Saturday, July 11, 2015

MGTOW & Home Business: Best Relationship Option for Men

Every entrepreneur who is obsessed with success 
embraces the Daily Quick Start Challenge's Home Business Report
Publisher: Vaurn James
215-728-4905 05 1-800-417-0196

Marriage is GOVT., sanctioned P-O-N-Z-I
scheme where Lawyers can steal more
money with a briefcase than a thousand men
with guns and masks”....... Vaurn James &
Don Corleone

Now, you heard the saying, “friends don't let friends
drive drunk?”. Well, “REAL friends don't left friends
get married”. This is especially true for men, because
Marriage and Fatherhood are businesses for Women
and Govt to collectively extract resources from men
once, the business relationship (Marriage and/or
Fatherhood) no longer benefits the woman. Indeed,
sounds like True Love..”NOT”. It's about Business.

Now, in the immortal words of the rock band Fleetwood Mac,
“Go Your Own Way” and that's what many MEN are doing,
they are “Men Going Their Own Way” or better known as
MGTOW. Yes, the movement is growing, the reasons are
CLEAR and the benefits are OBVIOUS. Now, what does
MGTOW and Home Business have in common that would
make it a symbiotic relationship? Well, the main benefits
are as follows:

  • Economic Independence,
  • Self Development,
  • Male self-discovery
  • Relationship Building (business contacts NOT Women) .
  • “No Man is FREE who is not master of himself”

One of the outstanding benefits of MGTOW is the quest
and support for financial independence and learning about
the Science of Money. MGTOWS like Tom Leykis,
Tommy Sotomayor and Vention MGTOW, often share
information about the importance of saving, investing and
limiting costs by AVOIDING things like marriage, girlfriends
and children. A sad reality for many men reared by single
mums are they often possess a Poverty Mindset that
frequently leads to further poor decisions that cripple
themselves financially (Child-support & Alimony).
Recently, it was allegedly that celebrities like rapper
DMX and former NBA basketball star Latrell Sprewel,
have suffered severe financial hardships despite
signing contracts worth several millions of dollars.
Unfortunately, a Poverty Mindset minus remains with
many men of colour, while absent the Champion Mindset
that is about learning, making adjustments and overcoming

Now, the traditional route many men take in Life is to tie
the Old Noose...I mean Knot and become a husband/Father;
however, both institutions are now Businesses & Monestised
for the benefit of Women and the State. Think about it logically,
“when you marry then, you invite the State the tool women
use to Control and Coerce men into your life to such a degree
that's it impossible to say you are pursuing your own male
identity and quest for sovereignty”.

“Because you signed a Legal Contract then, it's easier for the
woman to call upon the State to inflict violence via proxy
if, she doesn't agree with your quest for male sovereignty
via extraction of your resources and personal freedom”.
Remember, “the more female control you let into your
life then, less you you are able to enjoy the pleasure of

Ask yourself the question is the Business of Marriage &
Fatherhood worthwhile investments? Well, from a male
perspective the answer is increasingly “NO” due to
current Gender-Bias Laws that treat men unfairly. So, let's
look at anther alternative to Women and Children, that
appeals to men. Yes, Money and Power which ironically
is the ultimate Aphrodisiac that attracts women. Want
Money and Power then, Home Business provides the ideal
opportunity for men who want to AVOID Female and
GOVT Control of their lives. If, this appeals to you then,
continue to read this information.

In some ways Marriage has evolved into a Home Business
where after the divorce long-term residual income is still
generated in the form of Alimony (Temporary,
Rehabilitative & Permanent). Imagine, continued
payment to a former partner years after the separation.
Clearly, not a wise investment for any intelligent
businessman because you are reeving no current VALUE.
So, as a MGTOW how about a Business Relationship
where you develop an Intimate- Partnership with
customers/clients because you recognise the benefits
of a WIN-WIN situation, while bypassing the
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Marriage and eventual, Divorce.

Now, “You, are your business and you represent what
your business is all about” ; therefore, Success or
Failure is all based on you and nobody else. Makes
sense; therefore, investing in yourself to become a
better businessman is critical to your survival.

So, are you ready to increase your VALUE and Skills
as a Home Business owner/entrepreneur and generate
Consistent, Predictable and Long-Term Residual
income for Yourself and not your former partner?
Ready to engage in self development by critiquing the
pros and cons about yourself that makeup your character
and who you are as an individual?

If yes, then, I invite you to examine our information and
eliminate any Self Limiting Beliefs that are costing you
Money and accelerating YOUR arrival in the MLM Cemetery.

Oh yes, since attorneys are involved in Marriages
the following famous quote should always be kept
in mind, "“We are all honorable men here, we do
not have to give each other assurances as if we
were lawyers.”
Mario Puzo,
The Godfather

A young man married is a man that's marr'd.
(All's Well That Ends Well 2.3.297)

(C) 2015 All Rights Reserved.

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