Monday, April 20, 2015

Creating A Great SEO Website

Creating A Great SEO Website
When you are first starting out in a business and you create your very first website it can be a difficult task, especially if you want your website to be noticed. The key to getting your new website noticed is by making your site SEO friendly. SEO simply means Search Engine Optimization and is the way that search engines such as Google look for keywords within your website to produce results.
In order for your website to be at the top of the search engine list you need to provide as many keywords as possible that the web crawlers can attach themselves onto. Here are 5 simple steps that you can create a SEO to get you great results. 1. Be creative in your Keyword research -This is the number one most important rule in building an SEO Friendly website. Before creating your keywords, search through the search engines and see what words your competition is using. You will also need to make sure that your keywords are unique to your business. If you are still unsure of what keywords you should use for your business there are sites available to assist you, like Word Tracker for example.
2. Make your site easy to use -Make sure both people and search engines can use your site easily. The best way to achieve this is to plan your site before you build it. When you do this be sure you have included plenty of vital sitemaps which should be in HTML as well as XML format.
3. Be sure that your content for your site is relevant -The content of your website is the second most important part of creating a successful SEO. Your content should pertain to the title, description, and tags. This will allow you to control where in the list your site will appear. The better your content the higher you appear.
4. Make sure you add key rich keywords and tags -To assure that you rank high on the search engine list you need to make sure your keywords appear in the title pages, description, and keyword tags. You need to be sure that the content of your body contains keywords.
5. Make sure each page of your site is unique -It is very important to avoid using duplicate information on all of the pages of your site. Make sure each page has its own title but also keep your keywords in the title. Add new pages frequently to target new members. Also be sure to keep an eye on your competition to keep your pages updated to keep you above them.
Creating an SEO friendly website can be difficult and confusing. If you follow these few simple steps you will have your website up and SEO friendly in no time.

Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» SEOPressor - High Ranking in Google with Superb On-page Tool Now In Your Hands!

Republished with author's permission.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Common SEO Mistakes-Tips To Help You Not Make These Mistakes

Common SEO Mistakes-Tips To Help You Not Make These Mistakes
SEO (short for search engine optimization) is a collection of methods that are used to move a website higher in the results when someone uses a search engine. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation floating around about what works and what doesn't. Here are a few of the most common SEO mistakes and what you can do to avoid them.
 1. Using the wrong keywords. This is such an easy mistake to make. One of the biggest problems is that people tend to go after the search terms that get the most searches, but that isn't always the smartest way to go. The keywords that get the most searches almost always have the most competition and can put you at a disadvantage when starting out. It's okay to use keywords with fewer searches if they fit in with your overall SEO plan.

2. Tag confusion. A few years ago you could get away with stuffing your meta tags with all of your keywords, and that would be enough to move you higher up in the search engines. Today, a lot of the bigger search engines virtually ignore your meta tags when determining where you will place in the results. However, that doesn't mean that other tags don't matter. You can still use meta tags, but you don't have to stuff them with keywords, instead, use them to write a good description of your site and fill in other useful meta information. Heading tags, alt tags and tags used for emphasis can give your keywords and images extra weight, so use them wisely.

3. Having a site that uses Flash only. Flash is a wonderful tool when used properly, but the spiders sent by the search engines can't read it. Not everybody likes a Flash-only website, but if you have good reasons for using Flash, be sure to include an HTML version of your website so the search engines have something to rank your site with.

4. Java Script. Similar to Flash, Java Script can't be read by the search engines. It's easy to use various Java Script applications on your website, but be careful with where and how you use them. One of the more common SEO mistakes is to use Java for menus on a website. That's one of the worst ways to use Java Script because you will lose all of the SEO benefits that come with internally linking your pages. In other words, if you must use Java Script, don't use it for your menus.

5. Relying black hat SEO techniques. Yes, black hat SEO can and does work, but only for a while; eventually the big search engines figure out the black hat methods and then they change their algorithms to make those methods ineffective. When this happens, your page can move down in the results instantly. In the long run, black hat SEO takes more work, so do your best to play by the rules.
Avoiding these common SEO mistakes will help you place higher in the search engine results.

Mega Profit Product Showcase: » Affiliate Cash Ultimatum - Special For YOU, you can be dumb and still make money

Republished with author's permission.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How To Get Your Pins Indexed Properly For Higher Visibility

How To Get Your Pins Indexed Properly For Higher Visibility

How To Get Your Pins Indexed Properly For Higher Visibility
As you begin to explore Pinterest you will notice that this highly visual social network is not the same as other the social networking sites and that you need to put some serious thought into getting your pins indexed properly
To effectively get your pins to climb the ranks of Pinterest, you have to understand and focus your attention on the keywords in your descriptions, hashtags, and links. This is critical because pinboard's mostly involve posting and uploading unique, entertaining, compelling images, photos, and videos.
Some may say that since your posting images keywords don't matter as much, but they do!
This even includes your choice of keywords for your Pinterest profile description, especially if you want to get noticed by other pinner's in a specific market and ranked well by search engines.
When posting a new pin be sure that you use relevant titles and informative, keyword focused descriptions. Not only will this help other pinner's find your content, it will create added value on your boards.
The same holds true when you repin other people's images. Don't be afraid to change or add to the description and be sure to use your keywords.
While repining images posted by other people is fun and can be very beneficial, you should also be sure to upload your own unique or interesting pins with searchable keyword titles, descriptions and tags.
The main reason for this is so that your boards will have interesting pins that other pinner's will want to repin. By providing fresh, interesting content on your boards you can help ensure that it will be shared more frequently and it will also help you attract more followers.
This simple process of pinning and repining will help you drive more genuine page views and higher web ranking for your search engine optimized Pinterest pinboard.
- Using Hashtag's
The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics. It was made popular by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.
Tagging pins with hashtag's makes them easier to find and more searchable to most search engines. When you want your boards and pins to be quickly and conveniently searched, you can attach a hashtag symbol # before your keyword in a pin description.
For example, if you include the hashtag ?#marketing? in your description, people can click on the hashtag to instantly search through Pinterest to find all of the pins related to that particular search term.
- Including Links
In your Pinterest profile description you can add a link of your business website as well as connections to your blog, and other social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. These external connections are ways for users to find your boards and pins.
As you are pinning keep in mind that Google indexes individual boards on Pinterest and that makes the descriptions you use on your pins and board extremely important.
Pinterest has become extremely popular over the last two years and it doesn't look like their growth will be slowing down anytime soon. That only leads us to believe that from a business standpoint we should consider Pinterest an important part of our marketing strategy, just like our blogs, Facebook and Twitter.
These is little doubt that the combination of these social platforms can go a long way towards increasing visibility, attracting visitors and generating more sales, which is the main reason for any business to engage in online social marketing.

Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Blogging Espionage - Special For YOU, Download The SECRET Blogging System

Republished with author's permission.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Relationship Building is Good Business, here's why.

Relationship Building is Good Business, here's why.

If you want to set your business apart from your competitors spend some time creating and fostering relationships with your current and prospective customers.
Strong business relationship lead to long term customers and this is good for your bottom line. If you have been ignoring social media it's time to recognize that you are turning your back on a vital direct connection to the people who have supported your business and those people who may be your next customers. Your customers are a vital source of information for any company. They can help you understand how to better meet their needs and therefore, retain their business while attracting new business. One of the most powerful ways to tap this valuable resource is by finding more ways to connect with your customers and build lasting relationships.
Relationship building is an ongoing process on and offline. Social media makes it easier to start and build relationships with current and prospective customers all over the world. Your marketing plan should include dedicating resources for building your online presence through posts, blogs, backlinks, bookmarks, commenting and more. Your website is simply not enough any more. If you want to speak to your customers and grow your sales you will need to connect with them using popular social media.
Social media makes it easy to build relationships with your customers, here's how.
- Instantly create connections
- Expand your reach to new markets
- Ability to jump on customer service issues right away
- Better identify gaps in your service provision
- Know what people are saying about your company
- Increase awareness of what your business offers
- Increase referrals and sales
- Generate new sales with offers
- Post Product or Service Reviews
- Improve customer experiences with your company
- Generate fresh online frequent content that you control
What to do next:
Have a look at some of the popular Social Media sites to see which ones are the best fit for your company, products or services. Don't limit yourself to just the large sites, if you can find niche sites directly related to your purposes this can be ideal and easily found with a Google search. Here's just a few of the top ones ranked by StumbleUpon
Before the Internet, building business relationships meant greeting your customer by name when they came into your store. Today, it means using social media to better connect with your customers and in the process of helping them you help your own company grow stronger. Companies and their customers are connected in a way never seen before and it’s your job as a business owner to facilitate this process.

Mega Profit Product Showcase:
» Info Prodigy - Finally... thousands promoting YOUR info product TODAY!

About the Author
Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., a company providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today.
Republished with author's permission.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Comfortable with Excuses: Welcome To The MLM Cemetery

Comfortable with Excuses: Welcome To The MLM Cemetery

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