Sunday, May 31, 2015

Home Business: Best Cure for Alimony

Home Business: Best Cure for Alimony
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

You've built your Economic House and entered
into a Business Partnership called Marriage;
however, it dissolved because the other partner
became disenchanted and sought a Divorce,
which means “your money is going into her

Indeed, you see and face the MLM Cemetery
but, it's your soon to be ex's attorney, who in the
immortal words of Mario Puzo, famously said,
“One lawyer with a briefcase can steal more
than a hundred men with guns”, scares you
about the long-term COSTS of divorce. In
fact, DIVORCE has become commensurate to
winning the lottery for many partners, which is
problem you are trying to RESOLVE.

Yes, Alimony or Vaginamony has become the
NEW long-term Residual Income revenue stream
for millions of partners as indicated by Lifetime
Payments and partial garnishments of their
former partners 401k fund.

I suggest, to AVOID this act of Economic
Suicide that Relationship Building should
be focused upon a Home Business and not
an Individual.

So, are you ready to increase your VALUE and Skills
as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur and generate
Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term Residual
income for Yourself?

If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information.
(C) 2015 All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rules to blog by, for blog publishers and readers

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Maybe HE likes all the hubbub.

But will you?

The calm of my Cambridge, Massachusetts neighborhood
was punctuated the other day by student protestors outside
Harvard University's Science Center. There 1960's wannabees
chanted "Harvard, Harvard, shame on you, honoring a
racist fool."

The cause of this mayhem was Professor Martin Peretz
and his latest blog post on his The New Republic website:
"But, frankly Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims."
It was more than enough to stir up a reaction from the
politically correct, who live to chant and picket.

They shouted... they taunted... they heckled... and HE, owner
of The New Republic, the subject of so much fuss, got valuable,
eye-catching full-page publicity in The Boston Globe, New England's
paper of record.


One of America's most experienced provocateurs
had succeeded, yet again, in using his blog to get
even more publicity for his "take no prisoners"

Martin Peretz' blog had done its work and done
it well.

Will yours? It most assuredly will... if you understand
the true purpose of a blog, run it accordingly, and
learn to be a responsible blog publisher and blog
reader. Here are recommendations to assist you.

Bogs MUST be honest.

The purpose of a blog is to give ANYONE ANYWHERE
in the world, whatever creed, class, station, nationality,
or political position, the opportunity to be heard on any subject

Thus, your task as a blogger is to open yourself up...
to tell the truth, straightforwardly, honestly, bluntly. The
blog is, first and foremost, about you, its publisher and
focus. To write anything other than the whole truth, so help
you God, is to demean the medium -- and yourself.

If you are new to blogging, you'll find this kind of
openness difficult, challenging. Most people grow up
adept at masking their true opinions. For fear of what
the listener may say or do, we moderate and water
down the way we really feel and what we say.

That will never do on a blog where truth is called
for at all times.

Now, you may think you are a straightforward,
honest person but blogging will show you soon
enough that you, like all social beings, are considerably
more adept at masking how we feel, our true views,
rather than telling them.

In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", for instance,
there is an incident that makes this point lucidly,
succinctly. Atticus Finch is walking with his children
past Miss DuBois' home. She is a notorious termagant
and scold. Does he say that to her? Certainly not.
He lifts his hat cordially, saying "Good afternoon, MissDuBois.
You look pretty as a picture." Scout, his young daughter,
says just loud enough "You notice he don't say a picture
of what." Miss DuBois just catches a few words and
wants to know what the impish Scout has said... but
Atticus Finch is a wise man, a gentleman and knows
the value of good relations, over the strict, unyielding
truth. He lifts his hat again and moves his children
along. Most of us would do the same.

But bloggers cannot. Bloggers must opt for candor,
honesty at all times.

The more honest YOU are, the more reactions you
will get. Take Professor Peretz, for example. Given
that he is an experienced blogger, I take him at his
word, when he writes his latest anti-Muslim diatribe.

Others, who feel differently, will abhor and detest
what he has written... and propose such sanctions
as having a speaking engagement at Harvard cancelled.
But this is wrong.

Voltaire, that very clever fellow, said it best:

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend
to the death your right to say it."

Unfortunately, sanctimonious members of the
Academy (usually the least intelligent on campus)
have forgotten their true calling: facilitating
free speech, not suffocating and penalizing it. Blogs, then,
do the work academicians should do (the reason they
are given tenure to do), but are now too often emasculated,
self-protecting and lazy to do.

Thus, when you write, the objective is always to achieve Harvard's
ultra clear motto: "Veritas", the pure and always unsimple

Write regularly,consistently.

One of the major problems with most blogs is that
they are not regularly produced. Remember, whatever
else a blog may be it is also and always the story
of your life. It is a window into your thoughts and
occupations. Blogs must therefore be regularly
undertaken. Don't start it.... unless you mean to do it.

Write regularly and consistently, being always aware
that the first day you do not feel like writing your blog
is the very day you must be sure to write it... or risk
the ending of your blog altogether.

The more honest you are, the more and stronger
reader reaction you should expect.

When Professor Peretz posted his incendiary
opinions about Moslims (a subject on which he writes
often), I suspect he knew that tea cups in Cambridge
and beyond would be rattled. What's more, being a
true provocateur,he probably relishes the instant,
insistent responses of those he has provoked. He
might not like being followed through Harvard Yard by
hecklers... but he cannot truly have been awfully
surprised by such a response. Relish, rather than
alarm, was most probably his reaction.

You, too, need to reach this level of reaction and
response as you achieve greater candor and honesty
in your bog. Because as my grandfather used to say, some
damned idiot is sure to protest; the stronger the opinions
rendered, the stronger the response from those disagreeing.
(He would have been a great blogger, grandfather Walt would have

Prepare for the reaction... expect it... ignore it.

Blogging is one of the jewels of the Internet... treat it
with care and consideration.

Millions and millions of folks have come and gone
on this planet without leaving even a foot print in the
dust. To our chagrin and detriment, we do not know
them in any way at all. But blogging has changed all that,
not merely for the potent and celebrated... but even
unto the lowest among us. At last they have a place
for their opinions...not matter how alarming, uninformed,
and (to the rest of us) silly they may be. And this is a very
good thing... for our job is to cherish the bloggers, protecting and
defending them, even at their most reprehensible and
loathsome. And that includes you, too, Professor Peretz,
as you sit in comfort and security here in Cambridge, spewing
venom. I defend to the death your right to say it... and blog it
worldwide. Defending you, I have done the right thing, while taking
joy from the fact that every hostile word you blog drives down the
certified circulation figures of your moribund rag, The
New Republic. In the end the marketplace, not censorship,
will determine your fate. So blog on....

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where
small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James http://SuccessRoute.biz">

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Join The Worlds Oldest Profession: Its Incredibly Profitable!!

's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Indeed SALES or Selling is the World's
Oldest and most profitable profession in
the World, because it has existed since
Homosapien evolved on this planet
known as Earth and continues to evolve.

Now, you may initially thought via the
the blog title I was referring to Prostitution
and I understand your thinking but, you
would be wrong. After all, Prostitution is
the exchange of Money for “S-E-X” and
by that definition Marriage and Dating
are no different than marketing one's
body in exchange for financial
compensation (it's entreprenuerism).

In fact, when you tie the Old Noose, I mean,
KNOT, you engage in the act of “SELLING”
yourself to another individual to partner in a
business called Marriage. Needless to say,
marriage isn't a business venture that has a
great success rate but, society continues to
sell the image of Husband, Wife, 1.8 Children
and a dog, to the masses to generate
revenue through Taxes. Not very romantic
but, neither is a lifetime commitment.

Now, what is SALES? Well, allow me to
provide a copy righted definition, “Selling
is an act in completion of a commercial activity.
Selling is the way that you help customers to
buy products and services from your business.
You need to be able to meet the needs of your
customers and provide value for money solutions”.

So, are you ready to increase your VALUE
and Skills as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur
and generate Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term
Residual income for Yourself?

If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information and
eliminate any Self Destructive Conduct that is costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in the MLM Cemetery.

(C) 2015 All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Generating Unlimited Cognitive Leads & Traffic ...How's It Done

Add caption

's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James

215-728-4905 or 1-800-4170196

Leads and Traffic are core to the success of your
Home-Business or any Business; otherwise, you're
operating a Non-Profit Agency and guarantees your
reservation for the MLM Cemetery for Dead Dealers.
As we know 90% of marketers on the Internet are
making little to NO Money which means an insufficient
number of eyes are looking at your products/services.
So, how do you achieve this daily challenge of creating
the Lifeblood (Leads & Traffic) of your enterprise and
what's the cost to keep the masses interested in you?

Well, let's begin with List Building or better known as
an Email-List as the standard method of putting your
business in the Black and NOT the Red. One slight
problem still exists and that's the “HOW”? How do
build your email list of like-minded entrepreneurs
who have a problem and it's your job to provide a
SOLUTION? What's the methodology or more
accurately, Marketing Strategy that enables you to
successfully connect with your Target Market?
Well, have you considered creating what's called a
Social Neural Network?

So, what is it and how does it work? Well, the best
way to describe and understand a Social Neural
Network is query if, you heard of Face book and
if yes, do you have an account? Respond in the
affirmative confirms you have a pulse and more
importantly, confirms that you joined the largest
Social Network in the World. Face book or any
other Social Network is an online platform that
allows subscribers to post ads, write, exchange
information, post videos, blog or transmit
information in some other form of communication
to others members who recognise VALUE in
your information. Clear so far, I hope? Good!

So, Face book, Reddit, Google+ and Linked In are
Social Networks but, what's a Social Neural Network?
Well, a Social Neural Network can be easily observed
in a Bee Colony as indicated by the following: “Honey
bees are social insects, which means that they live together
in large, well-organized family groups. A honey bee
colony typically consists of three kinds of adult bees:
workers, drones, and a queen. Several thousand worker
bees cooperate in nest building, food collection, and
brood rearing. Each member has a definite task to
perform, related to its adult age. But surviving and
reproducing take the combined efforts of the entire
colony. Individual bees (workers, drones, and queens)
cannot survive without the support of the colony”.

I think you get the picture; therefore, you created a
group of like-minded entrepreneurs who agreed to
join and receive information that has VALUE and
more importantly, solves a problem for them.
Additionally, those members are asked to contribute
by providing information or some function that
addresses an issue of importance to the group.
Do, you see how the “collective effort focused
on an issue creates the Social Neural Network?”.

Because of the familiarity and like-mindedness
of subscribers within a Social Network then, they
are more receptive to purchasing products/services
that you offer as possible SOLUTION to a
problem while becoming what is called a
Cognitive Lead. In essence, because of past and
/or current correspondence among peers likelihood
of success is increased. It's about being on the same page.

Lead and Traffic Generation for any business is a
symbiotic relationship where two more participants
collective efforts work together to achieve success.
This is why the saying “strength in numbers” holds

However, like anything in life when change occurs you
must adapt or perish if, you expect to evolve into the future.
Business is expert at adapting to new circumstances
and Markethive is no different. Markethive is an example
of an Inbound Marketing system that has advanced in
it's development of generating Cognitive Leads that
give you an unfair advantage. If, you are an entrepreneur
who wants to learn the importance of Social Neural
Networks and the role they play in bringing VALUE
to your target market then, I invite you to review our
information and learn why accessing the apex of
Social Neural Networks for entrepreneurs begins here.

(C) 2015 All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Poverty Mindset: A Generational Virus of The Poor

Poverty Mindset: A Generational Virus of The Poor
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

In the immortal words of my old mate
T.S. Elliot,

Success is relative. It is what we make of the
mess we have made of things.”

Alright, what does this quote have anything to
do with making money online with a Home
Business? Well, a lot because it suggest if,
one is Successful then, he/she developed a
MINDSET that recognizes the importance of
making progress albeit small if necessary to
achieve a greater goal.

Oh yes, Tag-A-Long relatives will also, try to
attach themselves to your FAME and PROFIT
from your Success because guilt is an effective weapon

Now, many Poor and Middle-class are the same
people who suffer from a Poverty Mindset; yet,
when things go well for a relative then, they're on
the bandwagon with their bloody hands out despite,
their past skepticism and mocking of the relative
who attempted to make things better for himself/herself.

Do you recognise that Marriage and/or Parenthood are both
Businesses. If not then, you're already in TROUBLE ,
because both generates Billions of Dollars for Courts,
Attorneys, Forensic Psychologists and other experts
needed in judicial hearings. Additionally, marriage is a
P-O-N-Z-I Scheme because it's business enterprise
endorsed by GOVT, but costs more to LEAVE than to
start. Needless to say, such a business leads to POVERTY.

Clearly, those in the legal profession and their adjuncts
are the antithesis of those with a Poverty Mindset and
more Millionaire in Mindset. They play to WIN by going
back and forth to court to keep generating legal fees so as
to remind clients they get as much justice as they can AFFORD.

Unfortunately, people with a Poverty Mindset don't pass-
down Generational Wealth but, Generational Poverty
because the STRUGGLE has become a source of PRIDE.
The funny thing about PRIDE is one can have too much and
refuse to relinquish it even when it's costing you everything.
Ever notice how many Inner-city families are generational
recipients of monthly GOVT maintenance, while having no
MALE presence within the home. Now, the family is the basic
Economic Unit for all communities; however, when the
family is absent a paternal leader then, the structure is
broken and dependence on GOVT is all guaranteed
for both women and their children. Needless to say, when
a partnership is missing half its leadership then, you are
essentially operating a Non-Profit Agency and destined for
the MLM Cemetery for Dead Dealers.

Unfortunately in our technologically advanced world FEAR
id being SOLD by those in POWER and those on the lower
tier of the SES Ladder have embraced this belief system and
passed it down the Generational Ladder where Learned
Helplessness is considered NORMAL. Ironically, the Law
of Attraction is working negatively for those who embrace
a Poverty Mindset. As the Law of Attraction goes you must
Believe before you Receive.

Your thoughts create your Self-Image so
be careful of the way you THINK.

Are you ready to access the essential Tools, Training,
Traffic and Resources to become Profitable Home
Business owner? If yes, then, I invite you to review
our information:

(C) 2015 All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Marriage The Antithesis for Home Business

Marriage The Antithesis for Home Business
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Ironically, Business and Marriage are both based upon
Relationship Building but, choosing the RIGHT
partner is K-E-Y to your long-term FINANCIAL success.
When it comes to Relationship Building perhaps you should
embrace Home Business as an Intimate Partner because
of the BENEFITS. It makes no sense to RISK and forfeit
part of your 401K to a former spouse when the DIVORCE
was signed 20-years ago, but you are paying her Residual
Income while receiving no benefit.

In essence Today's marriage is commensurate to an
LLP; however, most male partners fail to recognize
that they will incur the majority of the costs in the failed
relationship resulting in their eventual arrival in the
metaphorical MLM Cemetery. Oh yes, they were
definitely put through a Sales Funnel for obvious reasons.

Reality of Marriage there is a Cost-Benefit Analysis and
an increasing number of men recognise that tying the NOOSE
or KNOT is a poor investment long-term for those who say,
“I, do”.

Like any business Marriage continues to EVOLVE and
innovative ways of Revenue Generation are often
introduced so as to maintain a CONTINUED Profitable
Financial Marriage despite the fact, the marriage dissolved
decades ago but, as any good Businessman or attorney
would say, “Time is Money” and “Leverage your Assets”.

Today's woman wants to be compensated for her time
and that appears to be extended into retirement years
even if, both parties went their separate ways decades ago.

So, are you ready to AVOID this problem and increase
your VALUE/Skills as a Home Business owner ?
If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information.

Oh yes, since attorneys are involved in Marriages
the following famous quote should always be kept
in mind, "Lawyers can steal more money with a
briefcase than a thousand men with guns and masks

One Last thing, Happy Mother's Day.

Yours In Success,
Vaurn James

(C) 2015 All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Ultimate Gift for Mom: Financial Freedom

The Ultimate Gift for Mom: Financial Freedom
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Well, it's Mother's Day (Okay 3-days later)
and time to honour the OLD GIRL, who
gave birth to you and plays a pivotal role in
the SUCCESS of your later life just ask her.
Oh yes, your FATHER; likewise, deserves
the same Honour and Respect on June 16th
2015, despite less MEDIA and Corporate
advertising on TV and Online.

Anyway, time to get down to business and
demonstrate the ultimate form of L-O-V-E
for one's PARENT...learn how its done.

Now, the research suggest that rearing a
child from birth into adulthood (18-years old)
costs approximately $250,000 dollars and
the cost continues to increase yearly. Yes,
you are worth the cost but, what about Dear
Old Mom? She and the Old Man could
use that money for their retirement.

How about offering Mom the ultimate
Mother's Day gift and I don't mean a card
with Chocolates and roses. No, give
her the means to retrieve the investment
cost of rearing YOU and your siblings.

Give Mom and Father (don't forget him)
access to the essential Tools, Training,
Traffic and Resources needed to
generate, Consistent, Predictable and
Long-term Residual Income in the
Information/Computer and Knowledge global
Economy. START on May 12th 2015....maybe

Oh yes, since Father's Day is shortly after
Mother's Day give the Old Man a special offer
if, he purchases “NOW”. REMIND pops that
Marriage in many ways is the antithesis of
Home Business and practically a P-O-N-Z-I
Scheme but, since he already “Tied The Noose”
it's best he have a backup plan in the event of
Divorce, which is likely in today's reality.

Behind every great man is a man greater,
his father.” 
― Habeeb Akande

(C) 2015 All Rights Reserved.

Monday, May 4, 2015

120 Social Media Profile Tips


This ebook will give you 120 social media profile concepts. You'll have all kinds of ideas for different information to add to your social networking web page profiles. The more personal and professional information you give your prospects the more likely they will become your friend or followers and purchase your products. This kind of information can boost you credibility, authority, expertise and create rapport and trust with your leads.

1) You could add your age and your mental characteristics to your web site profile. Many people add their best habits and total net worth. A final point is you can add your favorite luxury car and yard game.

2) You may advertise the awards you won and your heritage in your social profile. Plenty of people advertise airports they traveled on and their biggest pet peeve. To close you might add your favorite lifestyle and word game.

3) You can air your best childhood memory and you physical characteristics to your forum profile. Various people list antiques they owned and the no. of years they worked as an employee. A last point is you should add your favorite leg exercises and words.

4) You might list the best choices you've made and workouts you’ve done to your member profile. Tons of people announce the appliances they owned and the years they've owned their business. In ending you could add your favorite law and winter sport.

5) You could announce your best college memory and wishes that came true to your follower profile. Some people author the bad habits they quit and their yearly career income. A end point is you can add your favorite language and wild animals.

6) You may author your best family vacation and about your neighbors to your chat profile. A number of people bring up beaches they've visited and the year they retired. To end you might add your favorite landmark and web site.

7) You can bring up your best friends and where your meant spouse to your networking profile. Certain people broadcast the best compliment they've got and their work stories. And finally you should add your favorite kid game and weather.

8) You might broadcast your best friends in college and what web site you often visit to your friend profile. Several people catalog boats they've owned and their work goals they've completed. In closing you could add your favorite joke and water sport.

9) You could catalog your best friends in school and weird things you've done to your blog profile. Numerous people add buildings they own and what music they listen too. And lastly you can add your favorite jewelry and visuals.

10) You may list your best memory as a children and the weight you've lost to your subscriber profile. Many people chronicle cabins they own and what movies they've watched. To finalize you might add your favorite investment and video game to it.

11) You can chronicle your best memory of your friends and your current weight to your messaging profile. Plenty of people comment on canyons they've visited and what magazines they often read. And to end you should add your favorite invention and vehicle.

12) You might circulate your best memory of your grandparents and weekend activities to your fan profile. Various people communicate cars they own and ways they've made money fast. In conclusion you could add your favorite indoor sport and vegetable.

13) You could comment on your best memory of your parents and your normal weekday activities to your web site profile. Tons of people compose celebrity parties they've attended and types of outsourcers they hire. And to conclude you can add your favorite indoor hobby and vacation activity.

14) You may communicate your best memory of your pets and wedding descriptions to your social profile. Some people convey cites they've lived in and the types of offline products they sell. To conclude you might add your favorite individual sport and vacation.

15) You can compile your best memory of your spouse and volunteer work you do to your forum profile. A number of people add the expensive clothes they own and trademarks they owned. A final statement is you should add your favorite ice cream and typical day.

16) You might compose your best physical features and vegetables you ate to your member profile. Certain people demonstrate clubs they've went to and things invested they've in. In summary you could add your favorite hotel and type of music.

17) You could construct your best vacation as a kid and values/moral ethics you have to your follower profile. Several people depict computers they've owned and subjects they've self studied. A last statement is you can add your favorite hot drink and type of movie.

18) You may convey your big tests passed and types of pets owned to your chat profile. Numerous people describe concerts they've attended and their savings account size. To close you might add your favorite home and tv shows.

19) You can craft your birth place and things you taught children to your networking profile. Many people disclose countries they've lived in and their salary amount. A end statement is you should add your favorite holiday and tv.

20) You might demonstrate your birthmarks and things you fixed to your friend profile. Plenty of people discuss countries they've visited and their resumes/applications. In sum you could add your favorite hobby and tricks.

21) You could depict your body fat percent and things you collected to your blog profile. Various people dispatch cruises they've taken and their religion. As a final point is you can add your favorite hip hop music and training.

22) You may describe your body tone and things you cherished to your subscriber profile. Tons of people display their current location and raises they've got. To finish up you might add your favorite healthy food and toy.

23) You can disclose your books you've read and things you are proud of to your messaging profile. Some people divulge dances they've went to and promotions they've got. As a last point is you should add your favorite gift and tool.

24) You might discuss your calories a day and tattoos to your fan profile. A number of people describe their relationship with their boss and promotional tactics they've used. To recap you could add your favorite games show and tip.

25) You could dispatch your characteristics of family members and step parents names to your web site profile. Certain people draft their relationships with coworkers and promises/secrets they've kept. As a end point is you can add your favorite game and therapy.

26) You may display your children characteristics and star sign to your social profile. Several people email their relationships with friends and their professional partnerships. Lastly you might add your favorite furniture and team sport.

27) You can distribute your children names and spouse occupation to your forum profile. Numerous people describe their relationship with their grandparents and product reviews they given or received. To sum you should add your favorite fruit and taste.

28) You might divulge your children occupations and spouse name to your member profile. Many people exhibit their relationship with rest of their family and problems they've solved. Finally you could add your favorite forum and talent.

29) You could docket your Chinese sign and spouse characteristic to your follower profile. Plenty of people explain their relationship with their spouse and positive thoughts they've used. In the end you can add your favorite food and take-out food.

30) You may draft your clothes sizes and sports you play to your chat profile. Various people expose themselves as a son/daughter and positive visuals they used. To highlight you might add your favorite flower and table top game.

31) You can email your collage and sports played in school to your networking profile. Tons of people describe themselves as coworker/employee and positive visuals they use. To recall you should add your favorite speaker and SUV.

32) You might establish your collections completed and spiritual beliefs to your friend profile. Some people describe themselves as a grand parent and their positive role models. To summarize you could add your favorite fiction book and subject/topic.

33) You could exhibit your college classes taken and social networks belong too to your blog profile. A number of people describe themselves as parent and positive changes they've made. To wrap up you can add your favorite feel materials and strategy.

34) You may explain your colleges went to and social goals completed to your subscriber profile. Certain people highlight dreams they've lived and politicians they've meant or made friends with. In summarization you might add your favorite fast food and stories.

35) You can expose your cosmetic procedures and snacks you've cut down on to your messaging profile. Several people identify the electronics they owned and physical obstacles they've overcome. To outline you should add your favorite fashion and stomach exercise.

36) You might express your date of birth and smartest person you've meant to your fan profile. Numerous people illustrate experiences that made them confident and phobias they've overcome. Last but not least you could add your favorite fantasy sport and stereo.

37) You could fashion your degrees earned and skin tone to your web site profile. Many people index experiences that made them laugh and fears they've overcome. Also remember you can add your favorite ezine and sports car.

38) You may file your describe personality and singer/musicians meant/friends with to your social profile. Plenty of people insert their family stories and personal obstacles overcome. My conclusion is you might add your favorite exercise equipment and sport to watch.

39) You can forge your donations you made and siblings/steps names to your forum profile. Various people introduce family/friends they've visited and people that have interviewed them. To sum up you should add your favorite exercise and sound.

40) You might form your elementary school and siblings occupations to your member profile. Tons of people issue forests they've visited and patents they own. In final analysis you could add your favorite events and soup.

41) You could formulate your extra activities in school and sibling characteristics to your follower profile. Some people jot down furniture they own and their outside activities. Last of all you can add your favorite errand and sport.

42) You may forward your extra-curricular activities in college and short term goals completed to your chat profile. A number of people key in golf courses they've played on and online businesses they've owned. One final issue is you might add your favorite environment and song.

43) You can highlight your eye color and sex to your networking profile. Certain people leak the high end animals they've owned and obsessions they've stopped. My last point is you should add your favorite electronic and software.

44) You might identify your eye sight and school awards to your friend profile. Several people list historical places they visited and number of testimonials they've gotten. One can conclude you could add your favorite ebook and social network.

45) You could illustrate your famous autographs got and scholarships/grants earned to your blog profile. Numerous people log in home decorations they've bought and their number of paid members. A final point is you can add your favorite DVD and snack.

46) You may index your favorite college profession and sacrifices you made for someone to your subscriber profile. Many people write the home services they've bought and number of outsourcers they use. To close you might add your favorite drawing and smells.

47) You can insert your favorite game and romantic things you've done to your messaging profile. Plenty of people record their home town and the number of friends/followers they have. A last point is you should add your favorite dog and skill.

48) You might introduce your favorite playground equipment and romantic things done to you to your fan profile. Various people mention how their employees would describe them and number of franchises they own. In ending you could add your favorite doctor and singer.

49) You could invest in your favorite school subjects and professional obstacles overcame to your web site profile. Tons of people note how they celebrated birthdays and their number of employees. A end point is you can add your favorite dinosaur and shoes.

50) You may issue your favorite subjects and professional help you had to your social profile. Some people offer how they maintained their weight and the number of bestselling products they have. To end you might add your favorite diet food and seminars.

51) You can jot down your favorite teacher and prizes won to your forum profile. A number of people paste how they manage pain and their number of back links. And finally you should add your favorite diamond and self help ebook.

52) You might key in your first name and prayers that were answered to your member profile. Certain people pencil in how they persuade people and the niches/markets they are in. In closing you could add your favorite desert and secrets learned.

53) You could launch your fears you overcome and political views to your follower profile. Several people point out how they relaxed and the newspapers they are mentioned in. And lastly you can add your favorite affiliate contests won and season.

54) You may leak your fears you've overcome and piercings to your chat profile. Numerous people post how they saved the environment and they natural disasters they overcome. To finalize you might add your favorite decade and sculptures.

55) You can list your financial disasters you survive and pet names to your networking profile. Many people present how they sleep well and the most successful product they've launch. And to end you should add your favorite date and school.

56) You might log your financial phobias you overcome and personal things been elected for to your friend profile. Plenty of people promote how they solved problems and the most annoying things to them. In conclusion you could add your favorite dances and scary movie.

57) You could manifest your first spouse date and personal goals completed to your blog profile. Various people provide how they stayed motivated and their monthly income. And to conclude you can add your favorite dance and sandwich.

58) You may manufacture your first spouse kiss and people you've help to your subscriber profile. Tons of people publicize how they stayed organized and money you've won. To conclude you might add your favorite culture and salad.

59) You can market your friend characteristics and people you trust to your messaging profile. Some people publish how they stay sanitary and their memorable advice. A final statement is you should add your favorite craft and romantic date.

60) You might mention your friend names and people you respect to your fan profile. A number of people put cross how they stayed self confident and their media mentions. In summary you could add your favorite course and rock music.

61) You could note your friend occupations and parents/step names to your web site profile. Certain people put together how they've stopped negative emotions and their media appearances. A last statement is you can add your favorite country music and restaurant.

62) You may offer your funniest person you meant and parents occupations to your social profile. Several people put up how they stopped negative thoughts and the marketing techniques they used. To close you might add your favorite country and resource.

63) You can organize your gifts you bought kids and parents characteristics to your forum profile. Numerous people recite the jewelry they've owned and major skills they've learned. A end statement is you should add your favorite contact sport and report.

64) You might paste your gifts you've given and paranormal beliefs to your member profile. Many people recommend the lakes they've visited and magazines they've been published in. In sum you could add your favorite computer game and relaxation activity.

65) You could pencil in your gifts you've received and motivational music listen too to your follower profile. Plenty of people record the landmarks they've visited and magazine they've had covers on. As a final point is you can add your favorite computer and recreation.

66) You may pitch your good habits you started and models meant/friends with to your chat profile. Various people owners reference the limos they've traveled in and loans they've got. To finish up you might add your favorite commercial and recipe.

67) You can point out your grades you got in college and mistakes/errors you learned from to your networking profile. Tons of people register the motorcycles they've owned and the kinds of employees they hire. As a last point you should add your favorite comedy show and quote.

68) You might post your grades you got in school and miracles that happen to you to your friend profile. Some people release the mountains they've visited and the kind of outsourcers they use. To recap you could add your favorite color and public speaker.

69) You could prepare your grand children characteristics and miracles that happen to your blog profile. A number of people relinquish the museums they've visited and the jobs they've had. As a end point you can add your favorite college and politician.

70) You may present your grand children names and mental obstacles overcome to your subscriber profile. Certain people remark on the neighbors they've had and their job responsibilities. Lastly you might add your favorite cold drink and podcast.

71) You can promote your grand children occupations and mental business problems overcome to your messaging profile. Several people render their normal bed time and their investment income. To sum you should add your favorite coffee and plant.

72) You might provide your hair color and memorable tips to your fan profile. Numerous people report their normal wake up time and their income from selling business. Finally you could add your favorite coach and pizza.

73) You could publicize your hair length and memorable stories to your web site profile. Many people reveal the number of products they sell and how they mentally attract money. In the end you can add your favorite club and picture.

74) You may publish your hair style and memorable quotes to your social profile. Plenty of people roll out their number of services and how they've helped the environment. To highlight you might add your favorite clothes and pick-up line.

75) You can push your health goals completed and memorable conversations to your forum profile. Various people say the off road vehicles owned and how their children would describe them. To recall you should add your favorite city and phrase/saying.

76) You might put cross your health problems you've overcome and limiting beliefs overcame to your member profile. Tons of people record their opt-in list size and hours a week they work. To summarize you could add your favorite chore and photo.

77) You could put together your height and insults you took constructively to your follower profile. Some people say outrageous things they've done and days they work a week. To wrap up you can add your favorite chat rooms and pet.

78) You may put up your heroic feats and inside activities to your chat profile. A number of people share the people in their mastermind group and hobbies they have. In summarization you might add your favorite cell phone and painting.

79) You can recite your high school and injures you overcome to your networking profile. Certain people show people that quoted you and their happy stories. To outline you should add your favorite CD and outside hobby.

80) You might recommend your how improve memory and improvements you've make to your friend profile. Several people sound about personal talents they learned and their favorite business quotes. Last but not least you could add your favorite cat and outfit.

81) You could record your how improved grades and illnesses you overcome to your blog profile. Numerous people spawned phones they own and famous people they've worked for. My conclusion is you can add your favorite casino and online videos.

82) You may reference your how long been married and how you've help people to your subscriber profile. Many people speak pools/hot tube they owned and famous endorsements they've got. To sum up you might add your favorite career and online hobby.

83) You can register your how many books own and how you thought positive to your messaging profile. Plenty of people speak about products they've offer and their famous customers. In final analysis you should add your favorite card game and online audio.

84) You might release your how many people you dated and how you saved time to your fan profile. Various people specify products they’ve invented and experts they've learned from. Last of all you could add your favorite car and Olympic sport.

85) You could relinquish your how many times married and how you celebrated reunions to your web site profile. Tons of people state radio shows they've been mentioned on and etiquette they've learned. One final issue is you can add your favorite candy bar and off rood vehicle.

86) You may remark your how many times you fell in love and how you celebrated holidays to your social profile. Some people state radio shows they've been mentioned on and drinks they've drank. My last point is you might add your favorite candy and number.

87) You can render your how much you can lift and how would spouse describe you to your forum profile. A number of people submit their ranks in search engines and describe their self as boss. One can conclude you should add your favorite camping trip and non-fiction book.

88) You might report your how prevented health problems and how would parents describe you to your member profile. Certain people suggest their reoccurring income streams and describe their self as a friend. A final point is you could add your favorite business and newspaper.

89) You could reveal your how you avoided negative people and how would grandparents describe you to your follower profile. Several people supply the reseller books they wrote and describe their relationship with their parents. To close you can add your favorite breakfast food and newsletter.

90) You may roll out your how you became a leader and how would co workers describe you to your chat profile. Numerous people support restaurants they ate at and describe their relationship with employees. A last point is you might add your favorite book and news story.

91) You can say your how you dealt with difficult people and how would boss describe you to your networking profile. Many people talk about seas they've visited and the debts paid off. In ending you should add your favorite boat and news show.

92) You might script your how you eliminated distractions and healthy foods ate to your friend profile. Plenty of people state the seminars they've attended and their current job/career. A end point is you could add your favorite board games and nature area.

93) You could send your how you eliminated stress and happiest person you meant to your blog profile. Various people transmit the services they offer and their current business. To end you can add your favorite blog and musician.

94) You may set up your how you gained positive emotions and funny stories to your subscriber profile. Tons of people twitter the size of their business building and their credit score. A final point is you can add your favorite biography and music instrument.

95) You can share your how you improved senses and fruits you ate to your messaging profile. Some people type the size of their homes and the credit cards they owned. To close you might add your favorite bands and music.

96) You might show your how you lost weight and friendship goals completed to your fan profile. A number of people uncover skyscrapers they been in and their credit card limits. A last point is you should add your favorite audio book and muscle car.

97) You could sound out your how you made family time and friendliness person you meant to your web site profile. Certain people unveil social networks their on and copyrights they owned. In ending you could add your favorite athletic team and movie.

98) You may spawned your junior high school and famous people meant to your social profile. Several people upload software they've created and contests they've won. A end point is you can add your favorite athlete and mountain.

99) You can speak your last name and famous athletes meant/friends with to your forum profile. Numerous people voice something they invented and their consulting/coaching fee. To end you might add your favorite artist and model.

100) You might speak out your lefty/righty and family goals completed to your member profile. Many people write sports stuff they owned and coaches/consultant they've hired. And finally you should add your favorite article and micro blog.

101) You could specify your long term goals completed and failures overcome to your follower profile. Plenty of people add states they've lived in and classes they've taught. A final point is you can add your favorite art work and mentor.

102) You may start your major things you've learned and experts/gurus meant/friends with to your chat profile. Various people advertise states they've visited and charities they've donated too. To close you might add your favorite arm exercise and membership/club.

103) You can state your make up used and experts you've meant/hired to your networking profile. Tons of people allot the hours a week they work and business they've sold. A last point is you should add your favorite appliance and meat.

104) You might submit your marriage proposal description and experiences that made you happy to your friend profile. Some people announce theater shows they've attended and the business titles owned. In ending you could add your favorite antiques and meal.

105) You could suggest your meats you've ate and disability you got over to your blog profile. A number of people author things they are famous for and their business stories. A end point is you can add your favorite alcohol drink and magazine.

106) You may supply your medical history and dessert you cut down on to your subscriber profile. Certain people bring up things they've been elected for and their business responsibilities. To end you might add your favorite actress and radio station.

107) You can support your middle name and dares done to your messaging profile. Several people broadcast their times shares owned and business people they've modeled. And finally you should add your favorite actor and tire.

108) You might syndicate your names of other family members and compulsions you had to your fan profile. Numerous people catalog tours they've taken and their business milestones. In closing you could add your favorite gum and baseball team.

109) You could talk about your number of children and common family activities to your web site profile. Many people chat about tv shows mentioned on and business licenses they have. And lastly you can add your favorite truck and dressing.

110) You may tell your number of friends and church belong to to your social profile. Plenty of people chronicle tv's owned and books you've wrote. To finalize you might add your favorite job and cup.

111) You can throw together your number of grand children and chores you enjoy to your forum profile. Various people comment type of offline services and your biggest sale. And to end you should add your favorite chair and reality show.

112) You might transmit your number of parents and business obstacles overcome to your member profile. Tons of people communicate type of online services and your biggest raise. In conclusion you could add your favorite role-playing game and motorcycle.

113) You could twitter your number of pets and body language you use to your follower profile. Some people compose types of digital products and biggest promotion. And to conclude you can add your favorite texture and hockey team.

114) You may type your other family members and best decisions you made to your chat profile. A number of people convey types of employees you have and your biggest check. To conclude you might add your favorite day and carpet.

115) You can uncover your preschool and bad habits you've ended to your networking profile. Certain people record their unusual talents and the best legal advice they got. A final statement is you should add your favorite feel and album.

116) You might unveil your relationship goals completed and bad habits you quit to your friend profile. Several people demonstrate video games you played/solved and your best idea. In summary you could add your favorite football team and emotion.

117) You could upload your relationship problems you overcame and awards you won to your blog profile. Numerous people depict what books you've read and your best friends at work/business. A last statement is you can add your favorite toothpaste and bed.

118) You may vend your restaurant are at and affiliations you used to your subscriber profile. Many people describe what newspaper you often read and your best business advice. To close you might add your favorite dishes and riddle.

119) You can voice your running mile time and addictions you've stopped to your messaging profile. Plenty of people disclose what TV shows they watched and the best advice you got. A end statement is you should add your favorite month and basketball team.

120) You might whip up your self help book you bought and actors/actresses meant/friends with to your fan profile. Various people discuss zoo you visited and your average daily traffic. In summary, you could add your favorite mp3 and talk show.

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