Friday, November 28, 2014

It's About Relationship Bldg.,….Forget Marriage & Do Home Business!!!!

It's About Relationship Bldg.,….Forget Marriage & Do Home Business!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Friday, November 28th 2014
Publisher: Vaurn James

Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE

Attend Live Daily Webcasts:
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

A good decision is made based on knowledge
and not numbers”....Plato

Indeed want success in business or anything
in life then, it is achieved primarily through
Knowledge and Evidence -based PROVEN
methods of research and NOT emotion or hope.
If, this makes sense to you then, it's critical you
recognise that “the direction in which education
starts a man will determine his future”.

So, are you ready to access and implement
educational material that will help you learn
that Traditions like anything in life change
because critical thinking evolves over time
and reveals the truth or other options that
are beneficial toy your success.

READY to Lean.....I Hope.

Yes, marriage is the original home business;
however, it's also, the ultimate P-O-N-S-I
scheme and worse it's LEGAL. No surprise
when endorsed by GOVT like gambling
because the House (GOVT) gets a LARGE
piece of the action and you cannot get out
easily because you signed a legal contract
and the price for dissolving the “blessed
Union will cost you more than when you
joined....Lifetime Alimony or better known

Indeed, as a businessman you wanted to
generate Consistent, Predictable and Long-term
Residual income but, you failed to recognise your
intimate relationship was in fact, the Real Business.

Yes, MARRIAGE is a business as indicated by
two people forming a Corporation and combining
their assets; however, the overall operational
cost as many divorcees know can be very
expensive as indicated by those living under
Community Property Laws (Yeah, she gets Half!!)
......... Sorry, no Chapter 11, when you tie the old
Noose.... I mean Knot.

Alright, marriage as a business model with it's
50% failure rate is clearly, a bloody loser;
however, a better alternative to it is Home
Business with a 95% failure rate. Now, why would
anyone offer a SOLUTION with a higher failure
rate as a better option than one with with a lower
rate of failure?

Well, the answer is quite simple.... Relationship
Building in MARRIAGE involves ONE partner, but
in Home Business your partners are several in
number. Additionally, their is no intimacy in
Home business, while in Marriage as a Business
Model you frequently violate the old proverb that
says, "Never mix business with pleasure".

Relationship Building is critical to the success
of any business; therefore, it is critical that YOU
bring VALUE to those, who would benefit from your
products/services. They will only buy from you once,
trust has been established or more precisely, a
relationship has been developed. It is no secret that
people invest more time and effort when trying to
generate MONEY, while many blindly enter personal
relationships that have possible marriage potential.

So, Ready to learn Protocol and other Proven
Methods of generating Consistent, Predictable
and Long-Term income that product profitable
Relationships? If yes, then, I
invite you to review our Information.

Expose your enterprise to the Global Masses...
700,000 websites....Massive EXPOSURE generates
consistent Income.
(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

MGTOW: Ideal Mindset For Home Business Success

MGTOW: Ideal Mindset For Home Business Success
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

“No Man is FREE who is not master of himself”

The above quote is straight forward and is part of
developing and maintaining a Millionaire, Champion
or Success MINDSET. The meaning and benefits are
clear because those who want to achieve success in
business need to start with Cleaning their own house.

Now, one of the great foundations in personal
development that assist those who want online
success involves a movement called MGTOW or
Men Going Their Own Way. MGTOW, is growing
exponentially on a global basis because it's a
philosophy of “self-ownership and saying that only
you have the right to decide what your goals in life
should be”. “ It is saying that, as a man I will not
surrender my will to the social expectations of women
and society, because both have become hostile against
masculinity”. In deed, AVOID negative energy in life.

So, a Millionaire, Champion of Success Mindset is
essential to your future success in business because
it starts 6-inches between your ears. Want success
then, Thinking and Living it is mandatory; otherwise,
you will be like 95% on home business owners who
arrive safely in what I call the MLM Cemetery where
failed marketers come to rest for eternity....lovely place.
Well, not really because as Robert DeNiro once said,
“The saddest thing in life is wasted Talent”. Now,
many say the same thing about men to tie the Old
NOOSE, I mean Knot, because he has in most cases
given up on his dreams in pursuit of so-called
Societal Normality....wife, house with picket fence
and 1.8 CHILDREN...what more could any man ask
for in life.

Now, the pleasantry are over let's look at the benefit
of being and/or becoming a Business Entrepreneur
and not an Economic Mercenary. Being an entrepreneur
by definition is an Individual who goes his own way and
unwilling to be subservient to Corporate nor GOVT Masters.
Yes, this is what we call MGTOWS and for good
reason because FREEDOM is priceless and hard to
achieve when your Economic Survival is controlled
by another Individual and/or business entity.

One of the most effective ways to gain Economic
Control of your Freedom is to know your Magic Number.

So, as a MGTOW how about a Business Relationship
where you develop an Intimate- Partnership with
customers/clients because you recognize the benefits
of a WIN-WIN situation, while bypassing the
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Marriage and eventual, Divorce.

Now, “You, are your business and you represent what
your business is all about” ; therefore, Success or
Failure is all based on you and nobody else. Makes
sense; therefore, investing in yourself to become a
better businessman is critical to your survival.

So, are you ready to increase your VALUE and Skills
as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur and generate
Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term Residual
income for Yourself and not your former partner?

If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information and
eliminate any Self Limiting Beliefs that are costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in the MLM Cemetery.

Oh yes, since attorneys are involved in Marriages
the following famous quote should always be kept
in mind, "an attorney with a briefcase can steal more
money than a hundred men with guns and masks”.

A young man married is a man that's marr'd.
(All's Well That Ends Well 2.3.297)

It is vitally important to have a very concrete
reason to build passive income or you won't
do it.
Are you ready?
60 days from now your life can be completely
Imagine how you'd feel to be able to spend
more time with your kids and less time at
Go here <--- span="">
Watch and take notes...
Don't wait, take a leap of faith and decide you
want something better.
You can do this!
Income Disclosure 
Talk soon.
Vaurn James

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Generational Wealth……… It Begins with Millionaire Mindset & Habits

Generational Wealth……… It Begins with Millionaire Mindset & Habits's Home Business Report
Thursday, November 20th, 2014Publisher: Vaurn James

Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE

Attend Live Daily Webcasts :
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Want To How Learn How To Monetize Your BLOG?

So, have you heard of these famous families; Kennedys,
Rockfellas, Gettys, Waltons, Koch, Johnson, Hearst,
Hilton and Marriots? If not then, Forbes has they
write extensively about them because they are loaded.

So, what do the Super-Rich have to do with Network
Marketers and Online Business owners? Simple, it's
all about MONEY and how it's generated, invested and
passed on to other Family Members. Yes, “keeping it
within the family” is critical because it promotes and
maintains the family name for future generations to come.

Like all families...legacy is very important and money helps;
however, to ensure certain money management skills need
to be taught and reinforced by family members.

So, have you passed on the EMPIRE (business, money
Or something of VALUE) to your kids or heirs, who
will also invest those same resources to generate
WEALTH for their descendents? If not, then, you’re
familial members like 97% or online Marketers, will safely
arrive at the MLM Cemetery…Yeah, DEAD BROKE!!!.

Now, I thought you loved your people; yet, you have
failed to secure one of Abraham Maslow’s most important
unnamed HIERARCHY of NEEDS, known as WEALTH.
Alright, we all know old Abe identified the following needs:

  • Physiological Needs
  • Safety Needs
  • Needs of Love, Affection & Belongings
  • Needs of Esteem
  • Needs of Self Actualization

Nevertheless, Wealth or Generational Wealth helps facilitates
all the aforementioned needs; however, how can this be
accomplished considering the global economy is shifting from
MANUAL to Technological/Digital Economy? What’s the
SOLUTION to ensure Financial Prosperity and not Social Security?

Well, Financial Coach, Keith B. Jones, offers a simple
OPTION, but you have to guess which one of the three is
correct: Invest it, Store it or Consume it? Well, you GOT
It…Investment. In fact, here’s a precise quote from Jones:
The key to increasing wealth in an economic system, then, is
Investment, where immediate consumption is forgone in the
present or short run, in order to make increased production
of wealth in the future.

So, are you investing …… are you consistently setting aside
Money and working so as to secure your family’s future?
If not then, your HABITS are costing you and your descendants
a fortune. Imagine the failure to execute a proactive pattern of
behavior that could in the future yield long-term PROFITS.

If, you’re ready to learn and change behaviors that are
costing you and your loved one’s a fortune then, I invite
you to review our information:

Millionaire Habits are a short distance from YOU; however,
It’s critical you also, develop a Millionaire Mindset.,
which is a person who constantly ask questions and
finding answers…… contrary to Poverty Mindset.

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Female Gold Diggers…It’s In The DNA as per Briffaults Law!!!'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James

Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE

Attend Live Daily Webcasts:
The Entrepreneurial Spirit has always existed in
Women as indicated by their desire to seek a
partner in their first business venture called
Marriage. Additionally, they have been groomed
since early childhood by their parents to increase
their VALUE and MARKET their assets to males
with the largest resources and willingness to sire
children with them (yes, the little insurance package).
Indeed, the traditional Western Family is a multi-billion
dollar industry (ask any Family Court official) and a
business venture where FEMALES have Now,
acquired dominant control of the partnership with
the assistance of the new Baby-Daddy …the State.

However, the female entrepreneur’s savvy business
skills and hostile take-over abilities of the partnership
appear to be innate as FEMALES as per Briffault’s Law,
which states the following:

1). The female, not the male, determines all the conditions
of the animal family. Where the female can derive no
benefit from association with the male, no such association
takes place.

There are a few corollaries I would add:

2) Past benefit provided by the male does not provide
for continued or future association. Any agreement
where the male provides a current benefit in return
for a promise of future association is null and void as
soon as the male has provided the benefit (see corollary 1)

3) A promise of future benefit has limited influence
on current/future association, with the influence
inversely proportionate to the length of time until
the benefit will be given and directly proportionate
to the degree to which the female trusts the male
(which is not bloody likely).

Needless to say, Business is Business, which is
supported by the fact, females initiate 70% of the
divorces, awarded 50% of the martial assets,
awarded part of partner’s pension/Social Security
and awarded the children 90% of the time, which
means artificially high child-support payment for
18-years. Oh yes, any Paternity Fraud episode and
DNA proves no biological connection Child-support
is still legally mandated via the Family Court.

Now, that’s out of the way allow me to offer you
another Business Opportunity that is profitable
but, doesn’t involve Marriage, Children, Alimony
(Vaginamony nor other monthly maintenance costs
that benefits the former partner:

Time to Invest in Yourself!!!

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Secret To Business Success Is Follow Up. What's The Secret To Follow Up? Find Out Here!

The Secret To Business Success Is Follow Up. What's The Secret To Follow Up? Find Out Here!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
The Secret To Business Success Is Follow Up.
What's The Secret To Follow Up? Find Out Here!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

You want to build a successful online business? Want
to get REALLY rich? The secret's right here in this
important article.

Think about the last time you bought something.
Was it the first time you heard about the product?
The company selling it? Or had you heard about both
over and over again, until you finally decided to
move and buy?

The fact is, professional marketers confirm that people
have to hear about an item AT LEAST 7 TIMES before they
remember it and get excited about getting it. AT LEAST
7 times.

So, this being the case systematic follow-up is
absolutely crucial to getting rich in business. The
big question, however, is how do you handle systematic
follow-up to deliver the result you want -- one sale
after another? Read on, I'm about to tell you...

The Crucial Significance Of The Autoresponder

What I'm about to share with you can ONLY happen online.
It's one of the key variables that makes the Internet
a dream environment to do business and make money. This
jewel is the sequential autoresponder, and if you
don't have yours yet you're in for a treat that's going
to explode your bank balance and send your Internet
results through the roof.

In a nutshell, an autoresponder is a follow-up machine.
It enables you to hit your prospects as often as you
like with as many follow up messages as you like --
automatically. Here's an example.

You're selling a product.

Your prospect asks you for information on this product.
You email this information using the autoresponder.

(If the prospect buys, the autoresponder stops. But
if the prospect doesn't buy...)

Next day your autoresponder system emails a follow-
up message, perhaps pointing out key advantages of
the product in question and maybe making a special
offer for immediate purchase.

(No response from the prospect.)

48 hours later (or WHENEVER you determine) the autoresponder
emails another follow up message, maybe just a re-prise of
Message 2 above.

This process can continue as long as you want, until
such time as either the prospect buys (increasingly
likely due to your professional, systematic follow-up)
or the sequence of follow-up messages comes to a
pre-determined end.

How much of your time does this wonder system take?
Just what it takes for you to create your initial and
all subsequent prospect follow-up messages. Create
them once, use them forever, update whenever you want.
The autoresponder system does the work. The autoresponder
is the ultimate way to deliver information and to provide
automated, systematic, NO EFFORT FOR YOU follow-up.

Another Great Use For Your Autoresponder System

The Internet is all about communicating information to
interested folks worldwide. The autoresponder helps
by enabling you to create courses and training programs
and effortlessly deliver the lessons. Say you operate
a diabetic support organization. You could create a 10-
lesson program offering quick, easy diabetic recipes
and blood sugar control information. Or, if you're a
realtor you could create an information sequence on
how to prepare your house for prompt sale. You could
include follow-up details with every lesson!

The autoresponder is an incredible way easily to
disseminate important information in bite-sized bits.

The Bigger Your Business Gets The More Grateful You'll
Be To Your Unlimited Autoresponder System

As your business grows you MUST have a system for
efficiently, automatically contacting and following up
with your prospects. The autoresponder is that system.
Once you've got it, you'll wonder how you ever lived
without it.

For complete details, register here and attend today's live webcast.
You'll get further information about
autoresponders and step-by-step details about how to
consistently profit online. Come see!

If you've been wondering how the richest and most
successful folks online got that way, you can be
sure using autoresponders figures in their histories.
That's why you need to start using yours today!

If you can't come to the live webcast, register and watch the recorded version.

***** About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the world's
best-known marketers. To attend his online money- and
business-building webcasts free, register here.

Questions? Talk to me in person, directly, at 1-800-417-0196.

Vaurn James - President & Worldprofit Dealer

215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

MGTOW: The Economic Model for Male Success's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Money isn't everything but, it ranks up there with Oxygen.
Unfortunately, many men FAILED to recognise the
importance of “Getting Money Right” and still possess a
Poverty Mindset as indicated by entering into a certain
institution and signing a Legal Contract called MARRIAGE.
A Poverty Mindset in relation to being married? Yes, the
reason will become very clear for those who believe in the
Fairy Tale image of Blessed Wedlock. As thee old saying
goes, A young man married is a man that's marr'd.
(All's Well That Ends Well 2.3.297)

The painful reality for many is that Marriage and Children
are NOW a BUSINESS venture for many women and
striking the Genetic and/or Economic Lottery is
paramount because it gives access to a lifestyle where
abundance is NEVER ending. Clearly, this appeals to the
vanity of 99% of the female population; however, 99%
of the male who believe in marriage also, believed they hit
the Lottery with their new mate without considering the
COSTS of tying the old NOOSE..I mean KNOT.

Like all business ventures Marriage and/or Parenthood
have COSTS but, men don't think in terms of Business
when dealing with their intimate relations and this is their
MISTAKE. As the old saying holds true, “NEVER mix
Business with pleasure” but, most Men FAIL this test.

It's clear today that Male -Female relations are now
and perhaps always been MONESTISED. In truth,
Wedded Bliss is fundamentally a Business Contract
between Men and Women for procreation purposes.
Not romantic but, then again, the truth isn't concerned
about feelings but just the facts as accurately presented..

Now, the pleasantry are over let's look at the benefit
of being and/or becoming a Business Entrepreneur
and not an Economic Mercenary. Being an entrepreneur
by definition is an Individual who goes his own way and
unwilling to be subservient to Corporate nor GOVT Masters.
Yes, this is what we call MGTOWS and for good
reason because FREEDOM is priceless and hard to
achieve when your Economic Survival is controlled
by another Individual and/or business entity.

One of the most effective ways to gain Economic
Control of your Freedom is to know your Magic Number.

Do you know your magic number ?

It's the amount you need to cover, before
everything else is gravy.
Look, 2-3 months you could have your
Online Income paying for all your expenses.
Everything you make above and beyond that,
goes towards building your wealth and legacy.
Here's what you want to think about covering:
* Mortgage/Rent
* Groceries
* Health
* Insurance
* Car payment/Insurance
* Credit Card
* Debt (min payments)
* School for kids?
* Utilities
* Internet/TV/Phone/Cell
Go ahead, add these up, and write down
what this number is.
It is vitally important to have a very concrete
reason to build passive income or you won't
do it.
Are you ready?
60 days from now your life can be completely
Imagine how you'd feel to be able to spend
more time with your kids and less time at
Go here <--- span="">
Watch and take notes...
Don't wait, take a leap of faith and decide you
want something better.
You can do this!
Talk soon.
Vaurn James

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Business: The Ultimate Sport For Champion Athletes not Losers

Business: The Ultimate Sport For Champion Athletes not Losers

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Business is the ultimate SPORT as per Billionaire
entrepreneur and owner of the Dallas Mavericks,
Mark Cuban. Now, who would know better about
generating Consistent, Predictable and Long-term
residual income than a guy who NEVER had
a job and began his career as a Salesman by selling
garbage bags door-to-door. Indeed, he didn't take
the easy route to financial success and freedom.

Mark Cuban began is training and owner of the
Dallas Sales is the highest Paid and Oldest
Profession in the World. Any challenge is foolhardy
because Selling is the conclusion of any and all
transactions between Individuals involving
product/services. However, the conduit is Marketing.

What kind of IDIOCY is this being presented as Truth?
After all, it's about the Money Lebowski, Cash is King
and it's all about the Benjamins; otherwise, why are you
in business? You don't want to be operating a Non-Profit
Agency which 95% of Marketers/Home Business owners
are achieving in their online enterprise not too encouraging.

Well, it's hard to believe but, there exists an old term that
holds TRUE and more importantly, an accurate measure of
your ability to close a sale. Have you heard the expression,
It's all in the Presentation” or “you get once chance to make
a first impression”. Think about it, how do you makes SALES?
The process is SIMPLE; however, different methods require
different skills that must be developed to attain success.

Ezine Marketing, Email Marketing, Cold-Calling, Videos,
Live Webcasts, Blogs, Banners, Online Ads, Search Engine
Marketing, Social Networking and Mobile Content, all are
established methods of online marketing designed to connect
with a desired Target Market. Again, how do you make SALES
with these different methods of connecting with the masses?

Well, Sales are the confirmation of a good Presentation or
Method of connecting with your customer who has a problem
and you attempt to bring VALUE to the equation by offering
them a SOLUTION to their problem. So, the focus is on the
PRESENTATION; therefore, how do you ensure a good showing?
Any idea? Well, the most effective way of converting a prospect
into a long-term customer is by Educating them about your
product/service and related benefits. Think about it, no hard-sell
nor the usual rubbish by fast-talking snake-oil Salesmen.

The goal behind marketing is to develop a Business Relationship
where TRUST is established and maintained for the long-term....
similar to Marriage (lol!!!!). Like Marriage it's not 50/50 but,
100/100 but, you are responsible for your own actions within
that relationship.

When you think about that bloody insane Institution called Marriage,
it's a business involving two Individuals who both Marketed and Sold
themselves to each other and the confirmation of the Sale was “Marriage”
or as I affectionately say, “Tying the Old Noose...I mean Knot”. Like
any successful Relationship TRUST is vital; otherwise, no consummation
of the the transaction. All transactions (monetary, personal, etc,) involve
commerce and Marketing is the conduit that facilitates the process.

So, Marketing is involved in everything because as a consumer-
based society it's symbiotic partner “SALES” completes the marriage.

So, when you see advertising about a product or service on a bill-board,
Idiot Box, Bus, Internet, child's lunch box or any other method you can
dream up it's important to remember different Methods connect effectively
with different people.

Vaurn James is the Owner of Check us out anytime for
marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Attraction Marketing…. Key To Success with Females and Business.

Attraction Marketing…. Key To Success with Females and Business.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James

Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE

215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Attraction MARKETING……how can it improve your success
with the opposite gender and Business?

Well, let’s remember Attraction Marketing is the Art & Science of
Empowering, Communicating and Connecting with others based
upon their needs.

Yeah, it’s about connecting with others through Relationship Building,
which is the foundation for both building a successful business and
developing long-term personal relations with others.

So, if you find yourself to be lonely on a Friday or Saturday night then,
it would seem that you can improve your odds of success by increasing
your VALUE as a potential mate by providing a SOLUTION to any of
the problems or needs of those you desire.

One of the critical factors in Attracxtion Marketing is providing Educational
material that informs potential clients about the benefits and most importantly,
SOLUTION provided in your product/services. In essence, you want an
educated consumer who feels confident in your abilities and increases the
chance for a long-term relationship.

So, do you possess or developed the qualities that make you Attractive to your
Target Market? If not then, you have a lot of work ahead because CHANGE
is a double-edge sword of both FEAR and SUCCCES. Despite, Change
being a guaranteed constant people, generally try to avoid it because of the
unknown and increases FEAR. Ironically, fear also, prevents SUCCESS,
which often was the impetus for the need to change in the first place.

You cannot achieve success in the same body and mindset, that previously
provided Self-Limiting Thoughts/Beliefs, unless you’re prepared to change YOURSELF!!!!!.

Alright, if you’re receptive to change then, it’s recommended you do the following
things, which not only make you more appealing to the opposite Gender, but also,
Help build a success BUSINESS.

  • Increase your VALUE
  • Become the leader others are looking for
  • Eliminate your negative mindset/self-limiting beliefs
  • Relationship Build based upon the needs of your consumers
  • Develop a Millionaire Mindset (success driven thought process)
  • Increase your self-confidence as a MAN/Women
  • Substantiate to others why you’re the BEST candidate
  • Market yourself with POSTURE & not DESPERATION
  • Maintain personal integrity
  • Reject candidates who are Tire Biters/Tire Kickers.

So, are you ready to focus your thoughts on Success as compared to
Loneliness? If yes, then, I invite you to review the following information:

Vaurn James - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Join The Worlds Oldest Profession: Its Incredibly Profitable!!

Join The Worlds Oldest Profession: Its Incredibly Profitable!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Indeed SALES or Selling is the World's
Oldest and most profitable profession in
the World, because it has existed since
Homosapien evolved on this planet
known as Earth and continues to evolve.

Now, you may initially thought via the
the blog title I was referring to Prostitution
and I understand your thinking but, you
would be wrong. After all, Prostitution is
the exchange of Money for “S-E-X” and
by that definition Marriage and Dating
are no different than marketing one's
body in exchange for financial
compensation (it's entreprenuerism).

In fact, when you tie the Old Noose, I mean,
KNOT, you engage in the act of “SELLING”
yourself to another individual to partner in a
business called Marriage. Needless to say,
marriage isn't a business venture that has a
great success rate but, society continues to
sell the image of Husband, Wife, 1.8 Children
and a dog, to the masses to generate
revenue through Taxes. Not very romantic
but, neither is a lifetime commitment.

Now, what is SALES? Well, allow me to
provide a copy righted definition, “Selling
is an act in completion of a commercial activity.
Selling is the way that you help customers to
buy products and services from your business.
You need to be able to meet the needs of your
customers and provide value for money solutions”.

So, are you ready to increase your VALUE
and Skills as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur
and generate Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term
Residual income for Yourself?

If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information and
eliminate any Self Destructive Conduct that is costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in the MLM Cemetery.

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Wealthy People Always Network: Are You Doing The Same?

Want to generate consistent, predictable and long-term residual income like wealthy people? If yes, then, you have to follow certain principles that ensure wealth-generation.
Wealthy people are generally entrepreneurial and seek opportunities to invest their money in ventures that will yield a positive return on their investment. One of the ways they do it is by team building or networking with other like-minded people, who share the same vision, philosophy of financial prosperity and willingness to take calculated risks to achieve success.

In truth, the wealthy work with others because they recognize the importance of strength in numbers, which increases the probability of success as compared to going it alone, which increases the probability of failure. Billionaire J. Paul Getty, once said, “I would rather profit from 1% of the efforts of 100 people rather than 100% of my own efforts”. Obviously, Getty knew something about wealth-generation, but more importantly, he knew the importance of working with others, because strength in numbers reduces risk and increases the probability of success.

Now, are you networking or building a team of entrepreneurs who share the same vision of success that you possess or are you doing it all by yourself? If you go it alone then, be prepared to spend more money out of your pockets because your risk has increased exponentially. Why shoulder the burden of your home business opportunity, when you can benefit from the efforts of an entire global online community that receives solid training and support from an Internet multi-millionaire?

Are you receptive to benefiting from the collective efforts of a 65+ professionally trained Global Monitor Network that closes sales for its dealers 24/7? Hey, that is correct, our monitors will close sales for you and put money in your pockets, while you are asleep, attending church, working or on vacation. Why try to operate your business 24/7, when you have a ready-made team of like-minded people, who are ready to work for you?.

Well, you now see why the wealthy continue to reign supreme, because they connect with others, so as to leverage their efforts and investment by working with others, while the average broke Richard (Dick) does things unilaterally and generates no return on his investment.

Ready to change your philosophy of going it alone and ready to work with others? If yes, then, I invite you to our next Live webcast presentation:

Vaurn James

Worldprofit Consultant

215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196