Sunday, January 17, 2016

Australian Racism: Opportunity For Entrepreneurism's Home Business Report

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“Defeat is the Secret ingredient to Success”…
Connor Mc Gregor UFC Champion

Some of you may be aware of a story in Australia
involving five African immigrant school lads, who
were ejected from an Apple Computer store based
on a security official's belief they were there to STEAL.

Needless to say, the story and related videos went viral
resulting in Apple making a formal apology to the young
men.  Racial Profiling or more accurately, Stereotyping
continues to increase not only in both Law Enforcement
and Politics but, especially by those in RETAIL due to
massive losses from shoplifting.  However, presuming a
specific individual or group of individuals based on their
Race/Ethnicity at greater propensity to commit an act
of criminality (Theft) seems completely illogical.

Unfortunately, when Racism/Prejudice are involved then,
logic and good judgment are excluded and predetermined
mindset based on bias becomes the status-quo, which is non-
conducive to creating a positive business relationship
between customer and proprietor as indicated in this current
situation.  Then again, if one party doesn’t believe there can
be a good relationship between parties then, it’s moot.

Clearly, Andrew Carnegie’s book on “How To Win Friends
And Influence People” was not on the Book of The
Month Club list for certain individuals at Apple.

So, how will the young lads respond to this experience
(Now and in the Future), that’s the million dollar question?
Yes, it was done and over physically but, emotionally and
psychologically the experience remains in their psyche
and overcoming it is the challenge and how to do it. 

Well, since the incident occurred in a business setting
and the lads were accused of stealing then, Debunking
the racist mindset of Apple Security and their supports
would be optimal.  So, how will this be accomplished?

The late Jim Rohn (Business Philosopher Extraordinaire)
famously said, “Formal education will make you a
living but, self-education will make you a Fortune”. 

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. - Jim Rohn

The relevance of the aforementioned quote is critical
because it illustrates how the five lads have been
presented a learning opportunity to determine their
future.  From an entrepreneurial perspective the lads
can grow and seek a solution to their negative experience
or succumb to a Poverty Mindset, where they remain
victims forever and never overcome their trauma.
Additionally, to create an entrepreneurial mindset for
those discriminated against based on race/ethnicity.

The temptation to remain and grow ANGRY  is tempting as
conveyed by the late Carter G. Woodson, “As another has
well said, to handicap a student by teaching him that his black
face is a curse and that his struggle to change his condition is
hopeless is the worst sort of lynching”.  Like any challenge
overcoming obstacles is key to success; however, many fail
because Critical Thinking and developing related problem
solving skills has become a lost art in most public
education institutions for various reasons contrary to better
educational principles but, perhaps not to Corporate principles.

Now, educational institutions in Westernised Countries
(England, Australia, United States, Canada, Germany,
France & others) fail to teach entrepreneurship, while
preparing students to memorrise information to become
Corporate Slaves.  It is clear that creativity and innovation
are qualities of that self-education philsophy that distinguish
those who make a living from those who make a fortune.

Unfortunately, people with a Poverty Mindset don't pass- down
Success or Generational Wealth but, Generational Poverty because
the STRUGGLE becomes the Identity (a source of PRIDE).  Now,
Pride doesn’t pay the bills and can be a double-edged sword leading
to personal destruction or Success depending on how it is focused. 

So, how will the young men respond and how have you
responded to challenges in life?  In essence we are all
entrepreneurs who hopefully, still maintain a spirit
characterized by innovation, risk-taking and
making continuing adjustments to achieve and/or
maintain our goals in the business called LIFE.
No doubt, this sounds familiar to everyone.

If, this makes sense then, I invite you to examine our

Newbie’s Guide for Making Money Online…..Goodies on Last Page

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