Entitlement Mentality: Antithesis of Success In Life
Written by: Vaurn James
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Publisher: Vaurn James
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“ Victory is reserved for those
who are willing to
pay its price”.....Rickson
Everyone wants success but, not all are
to do what is necessary to achieve it.
Why is
that, let's look and see if, we can
arrive at a
SOLUTION or better yet and explanation.
With the Rise of the Entrepreneur,
and competition continue to explode for
who are driven to achieve success.
This is so,
because the myth of financial safety in
traditional job has been DEBUNKED and
Social & Economic Darwinism are the
now the
reality. Adjust or Die, the old ways
that are
unproven don't apply because technology
changed the game. NOW, the question
are you
ready to change and if not then, you
will be like
the masses who yearn for victory but,
comfortable complaining about those who
adjusted and achieved it.
For example, the largest retailer in
the World is
Amazon and guess what, they don't own a
Retail Store selling their products or
services. Oh
yes, the E-tailer generated 61 Billion
Dollars in
revenue (2012) but, operates football
size stadium
warehouses. So, it is a new game with
MINDSET needed to win; otherwise, you
as an
entrepreneur are operating a Non-Profit
and guarantee your arrival in the MLM
for DEAD DEALERS. Sounds delightful
doesn’t it.
Unfortunately, many of TODAY's youth
young adults have been educated in our
Social Justice Warrior and Politically
Post-Secondary Institutions and have
and embraced what is called the
Mentality. Needless to say, the drive
excellence and victory isn't viewed
with the
same degree of admiration as it did in
the past.
It's no longer about rewarding
achievement but, rewarding All
so as to AVOID feelings of failure
and/or inadequacy.
Now, Liberals, Social Justice Warriors,
and GOVT, have advocated and achieved
change in the society, policy and Law
to the detriment
of society with this worthless
philosophy. We see
the entitlement mentality most
frequently in social
welfare spending (Welfare Benefits);
however, it has
also, invaded amateur Sports.
Now, James Harrison, Linebacker with
Pittsburgh Steelers, recently addressed
issue (Entitlement Mentality) when he
two Participation Trophies given
to his sons
for “showing up” in an athletic
although, they didn't earn them.
Clearly, James Harrison is Old School
best to hear his words verbatim, “I
home to find out that my boys received
trophies for nothing, participation
While I am very proud of my boys for
they do and will encourage them till
the day I die,
these trophies will be given back until
they EARN
a real trophy”.
“I'm sorry I'm not sorry for
believing that
everything in life should be earned and
I'm not about to raise two boys to be
by making them believe that they are
entitled to something just because they
tried their best...cause sometimes your
best is not enough, and that should
you to want to do better...not cry and
until somebody gives you something to
up and keep you happy.
James Harrison's rejection of Tokenism
or Handouts
is very important not only for his
sons' personal
development but also, racially.
Although his sons
are Biracial (legally &
genetically) in the real world
they are BLACK and will be judged by
standards from their Caucasian peers.
Action in amateur sports for young
Black men can
only lead to disaster and fortunately
Mr. Harrison
has stopped and highlighted the
destructive nature of
Liberal Social Engineering that
continues to promote
mediocrity. I applaud James Harrison
for his intervention
and his actions are best summed in the
following quote.
“The greatness of a man is not
in how much wealth he
acquires but in his integrity and
his ability to affect those
around him
positively”.........Bob Marley
If, one looks closely YOU can see how
Entitlement Mentality has and continues
negatively impact society as indicated
by the
way it has infected our children. If,
you want
the best out of anyone but especially,
your child
then, I assume you teach them to love
the work so
they, recognize the importance of WORK
and EARN it.
Yes, the Old Work Ethic still holds
true because it
enhances creativity, innovation,
discipline and
commitment towards achieving a goal and
importantly, success. Very Simple, very
Basic and
very effective because it isn't
Politically Correct.
Unfortunately, Political Correctness is
that continues to grow and DESTROY
societies with
increasing social problems that require
Let me say, “GOVT Profits from
Problems and Special
Interest Groups sabotage SOLUTIONS
Dependency is their ideology and more
importantly, their
source of revenue..need I say more.
It's clear the GOVT wants future
taxpayers so it can
Grow and Control the masses; however,
how you do
you do it? Well, if you incentivise
the masses from
doing their best then, you develop a
more docile and
dependent citizenry that shuns success
and embraces
mediocrity. Ever notice when you give
away Free
Goodies to people they become
complacent over
the course of time. Yes, that's the
idea Reward for
Participation and NOT Success. When
you can
Manipulate or Control your target's
thinking then,
you have Won and the target is mindless
So, what do we do? “No Man is FREE
who is not master
of himself”
The above quote is straight forward and
is part of
developing and maintaining a
Millionaire, Champion
or Success MINDSET. The meaning and
benefits are
clear because those who want to achieve
success in
business need to start with Cleaning
their own house.
Talk soon.
Vaurn James
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