Saturday, June 20, 2009

How To Generate UNLIMITED Leads & Traffic: Yeah, You Don’t Know It Yet!!!

So, you want to generate high volume quality leads for
your enterprise; however, the money is very tight and
the leads already purchased have been worthless as
indicated by the following facts:

· Prospect is now dead
· Prospect is a minor
· Prospect has no money
· Prospect has to make $50,000 in 30 days to keep avoid foreclosure of home.

At this time your desperate and feel your operating a
Non-Profit Agency that is destined for the MLM
Cemetery. The traditional methods of marketing
that worked in the past (cold-calling, purchasing leads,
Safelists, flyers door –to-door, leaving your business
card in books at Barnes & Noble) have become
obsolete. In addition, but more importantly, people
hate being “SOLD”. Yep, customers and prospects
view selling as a form of “MANIPULATION” and
“CONVINCIING”. Obviously, not the best way to
extract (I mean, earn) money from someone who
may or may not require your product/service.

Alright, old skool isn’t effective so, what’s the
alternative or better yet, what’s the solution?
Well, the people who are making the money and
generating massive leads call it, “Attraction
Marketing”. Attraction Marketing is basically,
providing your customer/prospect a solution
to their problem by leading them the process
and not selling. Seems simple, but old sales
techniques of overcoming objections and
timed offers reinforces the image of salesman
as a Quick Buck Artist, ready to skip town
once he has your money.

Want to be successful in your marketing efforts?
If yes, then, as Rick “Nature Boy” Flair, would say,
“it’s time to go to skool”. You need to acquire the
knowledge to better market your business to the
masses. So, are you ready to access the Essential
Tools, Training & Traffic? If yes, then, I invite you
to register for our Fr**ee Bootcamp training program.
The apex of online training and support business awaits
your response:

Remember bringing VALUE to your target market is
Critical because you want your product/service to sell
itself. Hence, the essence of Attraction Marketing.

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196