Saturday, March 12, 2011

Facebook Marketing: Leads, Traffic & Half a Billion Subscribers!!

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
March 12, 2011
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Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Facebook welcomes home business owners and marketers.
Why should Google have all the fun and profit from
Subscribers? Access new technology, tools and other
Resources that enhanced you ability to develop your own
global network.

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Facebook marketing is the new trend that is sweeping the world right now. With more than half a billion active users of this website, it has become more than just a social networking website. Today, this is an entire market that online entrepreneurs are tapping into for seeking their business profits.

However, even within the arena of Facebook marketing, there has been a sea of change recently. People are using newer and different methods of bringing their products out into the open through this social networking portal, and this is only facilitated more because of applications such as FB Maxed 2011. These applications give people several options to effectively showcase their businesses to their group of people on Facebook and even attract other people from their target niche to their business profiles.

One of the recent trends that entrepreneurs are involved in right now is posting their business websites on their Facebook profiles. This was not possible until lately, but now by using new iMarket features, applications like FB Maxed are making that possible. You can post your website on your Facebook profile now, and make it interactive as well.

This applies to WebPages of considerable lengths. The entire web page is taken in and displayed on the profile. People are able to embed videos and add some ecommerce features as well.

The biggest potential of Facebook is that people can build networks. For business persons, it means that they can build their list of leads, which they can look upon as prospects for furthering their business. Now, these new Facebook profile pages that allow websites also allow all those opt-in features that help people to build their lists.

You can convert all your Facebook visitors into a potential lead database that you can promote your product to if you so wanted.

Earlier, with the Facebook Markup Language that was used, there were several restrictions on how Facebook could be used by entrepreneurs. Recently, this markup language has taken a backseat and people are using new options like HTML5, which is giving a new leash to the limits that people can use their Facebook profiles to.

It is a wonderful world of opportunities that has been created. At present, more than 50% of the people who shop online regularly have Facebook profiles. Hence, it is only but logical that entrepreneurs use this platform to give the boost to their business that they are looking for. Recent trends indicate that entrepreneurs are not allowing any such opportunity pass.

About The Author
Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James

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Accept the New Online World Trend—It’s Facebook Marketing & Google Marketing

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
March 12, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
“Leads & Traffic are the Life Blood of all Successful home
business owners because, they know how to market and most
importantly, where to market. The new “Land of Plenty for
marketers is FACEBOOK. Of course Google is #1 but
FACEBOOK is 2nd and growing exponentially. Learn why
Mark Zuckerberg’s baby is challenging Google as the premier
source for Traffic Generation.

PLEASE, submit your comments about this article.

Did you know that Facebook now ranks second for traffic generation among all the websites on the Internet? It is second only to Google in terms of the traffic it gets.

Right now, there are approximately 500 million active users on Facebook, and the number is increasing with each passing day. Think about it. This kind of population is more than most countries of the world. In fact, there are only three countries that have a population higher than that!

Online marketers have been quite quick to latch on to the immense popularity of Facebook. They know that if they make a presence here, they are opening their business out to the world—getting global exposure in a way that they cannot do by anything else. Studies show that the number of Facebook users have increased by one-fourth over the last year in 47 countries. Naturally, no online marketer worth their salt is going to let this opportunity pass. This has given rise to the concept of Facebook marketing.

Most of these online marketers who are making the most of Facebook marketing know the relevance of projecting their profiles in a particular way. That is evident because these people are looking beyond simple social networking. They are trying to build a creditable network, a fan base for their business that they can tap into for their business profits.

One of the things that they do is to create a professional business page for themselves instead of the routine profiles that people create on Facebook. These professional pages give out a no-nonsense impression of their business to their target niche. In fact, with the help of recent applications like FB Maxed, it is possible for Internet entrepreneurs to place their entire website onto their Facebook profile. This helps them create the right impression in their market and they can even make these websites with clickable URLs so that interested people can go and visit the real thing. These websites can embed videos right into the Facebook profile page itself. All these things do make a huge difference.

With the great popularity of Facebook, the concept of Facebook marketing has gained in strength as well. People are now coming to Facebook with the idea of finding a good product that they would like to invest in. It also gives them a chance to discover a new product and check out the reviews from fellow Facebookers. On the other hand, for marketers, applications like FB Maxed have created an immense potential to take their products out to the niche market.

Indeed, Facebook marketing is here to stay!

About The Author

Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James Check out SEO Business Box ->

(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Newt GOP Gingrich 2012 Presidential Bid: Three Ex-Wives & Family Values!!

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
March 6, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
“Successful home business owners frequently verbalize,
the principle, “to achieve success you must work harder on
yourself than on your business”. Learn why former Speaker
of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, lacks
the credentials to become President of The United States of

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by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

To love yourself is the beginning of a life-long romance. -- Oscar Wilde, from the play "An Ideal Husband." (1895)

Your name is Newt Gingrich, and you have the worst possible case of Potomac Fever. It's a well-known malady, which causes most every elected official who comes to Washington, D.C. to wake up of a morning and see not himself "Senator X" or "Representative Y") in the mirror, but...."Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of the United States..."

There is no known cure for this pestilential fever, which causes distress in two ways: it afflicts the person who has it and it also afflicts all who watch him groping with its itchy manifestations. In this way, as we citizens of the great Republic know so well, it afflicts us all, citizens arguably the worst.

And now Newton Leroy Gingrich is demanding that we help him overcome his unendurable plight by making him what in his mind's eye he was born to be....

... Hint, Hint, More Hints..

For weeks now, Newt Gingrich has been doing what victims of Potomac Fever find themselves doing: he has been dropping hints as subtle as an attack of diarrhea in an elevator that he is certainly thinking of... is giving serious consideration to... means to announce soon that....

The most recent of these entirely unsubtle allusions was carried (far in the inside of the paper and down at the bottom of the page) March 4, 2011. Here, as if for the first time, he told the world he and his wife are looking at a presidential bid and will methodically and carefully lay out the ground work... which is another way of saying he's already bought the cut-away he plans to wear as he takes the oath of office.

The fact that Newt Gingrich is without a single supporter (unless he is married or otherwise related to them)... that he is a washed-up has been with more baggage than Greyhound.... that he has already scandalized the nation one time after another... all this is irrelevant.

What we citizens see so well, the ludicrous impossibility of Newt, concerns him not at all. He is a walkin', talkin', sure he is loved by America guy... with the plan for his presidential library in his pocket. (Would you like to make your fully tax deductible contribution, entitling you to sit in a bona fide replica of the president's chair from the Oval Office?)

But Newt has seen the corridors of power; indeed, he was once, when (58th) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1995-1999) a Power in the Land... Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 1995... a man who changed the political face of the nation by masterminding the first Republican majority in that House in 40 years.

It was real... it was heady... it was short lived. Indeed, the reasons for Newt's abbreviated tenure in real power are the reasons he will never be president in 2012, or ever, though his malignant case of Potomac Fever precludes him seeing the situation as it is.

Item: In the House Banking scandal, where so many congressmen wrote rubber checks on government money, Newt bounced with the best of them, 22 times, including a tax payment to the IRS.

Item: He made a very lucrative book deal with Harper Collins publisher. This company was owned by media mogul Rupert Murdock, a man who needed favors from those in high places and had the wherewithal to get them. Just a week after Newt was offered his $4.5 million deal, he started helping Murdoch and his empire out of some tight regulatory issues. Quid pro quo? Certainly not asserted Newt... but his ever-changing explanation only made more people more seriously scrutinize... and doubt. In due course so many of his House colleagues had doubts about the egregious Newt that they got rid of the man who had, more than anyone, given them their majority. That said everything.

There were, too, the issues with women. He likes 'em... as 3 wives, and lots of "dates" can affirm. The tabloids will have a field day... whenever they need to sell more papers... which means every day. To be sure, the nation is accustomed now to presidents with out-of-control egos and libidos (quick, can you say 'Jack Kennnedy'?) But Newt's (real) amatory adventures give (fictional) Don Giovanni's a run for the money. As a result you can rest assured that during a Gingrich Administration you won't hear Leporello's jaunty aria in concert at the White House. Here's how it opens.

My dear lady, this is a list of the beauties my master has loved, A list which I have compiled. Observe, read along with me. In Italy, six hundred and forty; In Germany, two hundred and thirty-one; A hundred in France; in Turkey, ninety-one; In Spain already one thousand and three. Among these are peasant girls, Maidservants, city girls, Countesses, baronesses, Marchionesses, princesses, Women of every rank, Every shape, every age.

Sadly, Gingrich's amours feel towards him as Don Giovanni's felt towards that maestro.Said ex-wife Marianne, "I don't want him to be president and I don't think he should be." Other published comments are less, well, restrained.

He who cannot forget is forced to remember.

More than any other presidential candidate, Gingrich is about the past. An historical figure who changed the political dynamic of the greatest country on each, whatever legitimacy he has as a candidate stems from the things he did while U.S. House Speaker. It provides him with the limited credibility he has... while providing his (legion of) detractors with an endless supply of booby traps and mud pies. Gingrich, a trained historian and the author of many histories (amongst his 23 books) must know this. But Potomac Fever precludes his seeing the matter clearly, thoroughly, without sentiment, desire, emotion. That is completely beyond those afflicted.

Newt cannot forget that he was, really and truly, just two heartbeats away from being President of the United States. He cannot forget the dozens of politicians whose careers he launched. They owe him. He cannot forget he helped deliver a balanced federal budget, for the fist time since 1969. He cannot forget....

... but you get the picture. He is a Proustian man of times gone forever, the Michael J. Fox of candidates, looking back to the future. He hasn't a prayer (whether from his Baptist past or Roman Catholic present). We know it. He doesn't. Which is why we in America love watching our national blood sport, politics, so very much.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James
(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why your company must have a designated nudge

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
March 5, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
“Learn why the Nudge is an essential component in
becoming self-motivating and successful as an entrepreneur.
Examine and learn how his/her millionaire habits are
equally crucial to Marketing and Sales.”

PLEASE, submit your comments about this article.

Did you know your company has a open position which
needs to be filled at once? The absence of this person is
costing you money every single day. That's why
you cannot wait another minute to fill this vital post.

To help understand what this position is all about,
let's start at the dictionary:

Nudge (nuj) v. nudged, nudging. v. t. To touch or
push gently as with the elbow, in order to attract
attention, convey a meaning, etc. v.i. To give a
nudge. n. The act of nudging; a gentle push as with
the elbow. Norw. nugga, push.

Frankly, I think the original Norwegian ("nugga") has it
right: push. The nudge is your company's designated
representative to push employees and associates for
more and faster results.

Why you need a nudge

Let's face it, you're human. You try to set goals. You
try to reach them in the time provided. You try to do more
and better, right?

But somehow you fall behind, miss deadlines, bobble
opportunities, trip and crash when you should be sprinting
ahead. Isn't that about the size of it?

Which is why you need a designated nudge.

In a nutshell the job of the nudge is to

* check progress on existing projects and objectives

* ask how you are getting on with what needs to be done

* remind you what needs to be done and when
it must be done

* offer incentives for achievement

* make it clear what happens when achievement is
not forthcoming

And, in general, spur, motivate, challenge, chide
-- and push.

The nudge must be organized, efficient, focused,
indefatigable, with a thick skin

Only a person of the utmost efficiency, clarity and
organization can be a nudge. After all, a nudge who
falters and fails is hardly going to make a success of the
position, much less deliver the benefits you have
every right to expect.

Beyond such skills, the nudge must be a person
who, above all, has a thick skin and who doesn't take
things personally.

Nudges are often regarded as people butting in where
they are not wanted... perfectionists in an imperfect
world... annoying, interfering, pests; in short not the
most welcome of creatures.

That's why two things are absolutely necessary for
the successful nudge: a thick skin and immunity for
whatever they say.

The necessity for immunity

A nudge by definition pushes other employees...
and must therefore be protected from the comments
and reactions of all employees.

Consider this typical situation:

Nudge: Mary, as you know your monthly sales figures
are a little off. What are you planning to do to get back
on track?

I guarantee you that Mary is not likely to be very happy
when the nudge drops by with this message. However,
that is the nudge's job: to get Mary back on track ASAP,
to enable both Mary and the company to achieve their
clearly understood goals.

Mary may well be inclined to respond with a "get
out of here. I am fully capable of handling this matter
myself" comment.

But she cannot and must not.

The nudge's job is to remind Mary of what needs to be
done, when it needs to be done, what Mary is doing to
achieve the objective, and to give Mary all appropriate
help and directions, right up to and including warnings
and admonitions.

The nudge is constantly in motion and may appear
anywhere, at any time.

By definition, a nudge cannot be a stationary object;
the nudge must constantly be

* connecting with employees
* reviewing their progress
* making suggestions
* focusing employees
* recommending what must be done and
when it must be done.

The nudge must be supremely well organized
and must have a clear daily "to do" list.

This means

* knowing who must be contacted today

* calling and emailing such people (including
follow-up e-mails after all meetings).

* re-focusing employees, tweaking, adjusting,

The nudge is a creature in constant motion...

* prodding Joe

* complimenting Neal

* chiding Sally

being clear on what each needs to achieve... and working
with each and all to achieve those objectives.

Start today

There isn't a company on this earth which wouldn't
be better off having a designated nudge on staff.
That's why you must start today.

* Review the nudge candidates you have. Who is
best equipped to contact each and every employee
and representative to improve results?

* The nudge must be in constant communication
with employees AND with management.

* The nudge's conduct and mode of operation
must be reviewed at regular intervals. Remember
your Lord Acton: "power corrupts. Absolute power
corrupts absolutely." You must ensure that your
nudge doesn't develop arrogance and "big head"
problems, which can easily occur without periodic
intervention and oversight.

Review the nudge's results

A nudge who understands and is good at this
job is a godsend to any company. After all, nudges are
clear on what is likely to deliver better results:

* allowing employees to go their own ways
without regular oversight and reminding, or

* having to report progress (or lack of same)
to a designated representative whose task is
to get people to produce more in a designated
period of time?

Obvious, isn't it?

And so we come back to the original Norwegian word
"nugga", meaning push. The nudge is your company's
secret weapon, who by simply showing up and pushing
and prodding employees will achieve better results day after

Cherish nudges, for they are a source of endless
benefits to you and your organization. Far too many
employees are slow, slothful, disorganized, inefficient.
Apply the magic of the nudge to the solution of these
problems and deficiencies. The results will most
assuredly please you!

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online through automation. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James
(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Fine Art of Business Follow-up

The Fine Art of Business Follow-up

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
March 4, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
“The fortune is in the Follow-up”, but do you believe it
and more importantly, do you take action to execute it?
If not, then, learn from this article how to achieve it
and more importantly, PROFIT from the Follow-up.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

If you are using your business to get rich (the objective of the smartest entrepreneurs), you’ll devour this article. Why? Because follow-up is what differentiates those who get rich... from those who just barely scrape by. In short, the stakes couldn't be higher.

Face it, people -- and every single one of your customers -- need follow-up

Consider this. You've been in contact with a customer. You have explained the benefits of what you're selling and made a motivating offer.

The customer has expressed an interest and asked for time to consider. To you, it seems that the order is in the bag, with nothing left to do beyond banking the profits.

Thus, you sit back, relax... and keeping waiting for... the order that never comes.

What went wrong? Lack of follow-up is what went wrong. And until you become the master of essential customer follow-up, you'll leave deal after deal on the table and allow loss after debilitating loss.

1) Make sure you have all the customer information you need for follow-up

Do you have an organized, inviolate procedure for collecting customer data, including name, street address, phone number(s) (including land line and cell phone), and e-mail address?

Business people who have mastered the art of follow-up first made sure they have all the details needed to make this follow-up possible.

2) Review your business to determine just when follow-up is necessary and will be most effective.

Every business is different. The follow-up calendar for one may not be most effective for another. That's why you must review what you do, to determine on follow-up procedures with maximum effectiveness.

What you need to determine is how long to give the customer before following up. It's a fine point. You must give the customer enough time to consider what you have provided... yet not too much so that the customer loses focus and forgets.

3) First follow-up call: make sure customer has received what you want her to have

Sending material by email? Whenever possible, call within the hour to confirm receipt. Remember, sending e-mail and receiving e-mail are two separate things!

Sending material by post? For folks who are local, call 48-72 hours following mailing; for those who are out-of-town check with the post office to see how long receipt should take. Then add 48 hours to this time for follow-up.

4) What happens when you have difficulty reaching the customer when you follow-up?

First, if there is no answer when you call, make sure you ask the customer to respond to your message. Always leave all the details the customer needs to respond; never assume the customer has them or that they are readily at hand.

Leave such a detailed message twice in the first week; then once a week for the next 3 weeks. (If there is still no customer response by that time, put in a tickler file to call and email again in 30 days.)

When you reach the customer, be sure to ask for the sale. Never assume that you will get it. Work for it; after all, YOU are getting the profit.

If the customer declines your offer, ask why. Most often, particularly in times of economic confusion, people take longer to make decisions, even if the benefits are clear and substantial. Your job is to find out why the customer has declined or postponed a decision... and to both improve the offer whenever possible... or, at the very least, ask when the customer expects to be able to proceed, in which case further follow-up is necessary.

Last Words

Make this your rule: don't initiate any customer contact unless you are fully prepared to follow it up. Remind yourself that customer follow-up is what makes you the money. Follow-up will distinguish you in your customer's mind as a person of energy, enthusiasm, motivation, and good habits. Which is just how you want them to see you.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James
(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved.
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Snyder v Phelps. Why 'hate speech' Sometimes is Essential for Demorcacy.

Vaurn James’s Newsletter
March 4, 2011
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
“Netowork or Attraction Marketing is the Art & Science
Of Empowering, Communicating and Connecting with
Others based upon their needs”. Learn why the Snyder v
Phelps U.S. Supreme Court ruling is the antithesis of
Attraction Marketing, but is critical to the Free Market

PLEASE, feel free to comment about this article

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

We are in these United States, so it has often been said, a government of laws and not of men. It is important while reading this article, written to elucidate, not inflame, to remember this... for in considering the facts of this case, the actions taken, how and when performed and the people involved and what they did, it will be so very easy to let emotion take over and to find these laws sunk by altercation, the bitterest of language, the crudest of sentiments, the full panoply of ample human hate.

Oh, yes, we need to remember now, that we are a government of laws...

Consider the facts... for they are not in dispute.

Pastor Fred Phelps is the founder of a tiny independent Kansas congregation of the Baptist persuasion. Its congregants are mostly members of the extended Phelps family. These people, fervid in their belief that they are rendering the pure distillation of God's will; (essential to all prophets and others engaging in heinous deeds abhorred by others) live in a frenzied Old Testament environment, outraged citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah who have been called upon -- personally, by God Himself -- to purge the people of their sins. You must believe in their profound sincerity, for it legitimizes -- in their eyes -- every abhorrent act.

Theirs is a world reeking of sin, of unholy deeds, of God traduced and His Commandments flouted and always of sexual perversions luridly rendered. These people do not imagine these acts, they see them... and the Great Jehovah calls upon them to act, to act now, to save the sinning people. Pastor Phelps roils the people with the Word of God... the better to ensure they never forget, and that they act -- and act Now -- with every sinew of their God-serving being.

Hearing of the Supreme's Court ruling in favor of the church, member Margie Phelps said, "We are trying to warn you to flee the wrath of God, flee the wrath of destruction. What would be more kind than that? I do very much appreciate that I get to be the mouth of God in this matter. We have not slowed down and we will not." Here is just some of what God has called on them to do...

Item: In 1998, church members picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, who was butchered in a hate crime that outraged the nation. Church members made it clear to grieving members of Shepard's family, that he Got What He Deserved.

Item: From 2005 church members began showing up and protesting at the funerals of America's fallen soldiers. Dressed in death masks and skeletal regalia their signs read "Thank God for dead soldiers," "Pray for more dead soldiers," and placards showing a soldier's face in the cross hairs of a rifle with the message "God's view."

Congregants protested, too, at the 2011 funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, estranged wife of former U.S. Senator John Edwards and threatened to do the same at the recent funerals of the Tucson murder victims, including the littlest victim of all, Christina Green. They were bribed not to outrage a city's grief, and took time on national media instead. It was outrageous, disturbing, but it worked for the church members. It kept America's eye directly on their agenda, and they knew this is what God wanted.

Why, America wondered, were already grieving family members, allowed to be subjected to these outrages". Why did no one act? At last someone did...

Albert Snyder endured the hardest thing any parent could face, the death of his 20 year-old son Marine Lance Corporal Matthew, killed in a Humvee accident in Iraq. But the congregants of the Westboro Baptist Church, doing God's work, made certain to outrage the reverence of the family, their private grief, and need for quiet thought and reflection. Ordained by God, they turned the attention on themselves and on their mission, away from one of America's heroes, gone too soon, the lad who had served the nation... and died for us.

A father's profound lamentation... was changed to outrage... and the law. And in due course, the Honorable the Justices of the Supreme Court gathered to do the task for which they were appointed: to prove again that we are still in the Great Republic, a government of laws, and not of men. As such, to the anger of many good citizens of the republic, they ruled 8-1 in favor of... the outrageous church, the appalling church, the church that affronts every notion of what is right and proper and what is owing to our dearest dead and departed... and the justices, in so ruling, were right, 100 percent right, and a credit to the hallowed traditions of the nation.

This is a nation ruled by an idea: an idea that the people have the right to protest; that this right is the very essence of the nation and that it is essential to preserve, not limit it. The discussion hinged therefore on whether the actions and sentiments of the church members were a public or private matter. The court was clear: they concerned a matter of high public interest... and were therefore protected, no matter how despicable we found the church, its members, their actions... and we find them all despicable indeed.

In his opinion for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts particularly noted that the ruling was narrow and limited to the specific facts of the Snyder case. He noted that in some situations, the location of protests can be regulated, such as requiring buffer zones between protesters and an abortion clinic.

In this case, Roberts concluded, protestors "had the right to be where they were."

Mr. Justice Alito's dissent.

One justice, Samuel Alito, dissented from the majority's opinion; press reports made it seem like he disagreed with the majority's conclusions. In fact, he refined that majority opinion. As a result there is hope for future victims of Westboro Church's God-driven outrages.

Alito made clear that should this church, or any such organization, misjudge and misapply the court's findings, victims of "vicious verbal assault" and injury retained the right to substantial damages. Church members, and you Pastor Phelps, should have a care.

But will you?

Even now you and your members, always available for God's work, flush with victory and self-congratulation, are planning new outrages, confident of God's strong arm and the nation's law. Have a care indeed, for one day, may it come soon, you will go too far and reap what you have sown... and what will your vengeful Jehovah do for you then, you who have caused so much pain to so many, who did nothing to deserve it?

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James

(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved.