Saturday, December 27, 2014

Providing SOLUTIONS is Your Business

Providing SOLUTIONS is Your Business

Always talk about SOLVING your customer's
problems and NOT your own”.

So, your business is not about SALES nor
MARKETING. Impossible, without them your
business will quickly arrive and remain for all
eternity at the MLM Cemetery the Final resting
place for DEAD DEALERS.......lovely ambiance.

It's hard to believe; however, the success of any
business has multiple essential components that
must work together in a symbiotic relationship to
provide good service to the customers and monetary
gain for the business. One might say business is
about Relationship Building (SOLUTION) between
the owner and his/her customers. This is a form of
partnership or marriage; however, I strongly advise
against signing a Legal Contract and seek intimacy
with an entity that will not cost you Lifetime
Vaginamoney and/or Child-support....this is called a
WIN-WIN for everyone.

Well, the title is TRUE and the reason(s) is very SIMPLE.
Oh yes, there exists a symbiotic relationship between
a business and its customer base as indicated by the
products and/or services that are designed to solve
a problem, while generating Consistent, Predictable
and Long-Term Residual Income for the business.

People will ALWAYS pay a fortune for a SOLUTION
to a problem because it ensures long-term profits with
little to no work over the course of time. Sounds too
sweet but, that 's the reality of Business in today's online
and off-line world of commerce. So, the reason is clear
and Solution is logical; therefore, YOU are a PROBLEM

If, you think about it Life is about Solving Problems.
If, you recall those challenges back in school with math
and how good you felt once you arrived at the correct
answer. Well, you are doing the same thing throughout
your life and business is part of that journey. Now, arriving
at the correct answer is vital but, the REAL MONEY is
in developing the right methodology to arrive at the
right answer and this is how fortunes are made and secrets
to success are guarded with the utmost of vigilance..

Alright, you now have the task of marketing your
skills and knowledge to your desired target market
and inform them, that you are here to Help them.
Yes, HELP them and not yourself because you want to
build a relationship that is both Long-term and Profitable
for all parties involved...create the proverbial WIN-WIN.

So, how do you develop the skills, abilities and knowledge
to demonstrate your credibility as a Problem Solver? Well,
that process begins “the moment you decide to START
a business and until that same business ENDS”. Now,
most smart people just model themselves after a successful
existing entrepreneurs where you learn the basics of being a
successful entrepreneur. Yes, it's on the job training and the
learning in truth, NEVER stops. This is why successful business
owners maintain the White belt attitude in Martial Arts,
“anyone can learn from anyone, regardless of experience”.
Makes sense to those who believe in customer satisfaction
and success as a business owner.

Now, as a problem solver it's important that you remain
receptive to listening, learning and applying information
to achieve a SOLUTION irrespective of personal feelings
or beliefs. This makes sense; however, like any challenges
in life we all want to find the quickest, easiest and least
expensive way of getting what we want due to our own
narcissism. Hey, it's only natural to want immediate self-
gratification; however, that's our downfall because in the
long-term we deny ourselves the opportunity to develop the
needed skills/abilities to overcome challenges encountered
in future business dealings. It's about being Independent
and creating a solution to challenges. In doubt, just ask any
Mindless automaton in Corporate American and difficulty of
getting ahead. "Don't find fault; find a remedy". -- Henry Ford

GOVT., is a perfect example of the antithesis of developing
SOLUTIONS to problems. If, you think logically about it
GOVT intervention addressing issues such as Crime, Unemployment,
Poverty and other societal problems, the goal isn't truly about
achieving an effective solution because that would eventually,
lead to the elimination of their services. In essence, GOVT Profits
from PROBLEMS; hence, intervention to address a non-existing
problem isn't good for business of Govt Bureaucracy. No, it's
more about satisfying the more influential customer base (political donors)
that impacts policy through their Economic and Political muscle.
Needless to say, Charity begins at Home and GOVT., is in no
hurry to put itself out of Business by actually implementing
SOLUTIONS to problems that actually work.

Evidence-Based research is all the rage in popular
media; however, the caveat to it is the following:
“Opinions don't affect facts, but FACTS should
affect opinions, and do, if you're RATIONAL”...
Ricky Gervais.

Well, being in the entrepreneurial spirit I invite you to review

Vaurn James

Saturday, December 6, 2014

What's Your Social Signal? A primer for using social media.

What's Your Social Signal? A primer for using social media.

Before the Internet came along, people would look you in the eye and size you up based on your appearance or perhaps your handshake.

These days people judge you based on your Social Signal without possibly ever having met you. This time, there really may be no second chance to correct the wrong message.

What's your social signal?

It's the vibe, the feeling, the sense that you give off from your social media posts.
It's your online "first impression".

That's right, it used to be said that people made a judgement about you in the first 30 seconds of meeting you.

Now they review your social media posts on Twitter and Facebook and form an impression of you immediately and sometimes permanently.

So think about this in the context of being a business owner. Think about what you are posting or not posting, both reveal something about you and your business.

Negative posts reflect poorly on you not just now. Long after you're gone, negative, impulsive, ill-advised posts or rants can live on.

Not posting or not using social media can also be a problem.

The kinds of things you post online form a picture about you, your personality, your interests, what matters to you, your ideas, beliefs and personal and business philosophies.
And not just to your friends, but to the the world at large, potential employers, your neighbors, associates, customers, friends and family.
Online posts - good and bad - can last forever.

The good news is YOU can control the content. You can create the conversation. You can build a lasting positive Social Signal that conveys the right image for yourself and your company.

One of the downsides to social media is it that it's INSTANT and LASTING. Censor your posts in consideration for the viewpoint of the reader. After-all successful business owners know that its more about your customer then just being about you. Positive, honest connections with people lead to more profitable long term business relationships and happy customers.

So what do you post to give off the right Social Signal?

Post and share, tweet or retweet positive, genuine stories, and images.

Share images of yourself, your staff, your community projects, your volunteerism, your products.

Video sharing is encouraged for promoting your company, products and services. Videos don't have to be ultra professional, a simple web cam will do and a sincere script will work. An honest unpolished approach is refreshing and appreciated by a smart public. Search engines gobble up video content, so produce and share good quality videos with useful content.

Be sensitive and thoughtful in your posts in what you say and how you say it. It's a lot easier to take a few moments to consider the best choice of words, then it is to issue an apology - if you even get the chance.

If you comment on other social media posts, make them positive statements, helpful, not negative.

If you have a company blog, produce useful content, images and video to both help your current customers and draw in new customers (and search engine indexers too).

If you are a business owner or consultant, make your posts about your business, present yourself as an expert, whatever it is you know about, share it.
It doesn't matter if you are a dog groomer, or an exterminator, make your social posts work to promote a positive image of you and your services.

In the online stage, helping is not only well advised it makes good business sense. Help your customers, help your prospects, help yourself by creating a positive Social Signal.

I often hear from people who don't see the value of Twitter, or who think Facebook is a waste of time. Ok that's your opinion, and you are welcome to it but understand that the rest of the world IS using those services. Those people are your prospective customers, now and in the future. Those people DO use those services and want to connect with businesses using that medium. You can't ignore this opportunity to grow your business, and reach a worldwide market that is growing and demanding more convenient communication and access. So by NOT having a Facebook account, or a Facebook Fan page for your company or Twitter account, Linked In account, Instagram account and so forth, you are missing out on business opportunities and connections with your customers. In this way NOT posting ALSO plays a role in creating your Social Signal. It sends the wrong signal to your customers that you don't care about connecting with them, that you don't have an online presence, and you aren't keeping up with the times and needs of your customers. It makes your business (and you) look outdated, behind the times, unavailable, unaccountable.

So having read this, ask yourself, "What's my Social Signal" What message am I sending about myself, or my business? How will people judge me based on my social media presence?

Why not make your Social Signal and your online impression the best it can be.

About the Author

Sandi Hunter is the President and Co-Founder of Worldprofit Inc. For over twenty years, Worldprofit has provided web-based training, support and specialized software and advertising for small and home based business owners. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

10 Habits of Highly Successful Online Marketers


10 Habits of Highly Successful Online Marketers

By George Kosch

1. Successful online marketers know that marketing must be done as consistently as possible. Marketing and promotion must be scheduled, frequent and without fail.

2. Successful online marketers know that the money is in the list and thus list building strategies MUST be integrated into all marketing campaigns.

3. Successful online marketers know that landing pages, also called squeeze pages are what will generate leads NOT a static website.

4. Successful online marketers know that you must continually seek out NEW advertising sources. Don't stop when you find a few good sources, keep looking for new sources to expand your marketing reach.

5. Successful online marketers know that paid ads produce the best results IF the source is trusted and proven, but a combination of free and paid ads is still smart marketing.

6. Successful online marketers know that ad swaps are both cost effective and a clever way to reach your target markets.

7. Successful online marketers know that having access to a number of quality products, services, affiliates or referral programs produce multiple streams of income is the key to generating online income.

8. Successful online marketers know that you need a reliable way to track your ads so you know exactly where you are getting results for your efforts and advertising dollars.

9. Successful online marketers know that one cannot know it all, and investing in proven-effective reputable training programs for access to software, list building techniques, and mentoring can save a lot of time, money and frustration.

10. Successful online marketers know that it takes time to build a successful online business.

George Kosch is the Home Business Bootcamp Instructor at Worldprofit Inc., a web-based company providing training for people who want to learn how to earn at home using the power of the Internet. This summer Worldprofit celebrates its 19th birthday! Get a free Associate Membership and join over one million Worldprofit Members around the world benefiting from the home business resources, training, software, marketing assistance, traffic generation and mentoring program.
Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James