Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Ultimate Gift for Mom: Financial Freedom

The Ultimate Gift for Mom: Financial Freedom
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
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Well, it's Mother's Day (Okay 3-days later)
and time to honour the OLD GIRL, who
gave birth to you and plays a pivotal role in
the SUCCESS of your later life just ask her.
Oh yes, your FATHER; likewise, deserves
the same Honour and Respect on June 16th
2015, despite less MEDIA and Corporate
advertising on TV and Online.

Anyway, time to get down to business and
demonstrate the ultimate form of L-O-V-E
for one's PARENT...learn how its done.

Now, the research suggest that rearing a
child from birth into adulthood (18-years old)
costs approximately $250,000 dollars and
the cost continues to increase yearly. Yes,
you are worth the cost but, what about Dear
Old Mom? She and the Old Man could
use that money for their retirement.

How about offering Mom the ultimate
Mother's Day gift and I don't mean a card
with Chocolates and roses. No, give
her the means to retrieve the investment
cost of rearing YOU and your siblings.

Give Mom and Father (don't forget him)
access to the essential Tools, Training,
Traffic and Resources needed to
generate, Consistent, Predictable and
Long-term Residual Income in the
Information/Computer and Knowledge global
Economy. START on May 12th 2015....maybe

Oh yes, since Father's Day is shortly after
Mother's Day give the Old Man a special offer
if, he purchases “NOW”. REMIND pops that
Marriage in many ways is the antithesis of
Home Business and practically a P-O-N-Z-I
Scheme but, since he already “Tied The Noose”
it's best he have a backup plan in the event of
Divorce, which is likely in today's reality.

Behind every great man is a man greater,
his father.” 
― Habeeb Akande

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