Female Gold Diggers…It’s In The DNA
as per Briffaults Law!!!
SuccessRoute.biz's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
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The Entrepreneurial Spirit has always
existed in
Women as indicated by their desire to
seek a
partner in their first business venture
Marriage. Additionally, they have been
since early childhood by their parents
to increase
their VALUE and MARKET their assets to
with the largest resources and
willingness to sire
children with them (yes, the little
insurance package).
Indeed, the traditional Western Family
is a multi-billion
dollar industry (ask any Family Court
official) and a
business venture where FEMALES have
acquired dominant control of the
partnership with
the assistance of the new Baby-Daddy
…the State.
However, the female entrepreneur’s
savvy business
skills and hostile take-over abilities
of the partnership
appear to be innate as FEMALES as per
Briffault’s Law,
which states the following:
1). The female, not the male,
determines all the conditions
of the animal family. Where the female
can derive no
benefit from association with the male,
no such association
takes place.
There are a few corollaries I would
2) Past benefit provided by the male does not provide
2) Past benefit provided by the male does not provide
for continued or future association.
Any agreement
where the male provides a current
benefit in return
for a promise of future association is
null and void as
soon as the male has provided the
benefit (see corollary 1)
3) A promise of future benefit has limited influence
3) A promise of future benefit has limited influence
on current/future association, with
the influence
inversely proportionate to the length
of time until
the benefit will be given and directly
to the degree to which the female
trusts the male
(which is not bloody likely).
Needless to say, Business is Business,
which is
supported by the fact, females initiate
70% of the
divorces, awarded 50% of the martial
awarded part of partner’s
pension/Social Security
and awarded the children 90% of the
time, which
means artificially high child-support
payment for
18-years. Oh yes, any Paternity Fraud
episode and
DNA proves no biological connection
is still legally mandated via the
Family Court.
Now, that’s out of the way allow me
to offer you
another Business Opportunity that is
but, doesn’t involve Marriage,
Children, Alimony
(Vaginamony nor other monthly
maintenance costs
that benefits the former partner:
Time to Invest in Yourself!!!
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