Saturday, June 27, 2009

Poverty Mindset: You Can’t Help The Poor if, You’re One of Them

No, I don’t mean your financial status, but more,
you’re emotional, spiritual and skill development.
Success is an internal process; therefore, those
who have achieved it in any endeavor have made
a significant investment in identifying their shortfalls
and continue to make the required improvements to
achieve prosperity in any capacity.

Do you suffer from a Poverty Mindset and has
it prevented you from improving the overall,
quality of your life? Now, if, the term is
unfamiliar then, allow me to explain, a
“Poverty Mindset” refers to an individual’s
thought process that is self-limiting and entrenched
in negativity, where as the individual’s conduct
over time reinforces his/her own negative condition.

Do you know people, who have self-limiting beliefs,
engage in negative self-talk, engage in foolish spending,
and avoid interacting with prosperity-minded people?
If yes, then, these individuals no doubt are operating a
Non-Profit Agency that is destined for the MLM

Now, the antithesis of a Poverty Mindset is
a Millionaire Mindset, which is a thought
process that doesn’t allow for excuses, but
seeks solutions to problems. Hey, providing
a solution to a prospect/customer’s problem is
the basis of receiving Consistent, Predictable
and Long-Term Residual income (Getting, Paid).

So, the genesis of wealth-generation is a
process that begins six inches between your
ears and expands to your feelings and desire to
become more spiritually enriched, so as to create
a WIN-WIN situation for all.

Now, are you ready to destroy that self-induced
deadly VIRUS that keeps you poor? Are you
ready to dump that Toxic asset that perpetuates
fear and certain failure? Are you ready to bring
VALUE to your customers/prospects?

More importantly, are you ready to leave
your Comfort Zone and start investing in
yourself by increasing your knowledge
and marketing skills, so as to Reinvent
yourself from pauper to prosperous? If yes,
then, the process begins now by starting to
learn the basics of marketing by developing
your Lead Generation skills, so as to have
massive leads, who call about your opportunity?
If, you’re receptive to this option then, I invite
you to review our information below:

Get paid to generate leads and put new distributors into
your business. Become the hunted instead of the hunter.
Free Video Series!

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

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