The 7 numbers that ensure business
sales, profits, and wealth. I'll tell youthe secret... but I bet you
won't use it! Yet you SAY you want to make money. Pshaw!
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.
Author's program note. It's far too
early in the morning for me to be up and at 'em like I am. But I'm
on a rescue mission, yeah, a real Florence Nightingale. I'm about
nothing less than saving your bacon by sharing -- and in every
particular -- one absolutely crucial piece of advice; advice that
spells the difference between just getting by in your business,
profits scarce and spotty and making M-O-N-E-Y!
Let me ask you a question, and ask it
in all seriousness. Do you REALLY want a business that makes you
money EVERY SINGLE DAY? I know you. At this point in the drama,
you're going to tell me -- because you might actually believe -- that
you are doing every single thing you can do to get people to call
you. And because you believe this and actually believe that you are
already doing it, that you don't need to do another thing.
I'm here to tell you different, and
the extent to which you "get" what I'm revealing here is
the extent to which you make money.
Let's start by looking at the
marketing documents you've got now for therein lies the problem...
AND the solution.
You want customers... but you aren't
doing everything on Earth to get them to call you... amazing!
It's time to take a good close look at
the marketing documents you are using right now.
Unless you have good counter tops with
plenty of clear space at the ready, it's time to put the ol' kitchen
table to work -- again; the venerated place from which you may have
launched the business you planned to be a glory to the world, an ever
growing financial cornucopia for your old age. Just sitting at this
table again, the dreams of Auld Lang Syne rising ineluctably to the
surface, may be a jolt, especially if the big dreams of yesterday
have generated nothing more than the puny results of today. Let's
take a look...
It's time to drag out every single
marketing document you're using, developing, or planning to use.
It's time you put each one under a microscope and take a real good
look-see at precisely what marketing you're doing... not merely what
you think you're doing. Be prepared for the shock of your life. Get
a good strong chair and the smelling salts you're sure to need...
and maybe a friend or two or three with palmetto fans and balm for
your ego, about to be severely bruised. Ready? Then let's get going
on your hunting and gathering expedition.
List every single form of marketing
you are currently using offline... and on; that is brochures, Yellow
Pages ads, anything you mail, package stuffers, match book covers,
media releases, catalogs, articles and books, messages on
envelopes... get the picture? This phase of Operation Profit is
going to take a while because you have never, ever done this;
thereby depriving you of seeing -- in one place -- every single
thing you are using and PAYING FOR to generate more business and
generate it NOW.
Look closely, breathe deeply.
The first thing to consider after
you've artfully arranged every single marketing document you're
using in front of you is this sobering thought: you have spent a ton
of money on this stuff. But is it working; is it, that is, making
you money? At this crucial moment in your affaires, you cannot
afford to THINK. Instead, you must KNOW. You must be stern,
unyielding, absolutely 100% focused on what you're spending... and
what you're getting; an accounting which will very likely make you
most glum and chagrined indeed. That's a shame... but you cannot
advance without this critical analysis. You cannot afford to be a
sissy now, and that's a fact.
The close scrutiny that can pay off
big time IF you learn from it and make all the necessary changes --
First, does every single marketing
communication include your name, address, email address, URL, AND
phone number? Remember this: your marketing communications are only
as good, as useful, and as remunerative as they should be IF and
ONLY IF they contain COMPLETE follow-up details. If they don't, then
you won't get the #1 thing you want: BUSINESS.
But merely including this crucial
information isn't enough, not by a long shot. Rather, you must give
your prospects a reason to CALL YOU RIGHT NOW, not a day from now,
not an hour from now but RIGHT THIS MINUTE. And for this to happen,
you must give your prospects a reason to call NOW, immediately, at
once, no excuses whatsoever, no excuses at all.
Have you provided this absolutely
essential sine qua non of successful business, or have you rather
presumed that your customers would know what to do and do it,
thereby placing the burden for action on the customer, rather than
where it must be: ON YOU!
Now for the meat and potatoes of what
makes you, yes YOU, such a rotten marketer: You haven't MOTIVATED
and ASKED the prospect to call you. You haven't given her a reason
to call you NOW! Instead you sat back confident, obstinate, stubborn
in your blind smug assurance that THEY should call YOU without a
reason, an offer, even an invitation; celestial know-it-all that you
are instead of doing what is necessary, what is mandatory to get
these all-important beings, the fountain of wealth to call you NOW,
this very minute.
Look at the panoply of marketing
communications before you, the communications on which you're
betting the ranch. Does any one, even a single one, open with an
offer, any benefit at all, for picking up the phone AT ONCE so that
you can use your magic to make them better off and make yourself
more money? Even a single one?
The plain, honest and horrifying truth
is that you are sending out thousands, hundreds of thousand and over
your business career, MILLIONS of marketing communications that
aren't delivering the customers you must have to get rich. And it's
all your fault...
No call to action. No benefit to call
about. No business. No wonder!
Here's what you need to do... so that
motivated prospects call you... 24/7/365, a wide world of prospects,
clambering for the benefits that you, YOU, can deliver, you lucky
Brainstorm motivating language, test,
re-write, test again, then dance 'cause. cuz', you are (finally)
doing it right.
Try this: "FREE consultation
($150 value). Expert shows you how to make money online. Call (phone
number) 24/7 NOW! Profit today!"
Now the acid test. Does even one of
your marketing communications open with an offer like this? No? Not
even one? Well, then, what you're saying is this, "I want your
business. I want your money. But I'll do as little as possible to
get it." Wow, what a charmer you are, you are, what a wonderful
charmer you are -- not! Under the circumstances, with you doing so
little to get your prospects to respond, it is hardly surprising
that they don't.
Cut your throat, or cut your losses
and PROFIT. Your choice.
Having read this article, you now have
two choices. Continue along the road you're now on, the road
featuring maximum hubris with minimal results. Or the straight and
sure highway to profits, more profits, and predictable wealth.
You'll tell me, of course, you'll take remunerative option 2, but we
both know you, don't we? You'll say you'll do better; you'll
actually mean it, for a day or two. Then back to the same ol' same
ol', doing more of what has returned so little.
But at least one of you will heed my
strict and certain admonitions, and you'll get rich, really rich.
Thus for you I have that indefatigable energy machine, James Brown
and his anthem for people who love money and, with my help, are well
on their way to getting it.... "I Feel Good."
Find it in any search engine now
(recorded 1965) . Play it loud and proud....
"Whoa-oa-oa. I feel good, I knew
that I would, now. I feel good, I knew that I would, now So good,
so good, I got you."
And that, cuz', is nothing but the
glorious truth. Yeah!
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is
the author of over a dozen print books, several ebooks and over one
thousand articles on a variety of topics. Republished with author's
permission by Vaurn James
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