Sunday, May 17, 2015

Poverty Mindset: A Generational Virus of The Poor

Poverty Mindset: A Generational Virus of The Poor
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
215-728-4905 or 1-800-417-0196

In the immortal words of my old mate
T.S. Elliot,

Success is relative. It is what we make of the
mess we have made of things.”

Alright, what does this quote have anything to
do with making money online with a Home
Business? Well, a lot because it suggest if,
one is Successful then, he/she developed a
MINDSET that recognizes the importance of
making progress albeit small if necessary to
achieve a greater goal.

Oh yes, Tag-A-Long relatives will also, try to
attach themselves to your FAME and PROFIT
from your Success because guilt is an effective weapon

Now, many Poor and Middle-class are the same
people who suffer from a Poverty Mindset; yet,
when things go well for a relative then, they're on
the bandwagon with their bloody hands out despite,
their past skepticism and mocking of the relative
who attempted to make things better for himself/herself.

Do you recognise that Marriage and/or Parenthood are both
Businesses. If not then, you're already in TROUBLE ,
because both generates Billions of Dollars for Courts,
Attorneys, Forensic Psychologists and other experts
needed in judicial hearings. Additionally, marriage is a
P-O-N-Z-I Scheme because it's business enterprise
endorsed by GOVT, but costs more to LEAVE than to
start. Needless to say, such a business leads to POVERTY.

Clearly, those in the legal profession and their adjuncts
are the antithesis of those with a Poverty Mindset and
more Millionaire in Mindset. They play to WIN by going
back and forth to court to keep generating legal fees so as
to remind clients they get as much justice as they can AFFORD.

Unfortunately, people with a Poverty Mindset don't pass-
down Generational Wealth but, Generational Poverty
because the STRUGGLE has become a source of PRIDE.
The funny thing about PRIDE is one can have too much and
refuse to relinquish it even when it's costing you everything.
Ever notice how many Inner-city families are generational
recipients of monthly GOVT maintenance, while having no
MALE presence within the home. Now, the family is the basic
Economic Unit for all communities; however, when the
family is absent a paternal leader then, the structure is
broken and dependence on GOVT is all guaranteed
for both women and their children. Needless to say, when
a partnership is missing half its leadership then, you are
essentially operating a Non-Profit Agency and destined for
the MLM Cemetery for Dead Dealers.

Unfortunately in our technologically advanced world FEAR
id being SOLD by those in POWER and those on the lower
tier of the SES Ladder have embraced this belief system and
passed it down the Generational Ladder where Learned
Helplessness is considered NORMAL. Ironically, the Law
of Attraction is working negatively for those who embrace
a Poverty Mindset. As the Law of Attraction goes you must
Believe before you Receive.

Your thoughts create your Self-Image so
be careful of the way you THINK.

Are you ready to access the essential Tools, Training,
Traffic and Resources to become Profitable Home
Business owner? If yes, then, I invite you to review
our information:

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