Thursday, October 30, 2014

You Want Wealth and Not Money: Ask Former Millionaire Athletes

You Want Wealth and Not Money: Ask Former Millionaire Athletes

Are American Athletes the worst Economists around
in Professional Sports? Despite being rewarded with contracts
that easily enter 10 digits many have declared Chapter 11...Yes,
11not 7 because high performance athletics is Big Business
globally and athletes are likewise individualised Corporate Entities least, for Branding and Marketing purposes. In truth, Business
is the ultimate True Sport; however, many athletes have PROVEN to
be unprepared to enter, participate and WIN in the “Business of
Professional Sports”.

Unfortunately, for many athletes of Today and recent past FAILED
at “Getting Money Right”. In fact, many of them ironically
developed a “Poverty Mindset” and not what was needed for victory
a “Champion Mindset”.

Many of these superstars thought like Champions to WIN Championships
for their team; yet, thought like Failures despite possessing millions
in dollars and access to unlimited resources to maintain and increase their
own Wealth..presuming they thought Wealth and not Death.

Hard to believe but, not really when you think about it many of
these athletes developed a “Lottery Mentality”...they hit the jackpot
but, lacked the qualities and guidance needed to “Build” and “Grow”
their own financial empire after they retire from Sports.

Here's a Basic Lesson of Economics, if an Individual WINS
$50 Million dollars but, FAILS to develop a Mindset equal
so as to manage or learn to mange that money then, that Money
is useless and eventually wasted by it's owner. This is why
College/University opportunities should not be wasted.

So, as a Marketer/Home business owner are you ready to learn
and develop the right MINDSET needed to build wealth and
not rely on luck? If yes, then, please review our information:

Publisher: Vaurn James's Home Business Report

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sales: It's Your Business

Sales: It's Your Business

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

Sales is the highest Paid and Oldest Profession in the World.
Any challenge is foolhardy because Selling is the conclusion
of any and all transactions between Individuals involving
product/services. However, the conduit is Marketing.

What kind of IDIOCY is this being presented as Truth?
After all, it's about the Money Lebowski, Cash is King
and it's all about the Benjamins; otherwise, why are you
in business? You don't want to be operating a Non-Profit
Agency which 95% of Marketers/Home Business owners
are achieving in their online enterprise not too encouraging.

Well, it's hard to believe but, there exists an old term that
holds TRUE and more importantly, an accurate measure of
your ability to close a sale. Have you heard the expression,
“It's all in the Presentation” or “you get once chance to make
a first impression”. Think about it, how do you makes SALES?
The process is SIMPLE; however, different methods require
different skills that must be developed to attain success.
Ezine Marketing, Email Marketing, Cold-Calling, Videos,
Live Webcasts, Blogs, Banners, Online Ads, Search Engine
Marketing, Social Networking and Mobile Content, all are
established methods of online marketing designed to connect
with a desired Target Market. Again, how do you make SALES
with these different methods of connecting with the masses?

Well, Sales are the confirmation of a good Presentation or
Method of connecting with your customer who has a problem
and you attempt to bring VALUE to the equation by offering
them a SOLUTION to their problem. So, the focus is on the
PRESENTATION; therefore, how do you ensure a good showing?
Any idea? Well, the most effective way of converting a prospect
into a long-term customer is by Educating them about your
product/service and related benefits. Think about it, no hard-sell
nor the usual rubbish by fast-talking snake-oil Salesmen.

The goal behind marketing is to develop a Business Relationship
where TRUST is established and maintained for the long-term....
similar to Marriage (lol!!!!). Like Marriage it's not 50/50 but,
100/100 but, you are responsible for your own actions within
that relationship.

When you think about that bloody insane Institution called Marriage,
it's a business involving two Individuals who both Marketed and Sold
themselves to each other and the confirmation of the Sale was “Marriage”
or as I affectionately say, “Tying the Old Noose...I mean Knot”. Like
any successful Relationship TRUST is vital; otherwise, no consummation
of the the transaction. All transactions (monetary, personal, etc,) involve
commerce and Marketing is the conduit that facilitates the process.

So, Marketing is involved in everything because as a consumer-
based society it's symbiotic partner “SALES” completes the marriage.

So, when you see advertising about a product or service on a bill-board,
Idiot Box, Bus, Internet, child's lunch box or any other method you can
dream up it's important to remember different Methods connect effectively
with different people.

Vaurn James is the Owner of .
Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Want Our Scholarship Package: It's Money In The Bank

Want Our Scholarship Package: It's Money In The Bank
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report

Publisher: Vaurn James

Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE

215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Building a successful home business is your goal;
however, achieving and maintaining its longevity
is an essential component of developing the
SKILLS that are required for your SUCCESS.

Skills are what count in Building a Home Business
but, how do you develop and implement them so as
to generate Consistent, Predictable and Long-term
Residual Income?

Well, the SOLUTION is simple; however, for most
there exists a bsic barrier MONEY. Yes, the old saying,
“It takes MONEY to male MONEY” and with the
continued global recession for the last 8-years “Money
Growing on Tress” continues to be a rarity for most.

Anyway, the SOLUTION to the problem of financing
is found in Micro-Lans or Micro Financing? Yes, small
sums of money loaned to entrepreneurs to create the
opportunity to operate a successful business and more
importantly, help alleviate POVERTY and VIOLENCE
for those where a few hundred dollars can make a
significant difference in the lives of people.

Indeed. Microfinancing began in impoversihed
countries like Bangladesh and India so as to assist
women to care for thermselves and their children.

Now, the concept is being implemented in the West and
Network Marketing companies like Worldprofit/IPAS2/
Enpower Network have begun employing a similar concept
and philosophy to attrac NEW customers and those
custiomers on a limited budget but, who still have the
desire to own and operate a business.
We call our Microfinaancing program the “Scholarship Package
which is designed to HELP those with limited finances to
create their own home business with a small investment.

NOW, the Scholarship Package is limited to only
5 People daily because tire-kickers outnumber
serious takers and we need to determine which one
You Are or Are Not?

Ready to learn from those who already Possess,
Refine and Execute those skills daily. If, this makes
sense and more importantly, are PROFITABLE then,
I invite you to examine our information. After all,
true Economic Independence begins between your

So, are you ready to increase your VALUE and Skills
as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur and generate
Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term Residual
income for Yourself?

If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information and
eliminate any Self Destructive Conduct that is costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in the MLM Cemetery.

Remember “MONEY TALKS” therefore NO MONEY...NO VOICE

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

We Prepare You to Succeed NOT FAIL In Business

We Prepare You to Succeed NOT FAIL In Business
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report

Publisher: Vaurn James

Access 250,000 Advertising Credits for FREE

215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196
Building a successful home business is your goal;
however, achieving and maintaining its longevity
is an essential component of developing the
SKILLS that are required for your SUCCESS.

Skills are what count in Building a Home Business
but, how do you develop and implement them so as
to generate Consistent, Predictable and Long-term
Residual Income?

Well, the SOLUTION is simple, learn from those
who already Possess, Refine and Execute those skills
daily. If, this makes sense and more importantly, are
PROFITABLE then, I invite you to examine our
information. After all, true Economic Independence
begins with a MINDSET that embraces and most
importantly, believes in Personal Development and
avoids Governmental Dependence because it OFTEN
limits Growth.

Indeed, it's about growing and improving because
Success and Failure are symbiotic; therefore, you
must prepare for both. Don't believe me just ask
The Kansas City Royals vs San Francisco Giants
in the 2014 World Series 7-Game Championship.

When you think about Business it is the greatest Sport
in the World and also, reflects the true challenges you
encounter throughout life. You can be at the TOP and
then, at the Bottom within a nanosecond.

So, are you ready to begin your Training to develop your
Champion Mindset or maintain Poverty Mindset? The
decision is yours; however, successful entrepreneurs
avoid what I affectionately call the MLM Cemetery where
DEAD dealers reside. I trust this isn't you and if, yes,
then you need to change RIGHT NOW; otherwise, why
are you here? I presume you want to be successful in

As a Home Business Owner/entrepreneur your business is
about products/services that provide SOLUTIONS to
problems and presenting the benefits is key to your
success. Sales provides the opportunity to advance
in various areas of commerce that drive the global
economy. Why not, capitalize by becoming an entrepreneur.​

So, are you ready to increase your VALUE and Skills
as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur and generate
Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term Residual
income for Yourself?

If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information and
eliminate any Self Destructive Conduct that is costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in the MLM Cemetery.

(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved.