which will work for you as well as it worked for them. Don't stand there and debate.... turn up the cold tap and plunge! You're about to be invigorated, rejuvenated, primed to run your empire.

3) Do some exercise.

Are you huddling in a corner of your kitchen, hands gripping a cup of Joe, comfy in your bunny slippers? Whoa! This isn't helping getting your act together. You need some brisk, bracing exercise... the kind guaranteed to send vital oxygen to that all- important brain.

Put the steaming liquid down and kick up your heels... or quick-step around your back yard or up and down your street. With every step your brain will exult. The key isn't coffee... it's oxygen. Move bristly and infuse it where it must go for maximum good.

4) Give yourself an easy, immediate success.

Don't feel like doing anything? Then give yourself an easy, immediate success. This should, of course, have been indicated on your "to do" list. Before you go to bed be sure to post on your list an easy thing, a thing that will start today's sequence of successes. Once begun, as we say in New England, is half done.

What could this "easy" thing be?

It could be calling a long-time customer to get a nice re-order or following up with a new customer to whom you've already sent a proposal and quote.

One success engenders another. Even a small success is sufficient. Start successful, remain successful. It all begins when you least feel like it.

5) Put on your head phones and engage with some stirring music.

Still need help getting into gear? Go to the play list on your computer and choose something rousing. What? You don't have such a play list? Start it today. I can assure you, you are going to need it. Here are some of my sure-fire upbeat selections, guaranteed to get you going:

Wake up Little Suzie by the Everly Brothers (most appropriate, don't you think?)

Think by Aretha Franklin.

Natalie Cole's version of Pink Cadillac, and

J.P. Rameau's always motivating Tambourins I-II from Dardanus.

Your list may well be different from mine; the important thing is to have a list you can access at once. Turn up the sound... and move your body. Your uplifting selections are moving you towards another successful day.

6) Visualize what you'll get when you turn this day into a success.

All too often we work without conceptualizing why. We work today because we worked yesterday. This is not nearly good enough.

Remind yourself just why you're working and what special thing today's successes will help create.

In my case, for instance, I have a pile of auction catalogs stacked high next to my computer. I motivate myself on days when such motivation is needed by looking at the things I want from auctions coming up quickly. Getting myself focused and together is a precondition for maximum acquisition. Visualize success; then do what's necessary to achieve it.

7) Still not alert and moving? Then take the day off formally and properly.

Like most people these days, you are working more and longer than either your parents or grand parents. We are the most leisure-challenged generation ever.

The plain fact is, you may be unable to get up and resolutely face the day because you're just worn out. If so, take the day off... sleep in, sleep properly, sleep, relax and goof off without guilt. You'll be the better tomorrow if you take what is necessary and do not regard it as an indulgence but physical need. Enjoy!

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James

(C) 2010 All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top 5 Mistakes Made by Marketers….Don't Make these Mistakes & Sabotage your Promotional efforts

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
January 1, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Mistakes are an essential and sometimes necessary part of
YOUR growth and development; however, the COST should
be minimized as much as possible. Worldprofit President,
Ms. Sandi Hunter, has identified the Top 5 Mistakes made
by Marketers, so as to reduce Frustration, Expense and
Skepticism about generating money online.

Today I am tackling one of the BIGGEST problems faced by new online marketers. The problem is this, the inability to market effectively. This causes so many marketers incredible frustration! The result, they throw up their hands in despair and quit long before they see any results.

This is what I hear from people day after day in my role as an online Home Business Consultant. "I am posting, and promoting but not getting any leads or sales! Help me!" If this is you, keep reading, I am going to tell you what you need to know about marketing.

It is true that you can be promoting every day but if you are making one or all of the 5 common mistakes I've outlined here, you won't get the results you want. Take note, this is important stuff if you are really serious about making money online.

1. The first mistake made by new online marketers is this:

Not knowing WHAT to market.

I talk to people daily, nice people who want to sell something online and earn some extra money. They sign up or this and for that, they get Affiliate Memberships all over the web hoping to get better results by being involved in everything they can get their hands on. There intentions are good, they are motivated but they stumble right off the bat by not knowing what to market.

Here's a quick guide for you on WHAT to Market: -Pick products to market that are DIGITAL. Digital products are those that can be bought and sold instantly online. You get your commission sooner, the buyer gets their product instantly! It's no-fuss no-muss and the best way to start your web marketing experience and see some results. -In most cases there is no cost to be a product Reseller or Affiliate - hurray! -Pick Reseller products from a reputable long-standing company that specializes in helping vendors connect with affiliates to sell products online -Pick products or affiliate programs that provide advertising copy, banners, and sales aids along with referral links so you can easily promote the products -Pick products that catch YOUR EYE! Newest releases, products with catchy names, trendy topics, those with positive buyer feedback, and return guarantees are best! -Look for Joint Venture releases so you can be one of the first to promote the products when first released for sale Finally, FOCUS! Keep your eye on the prize - profits - don't spread yourself too thin. Narrow your efforts to a few products and put 100% effort into your campaign.

2. The second most common mistake made by new online marketers is this:

Not knowing HOW to market.

I am always surprised at the answer people give me when I ask how they are marketing online. They look at me perhaps thinking what a ridiculous question that is! They tell me they are sending out their website address. When I look at their website I see a site that is oh so boring! It reads like a brochure with company history, and a few pages of fluffy copy. Yes, of course it is important to promote your website address BUT if you wish to capture leads you must do this - get the prospects contact information!

Getting the contact information from a prospect is often very difficult to do with a standard corporate site. The answer to this problem is to create what are called LANDING pages, or Squeeze pages. These are single page sites that have one purpose and one purpose only - get you a LEAD - and better yet lead to a sale! Some companies provide Landing Pages for you when you become a Reseller for their products. Landing pages help you build your marketing list. Every person may not be a buyer today, but on your mailing list they may enjoy future products you offer. Offering an option to join your mailing directly on your Landing Page gives people 100% control over opting in to your mailing list or not. You build your list while ensuring that people have voluntarily joined your mailing list.

Here's a quick guide to creating responsive landing pages:

-They should be FAST Loading! Skip any animation, video or annoying distraction that just makes people click OFF! -Use images that are colorful, directive, and related to the theme of your product -Your copy MUST be short, punchy, laden with benefits - speak directly to the reader -Your copy should tell readers what they get if they ACT now! Limit the offer, even better! -Capture the contact information of the reader so you can deliver what they asked for -The more goodies, freebies, offers, and cool stuff you can give people the BETTER the response! -Always include an option for people to join your mailing list and give them GREAT reasons to want to do so!

Unlike a website, a landing page should be EXCITING, BENEFIT-LADEN and accomplish this:

Look reader! You get this! Do this to get it! Do it NOW and also get this BONUS!

3. Here is the third most common mistake I see new marketers making:


Marketing is NOT simple but if you know what you are doing it can be. The key is to find the sites, the niches where you can target your market. Market to the right people instead of the masses with solid products and you will get instantly better results.

Here's a quick guide to knowing WHERE to market:

-Do a Google search to find sites related to what you are promoting, then target those sites for your marketing campaigns -Use every available niche market you can find and post there, this includes Forums, Classified Ad Sites, Banner Exchanges, Twitter and Social Networking and Bookmarking sites. -Do not discount FREE and low cost advertising options like Safelists, and Traffic Exchanges. These are excellent ways to target a specific market -You do NOT have to spend ridiculous amounts of money on advertising. Find the sites where your target market exists, then place low cost ads including safelist posts, banners, and classified ads. Don't even think about buying pay-per-click ads at sites like Google unless you have deep pockets and know what you are doing. -Learn what backlinks are and why they are SO VERY important to generating traffic and achieving better search engine indexing for your site, products or business. -If any of the terms above are foreign to you, you have some homework to do, I have included some resources below.

4. Are you ready for the fourth and perhaps most fatal mistake made by new online marketers?

Not knowing how to TRACK your promotional campaigns

If you are going to spend time and money to promote a product or service you MUST, you absolutely MUST know where you are getting your results. Ad Tracking is a 100% requirement! If you are not tracking your ads, and the clicks you get and from where, you are promoting blindly. What happens when you don't watch what you are doing? You can fall in a hole! Online this can be a hole where you fall in and throw your money into wasted ad campaigns. I've seen more people allow paid advertising to eat up their entire budget than I want to think about. Smart marketers that get results know exactly the ad campaigns that get results, and the sources they came from.

Get an Ad Tracker Tool. Some advertising sites provide you with data on number of clicks to your ads, or impressions. This is important, just be sure you understand what those terms mean. A click is usually far more powerful for you then a "view". You want ACTIVE respondents, real people actually clicking on your ad to see it. This is much different than an "exposure" or a "view" with the latter being considered passive and very weak marketing, often provided free. For best results you will ALWAYS get better results from paid advertising than from free advertising but don't discount free promotion, it is a good way to earn advertising credits if you have a small advertising budget. If you buy advertising be SURE you get some kind of way to validate the promotion, the click rate, and actual IP addresses of unique respondents to ensure the hits are legitimate and not computer generated. Make sure your respondents will be geographically specific too, from countries that you wish to target. For example, Canada or the USA. If you have your own domain you are fortunate, as you can benefit from an Ad Tracking tool that tracks all your promotional activities and traced to your website domain address.

5. The fifth common mistake I see online marketers making is very straight-forward.

Not being realistic or giving it enough consistent time and effort to see results.

I know we live in an instant gratification world but if you are new to online marketing you will need to be more realistic. Promotion takes a lot of CONSISTENT effort using a number of strategies at a number or web sites. By tracking your ads you can see instantly where your efforts are being productive. Be prepared to try various copy, be cognizant that some products will sell better than others, some advertising resources will deliver better than others. Vary your offers, change up your products as needed, update landing pages, post to a number of sites and track the results. Take some time to learn about some of the terms used in this article. Be honest with yourself about what you are doing. Are you serious about earning money online or are you doing this as a hobby? Your level of hunger and ambition to succeed will be your motivator. The good news is that once you have built your mailing list, and found niche sites and advertising resources that work, your job to promote gets easier but NEVER goes away.

Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., a company specializing in hosting, online tools, training, ad tracking, and marketing resources for small and home business. Established modestly in 1994 off a kitchen table, today Worldprofit is known as the Home Business Experts and the number one resource for all things related to home business. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James