Friday, October 17, 2008

It’s An Ideal Time To Grow During The Current US Financial Crisis

The US and Global Economic Crisis continues to dominate the news and has negatively impacted people’s financial investments be it their stocks, Bonds, 401K plan, etc. The is no shortage of feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, distrust and desperation among
the poor, middleclass and some wealthy people. Even, Joe Wurzelbacher better known as “Joe The Plumber” told Barrack Obama he was reluctant to purchase a Plumbing business due to fear of Mr. Obama’s tax policy, which would hurt small business during these difficult economic times.

Ironically, during these times of economic uncertainty opportunity presents itself to those who recognize it and have the courage to investment in themselves by starting their own home business opportunity.

The obvious question one would ask is why? Wouldn’t this be the most inappropriate time to start a home business opportunity especially, when businesses globally are struggling, access to credit remains very difficult and financial institutions fear losing their assets due to people who can’t pay their debts? Is this not a time for restraint and not spending?

Let me respond by saying, “So what”. Invest in yourself, because you’re the greatest asset you have in your life. It’s safe to say we are in a recession and people are restricting themselves in all aspects of their lives so as to survive the economic crisis; however, restricting one’s opportunity to grow and become a more prosperous person due to a restricted mindset is a form of economic suicide.

When an individual invests in a pattern of thinking that restricts his/her opportunity to grow emotionally, economically or socially, due to feelings of fear of current economic instability then, that mindset will restrict the individual from achieving success. Wait a minute, most people would say, “Iam being smart because external factors are unpredictable and it is better to be safe than sorry ”.

The truth of the matter is that, success always begins internally with the right mindset and not external factors, which many people allow to dictate their lives and lead to a pattern of conformity that ensures they die dead and dead- broke.

Ready to think outside the box and invest in yourself, so as to grow during a time of economic restraint? If yes, then, I invite you to examine our business model, which encompasses our Global Monitor Network that closes sales for our dealers 24/7.
Vaurn James
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