Saturday, March 14, 2015

Blogger Relations-Connecting With Your Peers

Blogger relations is: "The process of connecting with peers and your audience to develop relevant content that illustrates your message and brand through content and responsiveness."
Blogger relations is not all about the pitch, though. You can't just go barging in on someone else's blog and start pitching your wares. You will not be welcome even if your wares are related to the blog. At first, that is.
What you need to do is read, read, and read some more to get the feeling of the blog and those who are posting on that blog. Then you need to start participating and posting yourself. You need to become a part of the "community" you want to pitch well before any pitching goes on.
One word of caution, though, make sure you are relevant to the the blog you are pitching, or want to pitch. Too many times blogs get pitched and have nothing to do with the pitch whatsoever.
To get a good idea of the topic of the blog, look back at the previous posts and the categories of topics discussed. If your pitch differs from any of these then do not embarrass yourself by trying to pitch that particular blog. Move on and find one that your pitch will be compatible with.
After you have done some research into what the blog is all about and you feel it is a good fit you still need to become involved and part of that blog community before doing any pitching.
You also need to be up front about who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. Make relevant posts and try to become valuable in that community.
When the time is right to pitch the blog, make it as easy as possible for the bloggers to get to your full story. Summarize your pitch and provide a link to the full information.
This allows the bloggers to access your information at their leisure and also makes it easier for them to repost your information so others can have a chance to access it as well.
If your pitch includes a hard copy report or a book you want reviewed, do not hesitate to send it along. You will most likely get a mention in the blog about your book and a recommendation, be it a good or bad one. Bloggers like schwag. It helps build that all important relationship you want.
You have done your research into the blog and you have built the relationship carefully and now are part of that community. You have people who like and respect you and the information you have provided and your pitches are welcome any time. This is how you successfully cultivate good working relationships.
Go ahead and start on another blog but make sure you do it the same way you did this one. Blogger relations is becoming one of the best ways to get you information out there. Treat it just like any other word of mouth advertising and you will definitely benefit.

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Republished with author's permission.

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