Sunday, August 30, 2009

Suffering From Rickets of The Mind: Then, Learn How To Market

Not making money with your current opportunity, due
to the fact, you have no bloody idea how to motivate
people to purchase your product/service? Are you
spending more money to the point you’re actually
operating a non-profit organization that will ensure
your permanent placement in the MLM Cemetery?.
If yes, then, it’s time to go to Skool, OLD SKOOL to
learn the fundamentals of your business, which you
believe is your opportunity, but you’re wrong.

Contrary to popular belief your “home business
opportunity” isn’t your business. Nope, your real
business is MARKETING. Want to generate
consistent, predictable and long-term residual
income, with any and all your opportunities? If
yes, then, MARKETING is the key to your financial

Firstly, before we proceed I want you to examine your
mindset and determine if it’s a Millionaire Mindset or
Poverty Mindset? Success of any kind always begins
six inches between your ears; therefore, self-limiting
thoughts/beliefs (Poverty Mindset) will guarantee
immediate failure. Now, a Millionaire Mindset,
is one that doesn’t accept excuses and seeks a solution
to a problem. Get the picture, which one are U?

Remember, Marketing involves work and the strongest
muscle you possesses to execute the work is your mind;
therefore, it must be well-nourished, exercised daily and
prepared to learn different things to achieve a goal or
solve a problem. A malnourished mind lacks the ability
to see beyond it’s own limitations, because in truth we
see with our Mind (brain) and not with our eyes.

So, are you connecting with your target market? How
effective are your marketing skills? How many different
marketing techniques have you mastered and employed
to create a WIN-WIN situation for all parties involved?
Are you meeting the needs or providing a solution for
your prospects? If not, it’s time to learn from the pros
how to make money by providing an affordable, but
useful product that helps others put money into their

Hey, how about training that teaches novice marketers
about effective marketing? Since, you’re operating an
Internet Marketing Business it only makes sense to pass
on critical information and knowledge to your prospects
so they can learn about the different nuances of marketing
as indicated by the following:

· Internet marketing strategy
· How marketing affects society
· What is direct marketing?
· What is marketing
· Marketing planning
· Marketing blunders

Ready to begin the process and learn more about
Making your business a profitable venture and
providing your prospects VALUE for their investment?

Vaurn James
Worldprofit Consultant
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

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