Monday, December 8, 2008

Your Comfort Zone is Really Your Failure Zone

“T. Harv Eker, the author of The Secrets of The Millionaire Mind has said that our comfort zone equals our money zone. In order to have more money in our lives we must expand our comfort zone”. So, are you ready and willing to expand your comfort zone or remain in that mental environment of self-confinement, that prevents you from generating consistent, predictable and long-term residual income?

Do you realize your pattern of thinking or Mindset will determine whether you are a success or failure in life? Have you noticed that people with self-confidence frequently l step outside their comfort zone to accomplish a task they believe is beneficial for themselves; however, those lacking self-confidence despite knowledge of the benefits of accomplishing a task will resist doing it. Hence, those who resist doing what they know as beneficial for themselves choose to remain in their Comfort Zone or more accurately, failure Zone.

So, why would anyone engage in self-destructive conduct; despite, knowing the benefits of doing something that on the surface is perhaps a little uncomfortable? Well, let’s remember people are creatures of habit and desire comfortability. Now our Comfort Zone is our environment we have grown to become comfortable with and reluctant to leave due to feelings of familiarity and safety.

Now, safety is one of those basic essentials of life that all humans require to function normally; however, how can one grow, expand or improve if; they refuse to step outside of their realm of safety? Simply put, they can’t because success involves a willingness to overcome challenges; therefore, are you ready to overcome your challenges that continue to prevent you from becoming a successful entrepreneur?

If yes, then, proceed to the following to begin the process

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Talk to me live in my meeting room:

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