Saturday, June 27, 2009

Poverty Mindset: You Can’t Help The Poor if, You’re One of Them

No, I don’t mean your financial status, but more,
you’re emotional, spiritual and skill development.
Success is an internal process; therefore, those
who have achieved it in any endeavor have made
a significant investment in identifying their shortfalls
and continue to make the required improvements to
achieve prosperity in any capacity.

Do you suffer from a Poverty Mindset and has
it prevented you from improving the overall,
quality of your life? Now, if, the term is
unfamiliar then, allow me to explain, a
“Poverty Mindset” refers to an individual’s
thought process that is self-limiting and entrenched
in negativity, where as the individual’s conduct
over time reinforces his/her own negative condition.

Do you know people, who have self-limiting beliefs,
engage in negative self-talk, engage in foolish spending,
and avoid interacting with prosperity-minded people?
If yes, then, these individuals no doubt are operating a
Non-Profit Agency that is destined for the MLM

Now, the antithesis of a Poverty Mindset is
a Millionaire Mindset, which is a thought
process that doesn’t allow for excuses, but
seeks solutions to problems. Hey, providing
a solution to a prospect/customer’s problem is
the basis of receiving Consistent, Predictable
and Long-Term Residual income (Getting, Paid).

So, the genesis of wealth-generation is a
process that begins six inches between your
ears and expands to your feelings and desire to
become more spiritually enriched, so as to create
a WIN-WIN situation for all.

Now, are you ready to destroy that self-induced
deadly VIRUS that keeps you poor? Are you
ready to dump that Toxic asset that perpetuates
fear and certain failure? Are you ready to bring
VALUE to your customers/prospects?

More importantly, are you ready to leave
your Comfort Zone and start investing in
yourself by increasing your knowledge
and marketing skills, so as to Reinvent
yourself from pauper to prosperous? If yes,
then, the process begins now by starting to
learn the basics of marketing by developing
your Lead Generation skills, so as to have
massive leads, who call about your opportunity?
If, you’re receptive to this option then, I invite
you to review our information below:

Get paid to generate leads and put new distributors into
your business. Become the hunted instead of the hunter.
Free Video Series!

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How To Generate UNLIMITED Leads & Traffic: Yeah, You Don’t Know It Yet!!!

So, you want to generate high volume quality leads for
your enterprise; however, the money is very tight and
the leads already purchased have been worthless as
indicated by the following facts:

· Prospect is now dead
· Prospect is a minor
· Prospect has no money
· Prospect has to make $50,000 in 30 days to keep avoid foreclosure of home.

At this time your desperate and feel your operating a
Non-Profit Agency that is destined for the MLM
Cemetery. The traditional methods of marketing
that worked in the past (cold-calling, purchasing leads,
Safelists, flyers door –to-door, leaving your business
card in books at Barnes & Noble) have become
obsolete. In addition, but more importantly, people
hate being “SOLD”. Yep, customers and prospects
view selling as a form of “MANIPULATION” and
“CONVINCIING”. Obviously, not the best way to
extract (I mean, earn) money from someone who
may or may not require your product/service.

Alright, old skool isn’t effective so, what’s the
alternative or better yet, what’s the solution?
Well, the people who are making the money and
generating massive leads call it, “Attraction
Marketing”. Attraction Marketing is basically,
providing your customer/prospect a solution
to their problem by leading them the process
and not selling. Seems simple, but old sales
techniques of overcoming objections and
timed offers reinforces the image of salesman
as a Quick Buck Artist, ready to skip town
once he has your money.

Want to be successful in your marketing efforts?
If yes, then, as Rick “Nature Boy” Flair, would say,
“it’s time to go to skool”. You need to acquire the
knowledge to better market your business to the
masses. So, are you ready to access the Essential
Tools, Training & Traffic? If yes, then, I invite you
to register for our Fr**ee Bootcamp training program.
The apex of online training and support business awaits
your response:

Remember bringing VALUE to your target market is
Critical because you want your product/service to sell
itself. Hence, the essence of Attraction Marketing.

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Want Fresh Daily Leads & Traffic: Learn How In Our Bootcamp

Success of any kind is an internal process; hence, it’s
critical to examine and identify your shortcomings,
which prevent you from achieving your goal. So, what
are you doing that keeps you from generating LEADS?

Want to learn how to generate fresh quality leads
for your enterprise? If yes, then, the process begins
now by developing your skills, increasing your
knowledge, learning effective tactics and incorporating
them into a solid strategy designed for UNLIMITED

Old skool tactics (contacting as many prospects as possible
with your ad) that worked 3-years ago are no longer
effective because people are wiser and more importantly,
more skeptical about online business opportunities. Hence,
marketers have to provide more VALUE to their target
market because in the current economy competition is
tougher and dollars are fewer.

So, are you ready to bring more Value to your target market
or become like 95 % of all other marketers, who pitch their
primary opportunity and eventually, end up operating a
Non-Profit Agency? Oh yes, because of your Non-Profit
status you will successfully secure your reservation in
the MLM Cemetery. Yes, the final resting place for all
the “broke Dicks” (I mean, broke Richards).

If, you believe in Free Market Economics and wealth-generation
then, it’s imperative to invest in the most important asset within
your financial arsenal and this is YOURSELF. Now, it’s time to
begin our 7-day Bootcamp Training Program for Lead- generation.

Mike Dillard, the creator of Magnetic Sponsoring, verbalized that
people make choices based upon two critical factors “VALUE”
and “STATUS”. People who bring value to any market not
only are well compensated, but their status is elevated, which
again, increases their value and enables them to attract more
prospects to their opportunity. Yes, Attraction Marketing 101

Since, your way of marketing is clearly failing, why not
learn from an expert, who has a proven system that has
assisted others, in generating consistent, predictable and
long-term residual income.

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Sunday, June 7, 2009

You Drew Two Pairs of Aces & Eights: That’s Why Luck or Bad Luck Isn’t Bankable

Professionals never rely on luck because it’s a quality
that can’t be quantified, monetized or controlled. Now,
don’t get me wrong it’s nice to have, but it’s about as
reliable as the current global economy which isn’t saying
much. So, if generating consistent, predictable and long
-term residual income is your objective then, let’s take
another approach that is reliable and proven to be

You don’t want a Dead man’s Hand for obvious reasons.
So, let’s make the odds more in your favour and we can
accomplish this task by identifying the essential components
required for operating a SUCCESSFUL business, which
consist of the following: Tools, Training, Traffic and
Live Monitor Network (we help close your sales).

Our Online Business Support Company is definitely
motivated to assist online businesses like YOURS to
become more efficient, customer-centered and again,
PTOFITABLE. Oh yes, it’s critical to ask your
customers the following questions:

· Have you ever considered becoming an entrepreneur (obviously, yes)?
· How would $500- $2500 or more monthly change the quality for your life?
· Do you have vehicle to achieve your financial dreams?
· Have you ever been mentored by millionaires?
· Are you serious about becoming wealthy or hopefully, a millionaire?
· Would you like to receive more information?

Alright, valuable information has been presented and now it’s decision time.

To learn more, click on the following link:

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196