Sunday, October 12, 2008

Working Alone During The US Financial Crisis: It’s Dead Man Walking

Now, are you working alone trying to do everything yourself during the current global economic crisis? If yes, how much success have you achieved using this approach? If, you are like most who use the Lone Ranger approach to business then, you’re like a flea jumping from home business opportunity to home business opportunity in the hopes of turning a fast buck. Now, US financial giants like Lehman Brothers, Wachovia Bank, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Washington Mutual Bank, jumped on an opportunity called sub prime mortgages hoping to turn a fast buck. Well, we all know the outcome of that Pansy Scheme (trust government with your money, okay).

News flash, honorable businesses don’t operate their enterprise like online
, but the aforementioned US financial institutions better known as Predatory Lenders definitely demonstrated that honoring their customers is a quality of little value to them.

Now, successful businesses owners never work because the essence of business is interacting with others to provide a product and/or service to the masses at a reasonable price and similar compensation. In other words, you don’t become wealthy working alone. Billionaire J. Paul Getty (current owner of the MLM Cemetery, yep probably made a deal while six feet under) once said, ”I would rather profit from 1% of the efforts of 100 people than, 100% of my own efforts”.

So, are you profiting only from your own efforts or from the efforts of others in your group? Hey, are you profiting period? If not then, I invite you to examine our business model that involves our Global Monitor Network of Live Rep., work 24/7 to close sales for our dealers. As a dealer you will have over 60 monitors, who speak to your prospects and will close the sale, while you are absent. Even, our CEO Dr. Jeffrey Lant, who is a multi-millionaire, closes sales for dealers. An unfair advantage for you, but I doubt you will object, but the Wall Street Bailout is another story.

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
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