Saturday, October 25, 2008

Are You a Show Horse, Work Horse or Jackass?

during these challenging economic times people are very cautious before they enter into any home business opportunity or business related activity for obvious reasons. No doubt you want to generate consistent, predictable and long-term residual income from any and all of your business ventures, but what is the best way to ensure your efforts are not in vain? Well, let’s start at the beginning with yourself. What kind of person are you and what qualities do you possess that would ensure your success?

Are you the kind of person, who is flashy, but has little substance when dealing with challenges or are you the kind of person who is willing to work hard to develop the internal skills, knowledgebase and related qualities that ensure long-term success? Only you know depending how honest you are with yourself. Being dishonest with yourself disqualifies you from all business-related success because you will defer to you what you think and not what you know.

Now, success in any venture has always involved a process of internal positive developmental growth over time, because life only rewards those who have earned prosperity as opposed to those who gained short-term benefits, but failed to invest in themselves and lack the ability to generate tangible results that confirm individual initiative and success. What decision will you make to achieve online success and attain, long-term financial independence during the current global economic crisis?

Networkers and entrepreneurs believe it or not see the current economic crisis as an ideal opportunity to grow and profit in an ethical manner. Now, most observers would say, “you’re crazy, banks are not extending credit to anyone, employers are laying off their employees, consumers are only buying the essentials of life, how can there be growth in this kind of climate?” My response is simple and here it is Mindset. Earlier in this article I spoke about success being an internal process, well mindset development is part of that process of success. If, you maintain a thought pattern of constant uncertainty or doubt then, failure is guaranteed. Now, if your thinking is that of optimism and pro-actively seeking a solution to a problem then, you will achieve your goal. As k any team member of the Philadelphia Phillies or Florida Rays, what frame of mind they maintain during the World Series.

Now, what would you say has been or continues to be the biggest challenge that has prevented you from achieving financial success? Yes, this question requires courage, because you have to get honest with yourself so as to identify the problem and arrive at a solution. Yep, that’s what your function will be if you desire long-term financial success. You are a problem solver and solving problems for both people and business can be extraordinarily profitable for those who are ready, well are you ready?

What is your decision, success or failure? The entrepreneur of old known as the farmer relied on his abilities to produce a product that would sustain his family throughout their lifetime (during good times and bad times). No doubt to survive the farmer of old had to have a strong internal constitution; otherwise, he and his family couldn’t survive. What kind of person was the farmer of old? Was he flashy like the show horse, but lacked the strength and long-term commitment to complete the task? Was he a quaterhorse or Clydesdale, a person who was strong, consistent, teachable and willing to work hard to achieve his goal? Was he a Jackass, an obstinate person, willing to work only when he felt like it regardless of the circumstances of the time?

T o learn more about our global online community and related business model called The Global Monitor Network, click the following link:

I trust you have no objection to accessing an automated system with over 60 monitors, who assist in closing sales for dealers 24/7, while you learn and develop your skills as
an entrepreneur.

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

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